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Does this scream trust issues?

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    Does this scream trust issues?

    ~Please read from bottom to top

    I think we need to let things settle though... we kinda raised alot of stuff up... I kinda need to settle...just go on my bed and not think about anything for a while... would that be okay with you?

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    *huggelz tight*

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    Alright... *hugglez* I forgive you then... but really, it's ok.

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    *sigh* but still though..

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    Don't apologize, thank you for telling me all of this.

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    *huggelz tight* I'm sorry..

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    Then that's what we'll do... *hugglez tight*

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    I do want to see you, I just don't know when.. *squeezes your hands gently* but..yeah, I'd like that...

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    Ok... well here's what we'll do... *holds your hands*
    We'll do this when we've made all of your worries go away...
    if you still want to see me someday we'll do it then, I won't say when either,
    and I won't pressure you. Would you like that?

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    I know you worry, and I'm sorry for making you shouldn't have to.. It's stressful. *sigh* and I don't know..

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    I just worry about you when you say things like that... I don't want you to get hurt...

    Like what if you don't love me?

    How many times has that crossed my mind... lots. So I'm always making you take a look again because I don't want you to be somewhere and all of a sudden go from having everything you think you want to having nothing and ending up broken hearted over someone you thought you loved.

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    Really? Are you really saying that right now? Like.. I'm sorry. Ok? Like I'm sorry for being so damn contradictive all the time. There's obviously something wrong with me.

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    It's strange that you can't trust the person you love with something like your adress... Kay, I think something might be wrong. :/ Don't you think so?

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    I haven't either. So.
    No. I don't think there's anymore and if there was idk if I'd wanna say.

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    Yeah I was... I'm sorry. :/ Sorry... I've never had this happen to me before. I'm sorry. *sigh*
    Well... tell me more, I'm here for you, I'll listen.

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    You're being sarcastic aren't you? *sigh* this is what I was trying to avoid.

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    *sigh* ... don't worry though... even though you have your doubts as to whether I'm some rapist or killer out to get you this relationship will work out fine... ;-; don't you think?

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    Yeah... *sighs* There's those movies where some girl dissapears right? Oh dear... that I know you can't even trust me enough to...even tell me where you live I'm kinda sure we shouldn't do this.

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    *shnuggelz* iunno...telling someone where I live... You aren't just someone, you're my boyfriend but the whole idea of telling you where I live... Then those movies and those stories come into my head and it scares me... And honestly, I'm scared of how you'll react now that I've told you and all of that plus this plus what we talked about before worries me...and like, sure they can be overcome but.. Iunno... ;-; *sigh*

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    Where we'd go.. well, once you'd tell me where you lived if you told me I'd just go on google earth and get a map of any fun places we could visit around your town... or we could randomly walk down the streets if it's not too cold and just go into places...

    What you'd tell your parents we'd have figured out because we're smart.

    And what your parents would think is what you'd tell them.

    Tell me though... honestly, are these the reasons why you're worried? Because these seems like...things we could overcome so easily my heart. :/ We could probably go through all of this in a weeks worth of time... so is there more that worries you? That makes you unsure about this trip? *snugglez*

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    Her, where would we go? What would I tell my parents? What would my parents think?

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    The whole... "How are we going to see each other day by day" kinda stuff?

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    Yeah...even though we talked about this the other day... And just.. How we're supposed to sneak around and stuffs...

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    Hm... about... me not liking you or vise versa?

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    *sighs, snuggling close* like.. Iunno dear.. I'm just scared... *mumbles* like of what I've been saying earlier this week... And just..iunno.

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    After. If one of is doesn't know...or is lost... then we shouldn't do this. *shnugglez* I mean, there's doubt there... doubt for what I don't know. Why do you doubt we should see each other my heart?

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    Did you think that before or after I said that?

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    It's not that I'm not prepared. I've prepared for everything, my car is set and all that needs to be done is wait for the day I have to leave. But I'm lost because I don't know if we should be doing this... because... well, like you said, maybe we're being rash.

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    ....You were lost too my heart? *squeezes your hand gently* really? *shnuggelz close* ;-; I thought you were so prepared..

