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Just needing some reassurance and encouragement

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    Just needing some reassurance and encouragement

    My boyfriend of almost three years and I are about to go off to college... 1,632 miles away from each other, and I am scared to death of this. We are both so dedicated to each other and willing to make our relationship work, and are fully aware that this will be a long, difficult, but necessary journey. I am excited to move forward into this new chapter of our wonderful journey together, but right now I really just need some kind words of wisdom and advice on the first time saying goodbye for a while. He is leaving on Friday (2 days) and reality is really sinking in as I am starting to become an emotional wreck and I am having difficulty keeping it together. I would really like to enjoy my first days of college next week with a little depression (which of course I expect some) as possible.

    Thank you for your time,

    I remember I felt just like you, when I had to say goodbye the first time...Try to not get sad already the days before, just spend time together and don't think too much about it, it will just spoil the last days. And then afterwards: keep yourself busy. Do stuff, especially the first week because that's the worst. And most important: keep in mind that you WILL see each other again, and every day that moment is a little closer Hope you'll manage, and everyone on this forum will support you!


      My boyfriend left yesterday August 14th, 2012. We started dating in June and were kind of dating in May. I was with him a lot this summer but it still felt like there wasn't enough time and I broke down in front of him maybe three times. It's all about communication I think, I'm just starting a LDR so I'm learning too. The nice thing about this situation is you can focus a lot of energy into your studies and this will benefit your future and if everything works out your future with your boyfriend. You're actually luckier than I am, I'm a high school senior this upcoming year and to be honest I hate high school so congrads on starting your new chapter. When you see him for the last time it's alright to cry a little, it's understandable. But as my boyfriend told me numerous times that day, "It's not good bye, it's see you later."


        Best idea is to keep yourself busy that way your not sitting around doing nothing, the first time to say goodbye is the hardest, don't lock yourself in your room and be all emotional you need to have fun and stay positive. I know this may sound completely lame but if he's given you a soft toy or something maybe spray some of his cologne or deodorant on it so then it smells like him. It's hard don't be afraid to talk about him leaving Everyone on here has experienced their loved ones going home or leaving for college we know what it's like


          Just keep yourself as busy as possible doing things that you enjoy...then before you know it, it's time for that nightly phone call. Texting throughout the day will help too if your schedule allows that.


            Thank you all so much for your kind words!

            Charly: I will definitely try my best to cherish today as this is our last full day together...Thank you for the advice and it feels so reassuring to know I am not in this by myself!

            Chellypu: Aw try to enjoy your senior year! It was awesome and you will love it if you just try to your hardest in school and give it your all! It goes by so fast, you know! And goodness, your boyfriend is going just as far as mine is!! Im starting to think its all about communication as well, and yes, that quote is poignant and well said

            Amelia: I LOVE the idea of bringing things he gave me to college! He got me a very soft snuggie and a pooh bear pillow pet and I will take both with me!I will do my best to not barricade my self in my room! We actually have our orientation the day after he leaves so I won't be able to hide even if I tried!

            Hrp2007: I think trying to keep busy and not giving myself a lot of time to be sad sounds like a successful game plan!

            Once again thanks guys and it feels amazing to have found this new support system!!!


              Originally posted by chellypu View Post
              "It's not good bye, it's see you later."
              This is exactly how I try to look at things. It is never goodbye its just see you later. Anyways everyone else gave some good advice, some things I would like to add are make sure you guys communicate. Don't bottle your emotions up let each other know how your feeling. Definitely try to keep yourself busy and try not to be alone too often when your not talking to him. It's gonna get tough when you both are really busy but just stick out and make sure you give each other space to do things like school work and hanging out with friends. Me and my SO will have weeks where one of us is super busy so we don't talk much during that week other than texting and it can be hard. Good luck! (:

              "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


                Originally posted by Sanney4709 View Post
                Anyways everyone else gave some good advice, some things I would like to add are make sure you guys communicate. Don't bottle your emotions up let each other know how your feeling.
                Please do this. I made the mistake of bottling up all of my emotions freshman year and it all exploded at once. Not good. :/ I learned from that though. Communication is the most important thing!


                  Well for an update it has been two day since he left. I just feel empty... its weird, and I feel out of place. We have been texting back and forth but it just feels odd. Thanks everyone for the advice and encouragement!


                    I'm going through the same feelings don't worry. I'm still adjusting. It's just strange. It's slowly getting better, but of course it's just a matter of time If you need to talk to someone at the same stage as you feel free to contact me. Best of luck still.
                    As you can tell I'm keeping track of this thread haha


                      haha thanks chellypu


                        Of course!

