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When College Plans Change Everything

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    When College Plans Change Everything

    Hey All!

    Some of you may have seen that my SO and I had closed the distance back in May.

    Welllll, change in plans.

    We were originally 326 miles apart due to my university being away from home. A pharmacy school that I have a good chance of getting into recently opened in my area, so I transferred back home. Now my SO finally figured out what he wants to do, but now he has to move 150 miles away to get his career at a technical school. I just found out that he will be at school for the next two years there INCLUDING the summer. It's a weird feeling because he will be an hour hour away, but we will both be busy that I don't even know how much we will see each other. I'm trying just to think positive and realize that it will be worth it in the end.

    College plans get in the way of anyone else? How do you deal with changes like these?
    "You will always have my heart, no matter how far we're apart" ~ Jacob

    I was going to close the distance and move in with my SO at the end of high school which was back in May, then I got a full ride scholarship to a community college and we decided it was too big of an opportunity to give up and so now I'm staying here for another 2 years to finish school. It sucks but it'll be better for our future, I just have to keep telling myself that.

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      Me and my SO have been trying to close the distance and I thought about transferring to a school in Missouri for my junior and senior year because it was his dream school. But after thinking about it I told him I couldn't do it because I love the college I am at and I have made a lot of good friends there. I feel bad however because since I refuse to transfer he swears he wants to move to Florida with me after he graduates from community college. I feel like I'm tearing him away from the school he really wants to go to but I can't talk him into finishing school there before moving here. I feel like a couple more years apart wouldn't hurt because we will have the rest of our lives to be together. At least you guys aren't too far apart. Good luck!

      "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


        My SO originally was going to move to FL with me and attend a community college near my university. Those plans changed because we broke up for a short time during the summer of the move. I regret that change every day :/

        Now I'm going to college in Florida (1 year down, two left) and he's attending a community college near our hometown in NJ. We're both happy in our respective areas but I can't wait to move back.

        Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
        Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
        Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
        Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
        Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


          I am sorry to hear that you closed and will have to move apart again, even if it is a manageable distance. That would be very frustrating.

          My SO was a year ahead of me in school and we assumed that he would try to come to the college here to close the gap between us, but we kind of knew within ourselves that it wouldn't work because my school's out-of-state tuition is unbelievably expensive AND he ended up getting a long-term scholarship. I didn't feel right tearing him away from that.
          When I was a senior, I was looking into going there for college to join him at his campus. Unfortunately, it was too expensive and I would have been struggling badly. So, in the end, I stayed here at the campus in my own hometown.

          Now that we are older, he is about to graduate college with a mechanical engineering degree. He wants to work in an automotive business and the ones he would be happy with are only in a few locations in the US; Texas (just south of me) being one of the places. He is geared up for that and it'll close the distance enough that it would be about a 3 hour drive rather than a 6 hour plane flight (or 22 hour drive). I'll finish up nursing school within the next year and be able to move down there to completely close our distance.

          So, in the end, restrictions have caused us to alter our C.T.D plans. Just like you said, it'll be worth it in the end!
          Last edited by ashleecarol; July 28, 2012, 01:37 AM.

          *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


            I'm a year older than my SO and the school i'm going to is 1400km away (but still in province) and is a 5 year program. It had been my dream school for years and I'd already accepted by the time my SO and I got together his plans are to finish Grade 12 and then either get into the Royal Canadian Military College (4 year program and is a 14 hour drive from my school) and then serve 5 years with the military, or if he doesn't get in just join the military straight out of school. So if he gets into the College it increases our time apart from 6 years, to 10 I want him to get into the college because it's what he wants, but it makes me sad too

