Sud had some people come into his college the other day offering to help out with visas and try to set them up in a different county (which i know is important for chefs)
Today he got a phone call from them asking him about it, and they said they managed to set up 7 people in the UK alone last year, and he is looking very likely to get a visa and job here too because he has a lot of experience and some good references! He should get a call within a couple of weeks with info on it, and then he just has to confirm he wants to do it then they try and get him a job And chefs are in high demand in the UK atm due to the 2012 olympics
So we're really hoping that he gets this, then we wont have to do our complicated visa plan! Its looking hopeful, everyone keep your fingers, toes, and anything else you can crossed for us! This is out big chance to close the distance sooner than we hoped and easier!
Thought id share this news
Today he got a phone call from them asking him about it, and they said they managed to set up 7 people in the UK alone last year, and he is looking very likely to get a visa and job here too because he has a lot of experience and some good references! He should get a call within a couple of weeks with info on it, and then he just has to confirm he wants to do it then they try and get him a job And chefs are in high demand in the UK atm due to the 2012 olympics
So we're really hoping that he gets this, then we wont have to do our complicated visa plan! Its looking hopeful, everyone keep your fingers, toes, and anything else you can crossed for us! This is out big chance to close the distance sooner than we hoped and easier!
Thought id share this news