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    Well, we don't have to meet this year, maybe we're not ready. I mean... I don't know either my heart. I'm kinda lost on this too. *snugglez tight, sigh* lol, we're both lost... at least we're together on this. *holds your hand* c:

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    Iunno.. ;-; like...ugh... What do we do...? *shnuggelz tight* what should we do?

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    Maybe we are doing this too soon... *snugglez tight* do you think we shouldn't do this?

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    I know you said you were ok... I just sort of remembered that I should've asked again to make sure... ;-; *sigh* I overthink too much...I'm sorry. ;-; *shnuggelz* I know we planned this out...but it's still so... "'s happening"... Like being in shock. ;-; I think it kind of is...but it isn't since we planned it out...

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    I'm not chipper... I told you my heart, I'm ok. ;-; You shouldn't overthink or try to read me so much lol... insteaad, just ask me how I'm feeling. But I guess you kinda did. No, you shouldn't be worried. *snugglez* But as to the reasons why... don't I think it's a bit rash? Well... if I'm correct we've had this set up for about a few months so no, but what do you think? Do you think it's a bit rash? worry everyone like that... hm.

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    You seem quite chipper...should I be worried? *shnuggelz close* ;-; I'm sorry.. *sigh* and iunno, like...don't you think it's a bit...rash? And to worry everyone like that... *mumbles softly and nuzzless your cheek*

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    *pulls you close* We should talk about this shouldn't we? I feel like you're having second guesses and now... there it is. *chuckles softly in your ear* Ok... I'm here to listen, but first let me ask what makes you ask me? :3

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    Like....going to see me. ;-;

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    Through with what dear? :/

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    My gosh... ;-; but I guess.. *shnuggelz* are you sure you wanna go through this?

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    I don't know if I'm going yet... I've called the choir director earlier today but he hasn't picked up. Usually he's at meetings anyway so he wouldn't or he'd be at work which I don't know when that ends for him. ;-; But yeah... I'm kinda going to have to go so it won't seem all unatural when I leave for practice after not going there for... almost 3 weeks now? Or 2, I can't remember.

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    Oh, you have practice to go to.. ^^' I see. Or you may have to go to. *eskimo kisses*

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    Choir practice silly. :3

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    Oh...practice what my dear, if I may ask? ^^;

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    I may have to go to practice ;-;

    This is what happened yesterday night and I just gotta know why it'd make sense for her to tell me she loves me one day and the next day come out with basically "Oh, you might be a rapist/killer even though I've known you for 3 years" How can you say I love you and mean it when you have thoughts like these, thoughts about mistrust? Does this scream trust issues?
    "To the world you might just be one person but to one person you might be the world" ~

    It does seem that she doesn't trust you.

    Do you guys talk to each other on webcam at all? Do you talk over the phone? I'm really not sure what advice I can give... reading that whole thing just seemed like I was reading some kind of furry manga comic... sorry if that's harsh. It seems like you two aren't really taking each other seriously (and please correct me if I'm wrong).

    I guess you can try and progress your relationship by talking on the phone or webcam if you haven't already, those types of things definitely help to build up trust in the other person. It might stop her from thinking you're a psycho killer.

    Are you able to give us anymore background on your relationship?


      I don't understand your furry manga comic comment but yeah we've webcam'd before. A couple of times during the summer and we've talked at least a couple of times throughout the month over skype on the phone. And as far as I know I DO take her seriously... I mean I had everything ready and set and all that I had to do was wait for the day I would leave. I had the route planned, the costs taken into consideration and I even called the embassy of her country for travel information pertaining to documents I'd have to have in order to enter into her country which is Canada. We had this planned since last December, this trip.

      Thank you though, I guess that's all there's left to do? Just let things progress and see what happens? To be honest I've run myself ragged for this girl for some time, just emotionally. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
      But what sort of background information would you like?
      "To the world you might just be one person but to one person you might be the world" ~


        I guess I wanted to know if you knew why she felt like this? Was there a specific thing that happened to cause her to not trust you or has she always just been scared?

        I think the best thing is just to keep up communication. Add her on any of your social networking sites if you can, and just try to show her more of your life so she can feel a little more at ease. There's nothing else you can really do except be open and honest with her about you and your life. Its up to her whether she chooses to trust you or not.


