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6 Months and a Road Bump

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    6 Months and a Road Bump's almost been 6 months with my SO and I, and it'll be my longest relationship ever! Whoo! But we've been getting into arguments non-stop, and there's always a lot of crying, and then we always make up before finding something else to argue about. We've gone through a bump like this before, and we've come out of it, but it's just a little scary.

    In my opinion, I feel this is the distance settling in. He doesn't have a computer of any kind, as a result, we can't have Skype dates. So we talk on the phone a lot, except he works when I don't have classes and I have classes when he's off from work. And by then, it's like 8:30/9:00 PM where I am, and it's dinner time for him. Then he has dinner and chores, and doesn't finish until 10:30/11 PM my time. By then, I have a tendency to just pass out. So finding time to talk has become an issue.

    Second, he was supposed to visit for a formal event called Date Party, but during the election, he ended up getting a DUI and now has a court date, so he can't leave the state. I'm totally over it, but it did put tension in our relationship for awhile.

    Lastly, we almost broke up a few weeks ago, so that really put a strain on our relationship. I really think we needed to almost break up, because we solidified our relationship and it's stronger than it was before. So it's a good thing, but in the back of my mind, I'm just scared it's going to happen again.

    I'm not really posting for advice, but I think I'm just venting. So, feel free to post anything!

    First met: June 2012
    Became Committed: June 04, 2012
    Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
    Next Visit: October 2013!


    Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.

    I hope the situation improves for the both of you... hopefully you'll find more time to talk soon! Communicate as much as you can for now, and when it comes to arguments do try to keep things in perspective - don't sweat the small stuff. Best of luck


      Thank you! We're still at a bump, and now he just keeps ignoring me.

      First met: June 2012
      Became Committed: June 04, 2012
      Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
      Next Visit: October 2013!

      XXX XXX

      Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.


        My SO and I have gone through a similar thing. We've been together for over two years and in September we broke up for about 3 weeks and didn't think we were going to get back together but we did. The arguing just got the best of us and we seemed to fight all the time. I think it happens because you end up missing each other so much and that leads to a lot of arguments. After we got back together in October things were really good but it feels like we are almost back to where we were again. Bumps just happen in LDRs.. My SO seems distant from me right now perhaps because he has been really busy but it feels like it really puts a strain on our relationship and makes me mad at him, which leads to arguments. Distance isn't for the faint hearted that's for sure but if you love your SO you'll get through it because you'll want to try hard to make things work. Just hang in there, he wont ignore you forever


          Originally posted by CountryGirl View Post
          My SO and I have gone through a similar thing. We've been together for over two years and in September we broke up for about 3 weeks and didn't think we were going to get back together but we did. The arguing just got the best of us and we seemed to fight all the time. I think it happens because you end up missing each other so much and that leads to a lot of arguments. After we got back together in October things were really good but it feels like we are almost back to where we were again. Bumps just happen in LDRs.. My SO seems distant from me right now perhaps because he has been really busy but it feels like it really puts a strain on our relationship and makes me mad at him, which leads to arguments. Distance isn't for the faint hearted that's for sure but if you love your SO you'll get through it because you'll want to try hard to make things work. Just hang in there, he wont ignore you forever
          Yeah! I know what you mean! We just had out 6-Month Anniversary, yesterday, and we argued then too! But I think we needed to argue because we lost the reason we started going out in the first place. Even though we argue on and off, we're both sooo in love with each other, that we just end up having "I wuv you" wars. And now that's we're slowly patching things up, we're having conversations that we had in the beginning of our relationship, and now he texts me all the time, and he jumps at the chance to have a date on the weekends. We're still going through difficulties, but we're finding out roots. But thank you so much for your advice! The distance really is killer and it's really great to talk to people who go through the same thing! And it seems you and your SO are doing really well! I'd love to talk to you more about it!

          First met: June 2012
          Became Committed: June 04, 2012
          Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
          Next Visit: October 2013!

          XXX XXX

          Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.


            Unfortunately arguing just happens. I wish my SO would text me all the time, but he doesn't. That's the nice thing about arguing though is that you still feel close when it's all said and done. Anytime you'd like to talk you can send me a message, I'm on here every day (: Glad things are slowly but surely getting better for you~

