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Need help with waiting!

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    Need help with waiting!

    Hey everyone, my name's Tuffie.

    I've been together with my SO for 6 months now and we've met twice and they've been the most amazing moments in my life. We're planning on meeting again sometime, hopefully in November (if not in december because I promised her and I'm a guy who doesn't break promises [Most of the time]) and I'm over the moon. The trouble is, the time between these two meetings was only 2 weeks and I could easily manage to wait that. Now, the time is 2 months and I know I'm going to wait that long, I just don't know if I can wait that long easily.

    I know that when college starts (UK college ~ ages 16 to 18) I'll be distracted for most of the week as my mind will be focused on college (and on her of course <3) but I want to know if anyone has any methods for waiting..?

    I'm already aware of:
    -The less I think about it, the quicker it'll happen.
    -Good things come to those who wait.
    Last edited by Tuffie; August 29, 2012, 08:27 PM.

    Keep your LDR fun. Don't focus just on the times you can be together, make the most of what you have right now!
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Thanks a lot Zephii, I already knew that, but it's so sweet to hear other people say it c:


        Trust me, two months is nothing. You can think about how much fun you're going to have or keep your mind off it by planning things to do. Make a little countdown with your SO. Follow Zephii's advice! You're lucky to have seen each other so many times with such a short time in between, just remember that.


          That's so true Brieasaurus, and a little countdown could be fun.. Maybe a picture for each day, Hehe :*D
          Well thanks for the reply Brie, you've helped!


            Not to be a meanie but...


              I wish I only had to wait 2 months! Try writing a little note or letter every day until you see her, you can shower her in them when you do see her. Make plans for when you are together. See if you can learn more about what she likes so you can surprise her and do something related when you're together, maybe?


                Great ideas Chickadee, thanks!


                  Just make do with the time that you have together.

                  Also, Swedish girl? Nicee


                    What are you implying here Tooki, that she's a Swedish Supermodel or something? ;D
                    Ahaha :P

                    Sure thing, will do.


                      Originally posted by Tuffie View Post
                      What are you implying here Tooki, that she's a Swedish Supermodel or something? ;D
                      Ahaha :P

                      Sure thing, will do.
                      Yup I am . Enjoy


                        Anyone else got any ideas on how to past time?
                        Yesterday took like 1 year to go by!!

                        (Consider this a free )


                          Do you have a part time job? Would you be interested in volunteer work? If you have too much time on your hands those are good ways to use it up (giving you something to add to your CV too!) Once you start college you will indeed feel better since your weekdays will be busier. The worst thing in this situation is not having anything to do - there was a time when I was out of both work and school and I almost went mad I found employment first as a nanny and then as a babysitter, but opportunities have been sporadic for a while now; I'm very much looking forward to going back to my studies for the regularity and routine. Never thought I'd hear myself say that, haha!


                            Wait sorry college at 16!!! when do you start school over there? (sorry bit off topic). passing time is easy once you get used to it... All you need to do is keep yourself busy, fill your day with anything and everything, clean your room, read a book, go to the gym, get a job (not trying to be slack), even sleeping longer hours but i doubt thats a good thing to do. The best way to pass time i think is going to the gym or going for runs. I have that nike ipod running thing and i just put the music on and run till im tired. Then i can track my running workouts and all that its pretty in a competition with my SO to see who can run the most/walk the most in the time apart


                              Originally posted by Amelia View Post
                              Wait sorry college at 16!!! when do you start school over there? (sorry bit off topic).
                              We most commonly use the term "college" in the UK to refer to education between the ages of 16 and 18.

