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Gimpy Girlfriend

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    Gimpy Girlfriend

    So, I'm stoked, because I get to go see John for a whole week, I'm driving down on Saturday, and WHAM! Now I'm on crutches...

    I fractured my foot yesterday, doing nothing particularly strenuous (it's crazy how you can get through years of competitive dance and musical theatre with fairly minor and infrequent injuries, overall, and then break your foot walking...), which is fine, and I'm not in a lot of pain, and it's my left foot, which means I can still drive, no problem (Thank Goodness!)....

    But here's the thing...

    I was really looking forward to going dancing with my boy this week, which we love doing, and now i will be far too gimpy for such wonderfully romantic activities, and the hiking trip is out, as well, so...

    Any one have any great ideas for low-key things to do while I am visiting him and hobbling around? John and I tend to be mroe of the outdoorsy, bike-riding, hiking, museum-visiting, dancing type, not the sit inside and do quiet things variety, so while this may be pretty common sense to some of you, to me, it isn't at all!


    Ouch, I'm sorry that happened, and at that particular time, too! Get well soon!

    Well, you could still go places where you don't have to walk that much... I don't know if there's an amusement park somewhere near you, but that's always a lot of fun. You can take rides and are outdoors the whole time. What about a picnic in a park (or just sunbathing/cuddling or playing board games ), if the weather is nice? Or just go to a park and watch people play soccer/basketball/whatever - that can be amusing, too.


      You could do puzzles and try out some arts and crafts. Try and learn to knit- thats always hilarious. Try some other arsty things, maybe like collages or have a little competition between the two of you. You could play video games, cook together, spring clean, maybe re-decorate a room as a little project. Watch some movies, if your outdoorsey you could watch some planet earth together. You can still do outdoorsey things without walking too much, how about birdwatching? or a picnic? you could go to a zoo or an animal rescue centre or sanctuary. You can still go to museums and go shopping and things like that when on crutches. Most places are really sympathetic and only too happy to help you out. Enjoy romantic dinners together, either at restaurants or home-cooked. Or maybe even takeaways infront of the telly! Why not take a bunch of baby photos with you and then the two of you can compare and have a laugh? You could try out ten-pin bowling. How about atempting to research your family trees? Or maybe you two could go and see a stage show? My favourite thing to do is go people-watching. The two of you can go to a busy public place, possibly while eating lunch or something and just watch the world go by, its tonnes of fun!

      Being on crutches doesn't have to hold you back from having an amazing trip! My friend broke her leg 2 days before going to australia, but she still had an AMAZING holiday!


        Aww, great suggestions, guys! I've been on crutches before, so I know it doesn't make things completely impossible...but I did feel a bit down before I started reading these suggestions...thanks!


          That#s a total shame, maybe you can do a scarpbook about you guys!


            Well sounds like at least you like musical theater. Could you go to a show? Maybe you could find something cheap like a community theater and a high school.


              Lol my guy is constantly 'gimpy' so I know how hard it is to find things to do when you both want to do more than one of you actually can. We still manage to go for walks, just take a lot more breaks than I would if I went on my own or with friends. But that's quite a nice thing really, gives you a chance to just sit for a while. And I know it might sound bad, but if you wanted to go to museums or whatever, they might have a wheelchair you could borrow - you still get to see everything and do everything and it wont hurt your foot.

