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All the stupid things we do.

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    All the stupid things we do.

    We all make mistakes and do stupid things with out thinking.

    For me, I flirted with a guy in England back when my SO and I weren't doing well and he had told me " Seek affection else where " and so I did It wasn't anything bad, just the " you're cute " " he's lucky to have you " " he should treat you better " And the guy gave me advice on how to handle things with my SO. And even gave me the courage to stand up to my SO about being unhappy.

    That was months ago and I had told my SO about it last night.

    **** Now mind you I was in counseling and I talked to my counselor as well as others as to weather or not I should tell my SO about this and they all said don't bother that I was doing as he said and that it helped us in the long run, no harm no fowl, and it took me a long time to not feel guilty about it ****

    To my surprise my SO said it wasnt a big deal and he just kept telling me he loved me and that I wasnt going to lose him * I was soooo scared of losing him *

    And of course you all know about my resent mistake of trying to overlook my friend Zack's actions just so I could have a friend. Which I still feel like an idiot about.

    My SO has forgiven me and Thanks to the people here I was able to see that Zack may not be a good friend for me. Anyway I'm getting off topic.

    We all make mistakes, big or small.

    What are some of the stupid mistakes you/your SO has made, Did they forgive you/did you forgive them?
    Were you surprised at their reaction?

    ***Now before you post or reply to anyone's post, please remember we are all human and make mistakes and that this post is not about being judged or looked at in a bad view, if you are going to judge someone please do not do it here.*****
    " There is always hope.

    I guess it is about me starting fights for no reason sometimes when I have a bipolar episode. I try to refrain from it, but sometimes i dont notice im doing it until its too late. Im lucky he understands me and when i apolagize he understands. But its still hard and im trying my best how to deal bette with it or when to keep my mouth shut til i feel better.

    and because i liked it, and agree with it, will add the same you added at the end of your post.

    ***Now before you post or reply to anyone's post, please remember we are all human and make mistakes and that this post is not about being judged or looked at in a bad view, if you are going to judge someone please do not do it here.*****

    our story.


    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


      i think the most important thing with making a mistake is for us to learn from them. To remind ourselves what we've done was wrong no matter big or small and to learn from the outcome and never make the same mistakes twice.

      With that said, i have made a huge mistake in my life in 2009... i was in a 5.5 year relationship with my ex and though there are times i swear i would kill him if i could get away with murder but i still loved him with all my heart.. anyways back to my topic... we were going through a rough patch and i started talking to one of his friends (guy) about our problems and i don't know how the conversation went from friendly to flirtatious.. next thing you know i was beginning to feel attracted to this guy. although nothing ever happened between me and his friend it did ended out 5.5 year relationship because of my action.. i regret it and blame myself all the time for letting the love of my life walk out like that. but it did taught me a good lesson that i hold to my heart. i took the 1.5 years i was single to reflect on my past relationship and see where and how it failed.

      of course i hurt not only myself but my ex as well and he could never forgive me for what i've done. I dont think i've ever forgave myself either. i blamed myself for letting go of someone that was so perfect for me and that i'll never find another like him...

      fast forward 1.5 years i met my SO who i've been with for 4 months and he is perfect for me. he reminds me so much of my ex but also so different from him. and i keep reminding myself that i will not let another man slip out of my own hands.

      As with Zack in your situation and my ex's friend in mine, they failed to respect that someone is already taken.


        As with Zack in your situation and my ex's friend in mine, they failed to respect that someone is already taken.
        Thus why I stopped talking to him, I deleted his number and removed him from facebook and I've agreed with my SO that I won't go anywhere with him. I'm going to try and make more friends and distance myself from Zack, I don't need to be friends with someone who doesnt respect my relationship.
        " There is always hope.


          I’m supposed to be doing homework but I had to post on this. My SO made out with a girl fairly early on in our relationship and to this day he hates talking about because he feels ashamed and guilty. Initially I was upset obviously and I told him I got over it and it was fine. Fast forward to a week later me drunk as ever crying my eyes out as the reality if what happened hit me. A drunken e-mail later and more talking we sorted it out. Distance is REALLY Hard and I’m not as sexually experienced as he I forgave him.
          If that happened now would I do the same..I couldn’t answer that. On to my mistakes..It took me a long time to open up and feel as this is my first serious relationship well relationship period..anyway when I started to feel I ran said I we were better of as friends hurt him beyond words can ever express and saw the person I love( didn’t know that then ) broken because of me. Needless to say that was the push I needed and we worked our way back to being a couple ( he forgave me for hurting him( and now I can’t live without him..
          I LOVE THIS:
          ***Now before you post or reply to anyone's post, please remember we are all human and make mistakes and that this post is not about being judged or looked at in a bad view, if you are going to judge someone please do not do it here.*****


            One stupid thing I did (and hopefully never do again) is getting jealous of the girls around my SO. You see, I'm way older than my SO and he's still in college & the cultural differences is overwhelming too. So I tend to get really jealous if he happens to mention "girls' names" and it usually leads to me picking a fight with him.

            I changed (and hopefully succeed) and we've not been fighting that big anymore (of course we still have minor disagreements but not about girls) and I realized that it's because of my insecurities that we get into these useless fights. And I think he also learned to pacify me because every time we talk about his activities and he happens to mention girls, he would go, "Ann, stop it." even before I say anything yet. hahaha. It just turns out funny then.
            Nobody knows who I really am
            Maybe they just don't give a damn
            But if I ever need someone to come along
            I know you would follow me, and keep me strong


              A stupid mistake I made... when my SO and I switched laptops, he logged onto his gmail and forgot to log out. When I saw it, I should have just logged out for him, but instead I went snooping and found things I would never have wanted to see. I regret it a lot. I wish I never saw. I told him about it and he forgave me. It still puts doubt into my head sometimes, but I have to keep reminding myself that what I saw was from before we met in person and we supposedly weren't as serious then as we are now... and I'd like to think he has changed because of me.

              He once went on my facebook when I was out of the house and read through some stuff. He admitted it to me and I forgave him also.

              The thing that I love most with us is the fact that we're honest about these things. If we do some wrong against the other person, it doesn't sit right and the truth needs to be told. Snooping isn't okay, but telling the truth is always appreciated.


                My mistakes are letting my doubts and emotions overcome me. From jealousy to anger to sadness, they just take me places and turn me into someone i do not recognize. They cloud my judgement, and more or less force me to say things i don't mean. I cause fights that are stupid and shouldn't have started in the first place. Luckily my SO has been patient and understanding especially this last month bc he realized the reason i was acting like a loony was for the most part his fault.

                My biggest mistake was 5 years ago with an ex i was with for 5 years. At the time i blamed him for not wanting to do anything different with me ever, was a boring relationship. So i sought attention elsewhere. (i.e. Guys i met online for cyber totally text entertainment). I don't know if my ex ever truly caught on to what i was doing but he knew our relationship was over. When i look back on it, our relationships demise was entirely my fault. I should have tried harder. I also at the time didn't consider what i did cheating, i thought i was Rping. However now, i realize cheating is cheating...even if its the internet kind of cheating.
                "You want for myself
                You get me like no one else
                I am beautiful with you

                I am beautiful with you
                Even in the darkest part of me
                I am beautiful with you
                Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
                You're here with me
                Just show me this and I'll believe
                I am beautiful with you"