          This is a new relationship and you are both young - that's what this screams to me. For there to be a trust issue, in my opionion, there needs to at some point been trust to interfere with - ie you can't have an issue with something that likely has never been present.

          You need to slow down and give yourselves time to grow up. She's not going to meet you if she's not ready to give her address.

          International love is serious shit - it's hard and it's packed full of red tape. I hate to sound like a granny, but you's aren't ready yet. Wait.
          Date for a couple of years. Give her your address if you have not already. Web cam with her - more - a lot more. Let her 'meet' your friends or family. Start to involve each other in your lives rather than just telling each other about your lives... Then, when you are both ready to open the can of worms that is international romance - some time AFTER her parents know you exist - plan a visit.

          Plan as adults - people who are honest and unafraid to date openly.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            Zephii summed it pretty much up!
            i can also suggest that you meet somewhere halfway if she is still not trusting giving you her address, or at a nearby town with a friend or a relative. but that is only after you've gotten to know each other deeper.
            you said you've been together for three years already... if you are both adults and she hasn't had something in her past to make her react this way, i would personally question her intentions.. sorry, this might hurt, but i'm being honest..
            Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
            And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
            ~Richard Bach

            “Always,” said Snape.


              Three years? I don't know how I missed that o.O I don't think you're wrong to be pushing for a bit more then honestly
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                Hmmm... about she being scared it kind of sounds like me when I was going to meet my boyfriend but I wasn't scared about him being a killer at all cos I competely trusted him I thought he wouldn't like me but he did I just think she's overthinking too much like I do sometimes it's something hard to explain just try and give her security like saying that you really care about her and you won't let anything bad happen to her and if she is a bit worried about giving you her address maybe you should meet up somewhere else! but make her think about the amazing things that you could do together on those days just try and relax and especially be patient with her. Good luck!


                  I've only been in my LDR for 8 months and we've skyped / vid chat like almost everyday, we're fb friends and we have mutual friends on the net as well. Now I can't really tell why your girlfriend won't trust you her address after being together for 3 years?? I gave my address to my boyfriend and he was so happy to know I trusted him and he gave me his address in return.

                  I say if she really wants to see you, set up a mutual spot - a restaurant or a mall where there are lots of people. Have her bring a friend with her - tell her it's okay to bring someone if she wants you guys to meet and shes scared you're a rapist (??) although I can't really believe she would think that after 3 years in a LDR.
                  Nobody knows who I really am
                  Maybe they just don't give a damn
                  But if I ever need someone to come along
                  I know you would follow me, and keep me strong


                    If you've been in an LDR for 3 years and have yet to meet because of her fears, I'd say that definitely screams trust issues.
                    I understand pre-visit jitters. I met my SO this summer, and it didn't hit me until I was off the plane in England, and on the train to meet him. I had this epic moment of "OMFG what am I doing? I'm in a foreign country away from my family and I'm meeting this guy I've only seen through skype!" But it was nerves, not fear that made me back down.
                    Like other people have said, maybe make a meeting point and offer to let her bring a friend. Also, maybe give her your address? Maybe if she sees you trust her (and can possibly google map it/google it to ease her mind that you aren't a rapist), she'll start to trust.

                    Best of luck to you! I hope everything works out!

                    First Met Online: October 2010
                    First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
                    Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
                    First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
                    Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
                    Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
                    Engaged!: June 1, 2013
                    Picking out wedding dates now!


                      Originally posted by Zapookie View Post
                      It does seem that she doesn't trust you.

                      Do you guys talk to each other on webcam at all? Do you talk over the phone? I'm really not sure what advice I can give... reading that whole thing just seemed like I was reading some kind of furry manga comic... sorry if that's harsh. It seems like you two aren't really taking each other seriously (and please correct me if I'm wrong).

                      Yes, you are *shnuggling each other tight* on every sentence, but not enought to do it in person? I dont follow.

                      and this:



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                      Yeah... *sighs* There's those movies where some girl dissapears right? Oh dear... that I know you can't even trust me enough to...even tell me where you live I'm kinda sure we shouldn't do this.

