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Foreign Desires

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    Foreign Desires

    Right, so to start of Im brand new to this whole Long distance relationship thing.

    A little about myself,
    Im 19 year old guy from England, 20 soon, I work for the Police and Love my job. I have been out of work for 2 months with a chest operation. I starting playing a video game to keep me occupied, ( World of warcraft if you must know! ) Met this girl who lives in Sweden, Shes 18 and goes to College, speaks perfect English (Unlike me ;P) and who also plays the game. We started talking on Skype and realised we have pretty much every thing in common, from music, to ambitions etc etc. Then it started to be 5 hours a day talking and just exchanging storys. I know from a males point of view it may seem strange, but altho I never met her, ive fallen in love with her. Shes funny, smart, gets on well with my awful attempt at being funny and ridiculously beautiful, I dont know how it has happened, but its just so different to the other girls I have been on dates with before. We still skype all the time even at her college. She feels exactally the same as me and this seems like some fantasy Disney film. Thankfully we have arranged a date to meet in Sweden in the new year which we cant wait for. Im really asking if Long distance relationships work ? Im amazed I have found someone so Amazing over the internet, and if anything would of been the last person to fall victim to it. I want to make this work and if anyone has any basic personal advice it would be welcomed.


    There are more then a handful of people here that can vouch that long distance relationships work. They can be challenging and have their ups and downs but if both parties are willing to stick with it and communicate then it is very doable.


      They do work, but only if your willing to put a lot of effort in and a lot of trust. Its hard, as snow_girl said, but so worth it
      Good luck! feel free to pm me


        Well yes, they work, and here there are tons of stories to prove it. Long distance relationships, besides the fact that you don't have as much physical contact, are no less than any other relationship. Some work out, some don't, just like "close distance relationships" may or may not work.
        Some people here have met on the internet and fallen in love, just like in your case, others, like me, met their SO (heads up:it stands for "significant other, you'll see it a lot here) in person, fell in love, and then got separated for whatever reason. Everyone here wants to end the distance sooner or later, and until then they know they don't want to be with anyone else, but their partner, regardless how big the distance is.
        Long distance can work when the person you're in a relationship with is "the one", when that person is the perfect one for you, and you're just not in the perfect situation.
        To make things easier, regular communication, just like in any relationship, is the key. Talk talk talk, email, text if you can (if you both have smartphones there are some apps for free international texting that you will love), write letters if you're into the cheesy stuff, do whatever you can to remind her that she's on your mind and that she's worth it.

        Obviously, long distance sucks, being apart sucks, saying goodbye when a visit comes to an end sucks, but the person you're committed to is way worth it.

        By the way, welcome

        Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


          Yes they do work but it isn't easy. Trust and communication takes a lot of effort of maintaining the relationship.


            They definitely can work It's all about the strength of the relationship, and the effort you both put into it! And of course, how much you care about each other.
            I know mine's coming to a close, distance-wise, soon. My SO and I did LD between Canada and Ireland for a year and a half, and now we get to see each other almost every weekend And in just over 6 months, he will be moving here with me!

            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


              Brilliant, thanks for the quick replys, well, Im defo going to work at it and see where it takes me, Fate works in strange ways right?


                Hey! Welcome!
                well, this site is the proof that LDR do work!
                I did fell in love with someone through the internet and it's awesome. All I can say is that with effort and love everything is possible.


                  haha, well you are in a place full of people who think that they are real relationships and that they work. I think that they are harder than 'normal' relationships in someways but easier in others. Communication is key and it takes a lot of work to figure out when to talk and what the both of you want in general. But you have to work at it as trust isn't built over night.

                  But we are all her for support and advice anytime
                  Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                  I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                    First i had doubt, but then it works for over a year.... and its longer than some of my CD relations... it needs commitment, more than the CD and trust also a very good communication.

                    If you browse youtube, for the "first meet" videos you will see some of the LDR video that hahah made me weep because it so sweet.. most of them never met before, only online video games friend, or meet at facebook, skype.. msn.. but they did falling in love and met!

                    Congratulation on your relationship... and best wishes! ahh and welcome to LFAD!


                      Yes it does work. I was a skeptic at first but then he was very persistent I learned to trust and communicate.

                      LDRs can be hard but you know that this kind of relationship is the one that's strong and that lasts because it's not based on the physical aspect of a relationship. This is based on emotional and mental. So if you're a physical person, you might find it hard at first, but what I do is, I hug my pillow or my big teddy bear and I imagine it's him while we're on Skype. You'll be surprised to how imagination can actually make you feel it. Utilize all communication tools as possible - text, email, chat, skype, YM, AIM, AOL ... there are a LOT of communication tools nowadays but the best one for us is gchat and Skype.

                      Go for it! It's really worth it.
                      Nobody knows who I really am
                      Maybe they just don't give a damn
                      But if I ever need someone to come along
                      I know you would follow me, and keep me strong


                        Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                        There are more then a handful of people here that can vouch that long distance relationships work. They can be challenging and have their ups and downs but if both parties are willing to stick with it and communicate then it is very doable.
                        This pretty much sums it up.
                        I also met my SO online(US/UK relationship) so if you wanna talk, send me a PM.
                        Welcome to LFAD!

                        First Met Online: October 2010
                        First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
                        Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
                        First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
                        Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
                        Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
                        Engaged!: June 1, 2013
                        Picking out wedding dates now!


                          Yes it can work. I'm in a LDR for almost 1,5 years now. It's not always easy and we had doubts sometimes but we are still together


                            Long Distance Relationships can work, or not. Just the same as Close distance relationships.

                            Two people make a couple, if the two are comitted, in love, want it to work, and do their bests for it to work, them it most likely WILL WORK.

                            All the best for you, and post pictures after you meet her, we love seeing pictures of happy couples! (if you feel like sharing, that is)

                            ps: i wont share my story again, but if you want, just click on my signature and you can read it. so yeah, i am a proof it works.
                            our story.


                            02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                            "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                              Yes they do work, but it takes a lot more than your "normal" relationship. You need to trust each other, communicate a lot and be open and honest with one another. This site helps a lot I'd be going insane with out it, its given me so many ideas.
                              " There is always hope.

