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EVEN further.

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    EVEN further.

    Number 1 this is the first time i have posted something and found no similar threads (little things in life )

    So my SO, michael, is starting to look at grad school which makes since seeing as he is starting his senior year of baylor university (sic em!) The closest school he is looking at is 10 hours away and the only reason he is looking at ST. LOUIS is because it has a pretty good (but not great) psych program. He has been contacted by schools with great programs though, i think he is looking at STL for me, because even though it is still far its not 21 hours away (the next closes school)

    ME: My parents pay for my school i am extremely blessed and i know that! They will not however help to pay for an out of state school unless i can get it to $4000 a year, which being a transfer student is extra hard! I also feel like it might break my mothers heart, my big sister just moved to washington st, and my little sister just moved 6 hours away for uni, so she keeps telling me she doesnt know what she would do if i left, which is the plan and has always been, she also doesnt want me fallowing michael, because she is nervous i would quick school to become a wife. if i am being honest, isnt a ridiculous assumption, i hate school.

    I dont really know what i was looking for in posting this, but if you have advice please share

    Hi Elizabeth! I'm not sure what you're looking for in this post either, but I had a few thoughts as I read it that I thought I would share with you. It is always hard in a Long Distance Relationship when you have to make a decision about college or graduate school. It is difficult, but I firmly believe that deciding on what school should not be based on your significant other. I know that sounds heartless, but you have to look at it from what's best for you. One of the biggests pieces of advice I give about being in an LDR is the importance of having your own life (actually I feel strongly about that in any type of relationship). If you choose a school to be near him, then you, in a way, are giving up the part of your life that is your own for him. The same thing goes for him. If he is looking for a school with a good psych program then that really needs to be his primary search (within reason of course). If you are meant to be together and you both truly want things to work then no matter how far apart you are, you will make it work. I think that distance is the best thing to ever happen to some relationships (mine included). Don't let your relationship be the only deciding factor. Keep in mind that you both have persevered this far and can do it again.

    I hope that offered at least something of what you are looking for.


      ^ she said everything I wanted to. The only thing I want to add is that education lasts forever SO's, no matter how much you love them, may not always be around.

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14

