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Need help with waiting!

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    Thanks for the amazing posts everybody, you're all really great helps.
    One problem I find is that I'm cracking under pressure and sort of, "Lashing out" at her.. and because we can only talk online it's a LOT easier to say some things because I'm sitting here safely behind a computer screen.
    Any words of advice on how to keep strong? :c I can't stand seeing my Angel hurt..
    Last edited by Tuffie; September 1, 2012, 03:24 AM.


      The moment you feel your frustration rising, stop and take a deep breath. Excuse yourself from the conversation for a moment if you feel a break from the screen will help. Do try your best not to speak before you think; it's a hundred times worse to be on the receiving end of hurtful words when you and the other person are at a distance Remember it isn't your SO's fault that the two of you are miles apart! You guys are on the same side and suffering in the same way, you need to be patient and support one another, not come to blows. I know how hard it can be - I too have been mean to my SO once or twice in the past for the very same reason, but of course it didn't make me feel better at all. Emotions can seem almost impossible to control at times, but if you're sensitive to your reactions you can catch them before they get you into trouble


        Lademoiselle, it's like you're watching over me. You always comment on my posts in such an amazing, helpful, calm manner and I love reading every word. It's like it softly strokes my eye, kisses it before going into my brain.

        Thanks for always being a good sport and replying -- And giving amazing advice.

        Also, I'm jealous that your SO is from France.. I know almost fluent French, and kind of wish my SO was from France so we could have fun with it! Aha.

        Thanks a lot!


          I've been making the most of my time that I have with my SO, but the 2 month wait still seems like years away and it's becoming quite a challenge. I know I'm going to stick it out, just wondered if there's any ways to pass the time quicker?



            Learn to play an instrument or another skill to impress her with next time you see her! I got into embroidery because I wanted to make something different for my boyfriend and it had always interested me. I had to spend a bunch of time devoted to it. It kept me busy, AND I was able to do something for my SO, AND I got a nifty new talent - three birds, one stone!


              Well I can already play the Piano, but I see she's really into Zelda songs (Oh god, I hope she doesn't read this!)
              I might try learn one, just for her!!

              Thanks for the great idea Chickadee!



                I haven't seen my SO in over a year now so I know how hard it is to wait! Time goes by surprisingly fast. I always like to go through all my photos and think about how great it will be to make new ones. Writing letters is a good idea as well as Chickadee mentioned. Reminders and surprises always make the wait feel so much quicker. Just talking does if you ask me. I'm hopefully going to be going to visit my SO in Scotland for Christmas and that's nearly three months from now. I'm planning on writing letters every couple of days and planning a bunch of Skype dates between now and then. We've done that before and it makes time go by quite fast. We used to have dinner dates over Skype where we would get dressed up and cook a nice meal and have it together over Skype. Probably sounds cheesy but those dates felt super real for me. We are also carving pumpkins for Halloween which will be nice. Occasional activities together make time go fast because you forget about the distance. That's about all the advice I have..I would recommend the whole Skype date thing. Set a date once a month or so and you'll discover how great it is to have something to look forward to that's a shorter time to wait for.

