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Do you spoil them?

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    Do you spoil them?

    I know I spoil my SO a lot. Like for the holidays when I go to see him, not only am I going to see him but I plan to get him a cell phone so we can talk and text once I leave and send pictures ( if I have the money to do that ) and I even painted him a wooden R to hand on his door.

    I think I over spoil him tho because I don't get as spoiled XD but I'm fine with that, he gets me nice things when he can. like the locket he got me for my birthday ( see pic if you have yet to see it )

    Do you spoil them or do that spoil you?
    If so what all have you gotten them or what did they get you?
    " There is always hope.

    spoiling someone isnt about materialistic things, means way more than that.
    If we're talking about whether i've bought more things for him than him for me then yes i've bought him a fair few things. He doesnt liek shopping but he bought me a princess crown necklace (means so much to me). And eh...i just take his card when i go shopping so xD lol

    He definitely spoils me more than i spoil him. In my opinion anyway.


      He spoils me a lot more than I do him, but that was because for the first half of our relationship (pre long distance), he had a steady job and money to spend, while I had a driver's license and no job. So our deal was, I drove everywhere and he bought everything. XD

      Buuuut now that I've worked (yay summer jobs at fast food restaurants!) and I'm abroad, I keep seeing things that I just HAVE to get him. It helps that when I next see him it will be Christmas followed by our anniversary, so I have motivation to buy him things.

      At this point I'd say he still spoils me more, if we're not equal on amounts of spoil-age yet.


        He spoils me all the time. He's never let me pay for a date, he'll leave flowers for me on a morning when he goes to work, massages my shoulders and feet without me even asking... I do actually believe he would get me anything I wanted if I asked him to- I never ask though, just knowing that is enough for me!

        In return, usually I used to have no money, so I'd spoil him with home-cooked dinners and treats. I'd save up for his birthday and get him a really nice present, but otherwise I didn't have the financial means to do anything for him.

        Now I have a job.... I may have spoiled him a lot this christmas =/ I spent 300 euros on a dinner in the Eiffel Tower when we go for New Year's Eve... and then I've spent even more on little gifts. I can't help it!!! I just want to show him how much I love him and appreciate how he provides for me

        Anyway, I think we both spoil the other in our own little way, he likes to get me little things every so often, I like to feed him. And seeing as I love waking up to a flower on my desk every so often, and he loves to eat, I think we compliment each other pretty well lol

        <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
        <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
        The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
        <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
        <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
        Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
        Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


          My SO spoils me.
          He always buys me anything I've even slightly thought about wanting.
          He pays for all travels.
          He does everything he can to fulfill the "dreams" I have - like if there's places in the world I want to go.
          He cooks, he cleans and does laundry without me asking. (I cook 70% of the time though).

          I'm still trying to figure out how to spoil him back,...
          But he has no material things he wants (and he's my financial supporter anyway).
          He likes to eat anything, so it's not like I can spoil him about making his favorite dinner...


            A little of both, he spoils me as much as he can. buying me my fav chocolate sometimes before coming home, just because. he already bought me many plushies for no reason, and i love love plushies!

            He bought those to me last winter season for me to wear around the house (plus birthday gifts, special date gifts, he knows exactly what to give to me!!!):

            brought sunflowers on his way home from work.

            But my mother and I give him more expensive gifts when we can. she sees him as a son, and she loves to give gifts. for nefews, nieces, babies of nefews and nieces, haha

            so, she got another son to spoil too.

            I dont care how much the gifts he gives me cost. the intention is what matters. and boy, oh boy, does he have wonderful intentions and loads of love.

            I also try to cook and clean the house as best as I can for him. and fold our clothes and etc.

            Now I miss him even more.

            to the op: I never saw a bigger picture of your necklace, can you post it please?
            our story.


            02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

            "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


              In our own ways... our money has always gone for visits - immigration - the sick baby, but he took care of me 24/7 (except while at work) when I was pregnant. I consider that to be just amazing. And a long 8 months for him!
              I haven't done anything lately, it's been such a rough ride this year, but I need to get back in the habit of taking better care of him, doing special things.


                I spoil him more than he spoils me. I like to get him just because presents and will get something for him because I know he likes it. I bought him food for his apartment our last visit. But that's okay, I understand that he's living on his own now and doesn't have a lot of disposable income.
                "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                  Haha depends on the kind of spoiling, materialistically we both would like to spoil each other rotten, we're just unable to do so but emotionally I definitely spoil him more than he does me, I'm always here for him and I always give him compliments that super boost his ego while he's more restrained with the compliments and emotional stuff :P

                  Met: 8.17.09
                  Started Dating: 8.20.09
                  First Met: 10.2.10
                  Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                    I think I probably spoil him materialistically and he spoils me emotionally. His favorite drink is Dr Pepper, and its really hard to find here... so whenever I went out, and I was able to, I'd buy him a few cans.. and I'd just generally buy him stuff which I knew he would love and appreciate.. I love to give to the people that mean the most to me.

                    he on the other hand spoils me with his love. he compliments me all the time. he's just very lovely and makes me feel very special, and lucky to have him.


                      I try my best, but I think he's got the upper hand on me in this one.

                      He's not good with picking out material gifts, and its a super hassle to ship items internationally anyways, and then to a friend's house instead of mine (because the relationship must remain hidden-long story). So there isn't much of that.

                      But even when we had just met he would insist on paying. He says its proper for guys to pay and also the fact that he was employed and I was a student. Not sure if this is going to continue, haha. He talks about sending me flowers (but it would be even more of...a hassle).

                      Since we haven't had the chance to meet again for about a year now and wont for about another 6 months or more, I can't say more about physical stuff. Emotionally he's always there for me. He sees me as somewhat of a little sister figure-were we a platonic relationship. He's always hurt when I try to keep my problems from him and it somehow slips that I'd been crying for x amount of time over x. Even if its something he really wouldn't understand-like the mechanics of applying for graduate schools, he'd sit there and ask me to explain it all, then offer his advice.

                      For my side, he's even less forthcoming on any of his problems, despite my best efforts to make him talk freely. I do my best to drop random cute cards, I made him a scarf(but then again knitting is my hobby, didn't learn just for him). I could do more.


                        I'd say my SO and I are even.

                        I did get him a Blackberry but it didnt cost me anything so that doesn't count. While i was in Canada he tried to spoil me but i wouldnt let him! I am however spolied with attention, and i pay him back the same way.
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          He is very good with spoiling me on dates, but I am def the spoiler on holidays. His biggest gifts included concert tickets/trip to Washington D.C., trip to New York, fancy taillights and speakers for his car, and this year probably a trip to the beach. I tend to prefer to take him places because he isn't much for planning trips, so its one of the easiest ways to go on a trip. And the way I see it, it might be kinda materialistic but I work way too hard not to spend some of my money on fun stuff.


                            Yeah, I love to pamper him, with back rubs and such. He loves it. On the other hand, he likes to cook for me, and he often gets me little presents. So I guess we're kind of even.

                            Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                              I spoil him both emotional and materialistically, while he doesn't do it very often... only on special occasions like Bday, Xmas,etc... But I don't really care, I know whenever he does it is honest and came from his heart, and I so treasure that! =)
                              I do send him stuff on our "monthversaries" or just because, Bday, xmas and when we are together I sometimes pay for meals, tickets, desserts,etc.. sometimes he does.
                              Emotionally I do spoil him waaaay too much, so much that when I stop doing it, he feels weird and thinks something is wrong with me/us. I sometimes stop doing it on purpose because there are times in which I wish he would give more (emotionally talking)... he's gotten the messages and is working on it.

