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Does this ever happen to anyone??

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    I don't skype so that never happened but it has happened to me when my bf promised me he'd talk to me online or call me and he never did. it is very frustrating to be left hanging like this. my advice to you- after a half hour if he's not back disconnect from skype and stop waiting for him. 30 minutes is more than enough leeway time.


      That's pretty rude. Basic e-ttiquette is to let you know, since he knew you were waiting for him, once he figured out he was going to be a while.
      I hope he gave you a nice apology, and a good reason.


        Oh both me and my SO used to do this to each other.... but now we let each other know if we're going out somewhere and how long we're gonna take, unless we're actually not able to tell the other person. He's generally worse with it though... says 15 mins, comes back an hour later. lol.


          I would be irritated. You need to bring it to his attention and let him know that it is rude and just annoying.
          Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

          I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


            Heheheh... this happened to me a lot!
            Basically my man's brb mean 'bnrb' or be not right back.
            So if he did that, I usualyl will spamming his msn or skype by a joke or a song lyric or whatever it is until he get back.
            I know that it's not that he meant to do it, but there's always something that prevented him to get back online soon.
            So I always tell him to put the 'bnrb' word instead of 'brb' if he gonna leave for a moment during our chat session.


              He is not even back yet..I have a feeling he went out and got drunk and then passed out or something. Hopefully he comes on at around 1 am like he usually does for our allnighter time. :/

              this is what he said like 10 hours ago

              Alexander Oj- hmm hold up
              lemme see if i can move to my room
              so brb
              10 hours agoSent from ChatMarissa Rich
              okay sure
              where are you?
              9 hours agoMarissa Rich
              brb as well
              when you get your ass online go on msn.
              9 hours agoMarissa Rich
              8 hours agoMarissa Rich
              8 hours agoMarissa Rich
              I am going to kill you.


                my SO never did that to me...he would say brb but stating his reason why his gonna brb...
                "In love, two of the most important ingredients are being open and being content."

                "God must have seen my need for someone who could turn my failure to victory, whose touch could turn my tears to smiles, who by just being there could turn my sadness to laughter. That's why he sent you to me."


                  yay he came online at like 2:30 am and said sorry and stuff. :P I am talking to him right now about rugby lol and he will now tell me if he cannot come back.


                    i have to admit i have done that a few times i just forget i said brb or anything and get distracted and then think woops kinda left him for a while accidently and i come back to alot of missed calls, text messages, fb notifications, skype notifications all of it. But my SO does it alot, its easier for him to do as he lives on a college campus, so he might just go and see friends and he can be gone for ages it sucks i know but i cant exactly get annoyed at him because i do it to well thats his argument


                      dont skype him. than when he asks tell him you cant wait like that.


                        Well, we brb each other also but always try to tell how long we're going to be away and why. We don't always get the timing right, but the way we solved it helped save, what, (hours of) worry and time. What I can't stand is to be online but he forgot me/our meeting and he never got on because he was doing something else. I got into a royal snit because of this and set him straight in less kind words: "I don't mind you cancelling our dates every once in while (rarely I hope), but I don't appreciate being left hanging waiting for you! Please tell me beforehand that you're not going to be online and I'm going to find myself something else to do - something better than waiting for you!"
                        That happened only once and he's been on his best behaviour ever since.


                          Happening right now