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                      *shnuggelz* iunno...telling someone where I live... You aren't just someone, you're my boyfriend but the whole idea of telling you where I live... Then those movies and those stories come into my head and it scares me... And honestly, I'm scared of how you'll react now that I've told you and all of that plus this plus what we talked about before worries me...and like, sure they can be overcome but.. Iunno... ;-; *sigh*"

                      I know I have already mentioned before my opinion, but I would never be in a relationship with someone that cant trust me even with something as simple as their adress.

                      Any more info you can give us? yours and her ages? how long you talk to each other?

                      I agree with zapookie, the way you talk, it seemed to me to be more of a role playing game thing than an actual talk. and I didnt feel real commitment there. sorry if Im being harsh as well.
                      our story.


                      02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                      "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                        Also, from previous posts from you, I dont think this is a healthy relationship or she is really commited to you. sounds more like a make-believe thing to keep her distracted.

                        Originally posted by HerSunflower View Post
                        I just wanted to post this up because I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this:
                        I said hello to my SO, after a couple of minutes of pleasant conversation she suddenly became a tiny bit distance and I could tell she was distracted... she was talking to someone else on facebook. This made me want to leave... so I did. Does anyone else feel like leaving their SO when they're in a conversation with someone else? I feel like maybe it's because I feel like I lack attention and I start to feel neglected... this doesn't happen everyday ofcourse but it does happen frequently enough that I want to know what it is... I can't quite describe the feeling I'm having. It's not jelousy, I'm thinking it's probably guilt from leaving for such a dumb reason... reason being I don't like talking in groups and it feels that way whenever she talks to multiple people online. :/

                        Has anyone dealt with this?

                        Originally posted by HerSunflower View Post
                        Is it wrong to cuddle with other people outside of your relationship?

                        My girlfriend and I have never had to think on this since I never found out she cuddled with other people until this summer. I somehow brought it up, I can't remember how, it must've been curiosity. "Have you ever cuddled with more than two people at a time?" And she said she had of course but only out of pity for one of the persons. Well I went online as I was concerned about this since I had always thought that cuddling,even online, was something special only couples did and found out that she was someone elses "cuddle buddy". I broke up with her as soon as I saw that because my heart couldn't bare the thought of her touching someone or even having that thought of call that alright really tore my heart up. She eventually told me after much questioning that it was just because she simply "didn't know it was wrong" like.... I just want to be told by someone other than her and a few others as to what it means. I've been told by some that cuddling doesn't have to hold any attachment so it doesn't mean anything unless the person means to be romantic towards that other person. I have been told that friends can do that simply because they're being playful with each other even if one of them is in a relationship? I don't know if it's just me and I'm wrong...and maybe I need to rethink all of this business because to me it's the worst sort of pain I have endured, to hear her say she's cuddled with someone...or that she thinks it's okay.
                        But there's something else. I forgave her for it if she promised to NOT cuddle with anyone outside of "us" and to tell me that if she was starting to feel like she couldn't keep that promise to tell me about it so I could help her.
                        Well, recently this friend of mine who likes me to some degree asked me to cuddle with her to which I replied no but when I asked my girlfriend about what she thought she said I should do it if I was ok with it...and that she was the wrong person to ask? And apparently she tells me that she can't tell me otherwise since that would make her a hypocrit since she cuddled with other people before but I want to know what she thinks in the now, how do I get her to tell me what she really feels? She's such a closed book when it comes to these difficult topics and when it comes to things that she feels ashamed about, I don't know what to do. Help.

                        sorry, but I see way too many red flags in here.
                        our story.


                        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                          Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                          Three years? I don't know how I missed that o.O I don't think you're wrong to be pushing for a bit more then honestly
                          Woah! i missed that bit too!
                          our story.


                          02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                          "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                            Yeah i have to agree with engel and zapookie on this one, i mean we all talk differently to our SO's but the way you guys communicate is to me a little odd. Do you guys skype?cam? Do you guys actually speak like that over mic too?
                            Well i'd suggest meeting with family or friends. How old are you two?


                              I think all of us second what Zephil's advice.
                              Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                              I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west

