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The same thing happened to me with one of my close friends. I hadn't told him anything before then, and just when I finally decide to be honest and tell him, he just kept being negative and I was increasingly upset by his comments, to the point where I was about to bash his face in...but anyway after that point I decided to not tell people about my special relationship (unless I know I have their support) I don't care for their negativity
I’m going to say that I can understand non-believers opinions I mean think about your own reservations about getting into a long distant relationship! Imagine someone that hasn't met someone that is worth the time, the effort and the craziness and getting them to understand! It’s insane. I believe long distance relationships are hard to understand especially when someone hasn't experienced it.
I’d say just they are entitled to their opinion but they shouldn't bash your relationship or they can’t come and see the happy ending!
Being in a LDR is rough.
Having those ppl saying: 'LDR dont work, how long will you wait? its not a 'real' relationship, i'm sure hes/shes cheating....' etc etc...
I've heard that stuff a lot over the year since i've started this LDR.
Some days it gets to me a lil, some not at all.
Just ignore them, believe in yourself, in your SO.
That's all it matters really, those ppl are just jealous and they have no clue what they are talking about.
♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡
Oh yes, my sister was quite the non-believer and would put my relationship down all the time. Telling me it couldn't work and that it was probably just a phase...She even said I was in an LDR because it was "easy"!! If she only freakin knew how NOT easy it is. But I think she's come to realise that, after almost 3 years together, this isn't a phase. lol
Don't let people get to you. It really isn't worth it. They just don't understand it.
"True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated." Married April 18th, 2015!!
Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!
The only thing you can do is ignore them. Those that have never been in an LDR don't understand the connection that's between you and your SO. Whenever I'd hear people go on and on about how my relationship was doomed to fail I'd internally roll my eyes and laugh at them because they've obviously never loved someone as much as I love my SO
My big sister bashed not only me but my boyfriend to our friends and my family (and openly on facebook) and one day when talking to my parents, she tried to make them believe that he is a nazi (and since I'm polish she thought my parents would believe her and make me break up with him - they wanted to hear from me if it's true and I could clarify it). <~ so to people like this, who are trying hard to destroy your relationship, there is nothing left but cut ropes. I deleted her off facebook and any other messenger and I don't talk to her anymore.
My parents and my 2 brothers aren't as drastic. They just want me to see that it is stupid and a phase, that it will not work and that I am foolish to believe otherwise. <~ The only thing you can do is ignore it as many have said before, there is no need to argue or try to prove that it's a real relationship. I remember when this topic came up the first time, I was really sad and hurt.. then my boyfriend said: Let them say whatever they want to say, you know how you feel about me and you know how I feel about you, you don't have to justify our relationship to anyone. Being happy is the best way to prove them wrong.
Be proud of your relationship - it's unique and only you two need to know that it's as real as a relationship can be.
Relationship began: 05/22/2012 First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013 Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
Married: 1/24/2015
Became Resident: 9/14/2015