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Ground rules?

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    Ground rules?

    What are some ground rules you have for your relationship?
    They can be anything from communication, friends, how handle problems.

    Like an example for me and my SO would be since he uses his aunts phone I can't call after 8pm

    You can list more than one of course.
    " There is always hope.

    No tequilla :P

    Haha seriously that is our main one.


      - honesty, always. I dont like conflict and he likes to be logical so we always talk things out. Dont ever let the lil things build up cause at some point, one day you'll break.
      - Regarding friends - i have mainly male friends, my man never asked me of this but i always let him know what we're up to etc. Close friendships with the opposite sex can get tricky so i tend to keep my distance with my single guy friends.


        One of the ones I made for myself was no drinking without him, like no going out to parties and drinking because I would get more depressed without him and if I'm around people someone may take advantage of that. I don't trust people very well.
        " There is always hope.


          I think our main one which we have a mutual understanding on, is no going to sleep if there's an issue that hasn't been sorted. If one of us is upset with the other, or just something is bothering us, we need to talk about it before we sleep and make sure that we're okay and on the same page still. I don't like leaving things just open like that and I think we both realise that life is too short to waste on petty things like fighting.

          Another one that I guess I've set for myself now, since he left, is no getting ridiculously drunk. I haven't been partying or out drinking much because he was at basically every place when he was here and going back to those places reminds me of him, so that with the combination of alcohol will make me depressed. It's best for me to just stay away from it.

          Another is no keeping secrets. We're a part of each others life and do our best to involve each other in our day to day dealings and we don't hide things.


            We don't have many ground rules. Just respecting each other and being faithful, that's about it. We understand we are in a relationship and that we aren't married so we both need our freedom. He calls me when he can while on deployment but I have to understand that he works and doesn't have time to call or email me most of the time. He has to understand that I am busy with school, I need to hang with my guy friends as a release (playing sports, watching football, playing video games) just so I don't get stressed out. He trusts me and I trust him, granted we haven't established that we are for sure going to start dating again right now but we have dated in the past, we are best friends, and we act as if we are dating so we understand the rules.


              - I can't drink without him if there are other guys. I tend to put myself in bad situations when drunk. It's better if I don't do it.
              - He can drink but only if I approve of the place he's going and he texts me during it to let me know he's safe. This normally means just his one friend's house. As you can see, we both have issues with alcohol.
              - No going to bed mad.
              - Always send a goodmorning and goodnight text with "I love you". Life is too unpredictable. We did this when we were CD too.
              - Let each other know our days' plans so we know the other person is safe.
              - Be faithful.
              - Pray for one another.

              Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
              Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
              Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
              Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
              Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


                1. Honesty.
                2. Bring our relationship issues to each other (before talking to friends, which sometimes is hard with the time difference)
                3. At least facebook each other good morning, unless for some reason, we're unable to access the internet.
                4. Faithfulness.

                First Met Online: October 2010
                First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
                Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
                First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
                Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
                Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
                Engaged!: June 1, 2013
                Picking out wedding dates now!


                  Our big one is we have a 100% honesty policy, and the only exception is if one of us has a surprise for the other (then we obviously don't have to tell them and ruin the surprise...). It really helps keep our communication open and allows us to really know what the other one is thinking and feeling.



                    100% honesty is the obvious one, but with that comes another rule. When one of us is being honest with the other, the other has to promise to listen, and be willing to forgive and not just get angry. That way, we are not scared to be honest about things that happen, and we trust one another to talk about bad things, and not just make a scene.

                    Also, no sarcasm. I'm bad with that, and English is not Miguel's first language, so it has led to arguments in the past. It's just easier for us with out it.

                    "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                    -Miguel De Cervantes

                    Read our story HERE


                      Hmm we really don't have many..

                      1. Honesty
                      2. Faithfulness
                      3. Let each other know where we're going and what we're up to
                      4. this one isn't really a rule but we uphold it as if it was one, always go to sleep together, this works out cuz he's a total night owl so by time he's ready to go to sleep it's 1am my time and 3am his. xD

                      Met: 8.17.09
                      Started Dating: 8.20.09
                      First Met: 10.2.10
                      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                        Nobody knows who I really am
                        Maybe they just don't give a damn
                        But if I ever need someone to come along
                        I know you would follow me, and keep me strong


                          -be open
                          -every night after we talk, def no phone time, time to sleep
                          -message each morning we wake
                          -message each other when we are at work already, its one way for us to know we did arrive safe and sound at work
                          "In love, two of the most important ingredients are being open and being content."

                          "God must have seen my need for someone who could turn my failure to victory, whose touch could turn my tears to smiles, who by just being there could turn my sadness to laughter. That's why he sent you to me."


                            My SO and I don't really have ground rules. We know what's okay to do and what's not. We do want to make sure to talk at least once a week, though. It's very important to us.


                              He's not allowed to die

                              Or get Alzheimer's!

