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Is She Getting Bored?

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    Is She Getting Bored?

    Hello my people,

    I just registered to this great forum and I hope all of your relationships have been going well.

    Anyways this is my first time being in a LDR. I never thought I would be in one of these but here I am and I need help!

    Anyways I met my significant other last February. I'm 23, she's 22. I live in Toronto she's in Portland and the relationship started out great we're literally made for each other and I know you've heard that before but this is the real deal. Even our personalities are on the opposite spectrum meaning that we're ideal for each other! Not only that but our convos are filled with these crazy occurrences and tid-bits that have an extremely low probability of happening and they happen all the time. I can feel what she's feeling even 3000miles apart. So after going steady(?), I don't know the correct term, for about 3 months she decided to dump me because of our different religious beliefs. I'm Muslim and she's Christian. We went our separate ways for about 4 months but those 3 months we spent talking for hours and hours everyday really amounted to something spectacular and we thought about each other every moment of everyday. She even tried contacting me again but I cut off all ties and when she told me she tried to talk to me I immediately asked that her and I give this relationship a second chance. She agreed saying that even if we have different beliefs that she wants to spend the rest of her life with me. We've been together another 3 months (yes the dreaded 3 month anniversary has passed) so in total we've been together for about half a year. For the first 2 and a half months of our renewed relationship we would talk to each other hours a day, texting, video chatting, talking on the phone and I was so incredibly happy. We would send each other explicit photos of each other even video clips. One day however I asked her if she would send me a little tease and she responded with the 'I have a headache' BS, yes the oldest God damn excuse in the book. We still got intimate though over texts and phone calls but she doesn't want to show her body to me lately. Anyways, this relationship isn't based solely on sex. I love her with all my heart, I pray for her and we often talk about our bright future including marriage and babies!! Recently however I feel that she is avoiding me or not putting enough time into this relationship. In the past two weeks alone we've only really talked a few times over the phone and through texts. I mean I actually put effort into this relationship. I set aside time for her so I can talk to her but she seems to take our relationship for granted. She's not giving me as much time as I require, it's ridiculous! She lives far away from her family and all I understand that and she gets lonely sometimes but lately she's been spending much more time with her friends and acquaintances in Portland than she is with me. Even though we both have data and can text at all times.

    I really don't want to lose this girl, she's intelligent, beautiful, she has impeccable taste in music, shes caring, devoted to me, trustworthy and has motherly instincts. I don't want to lose her and date random boring girls again. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

    Thanks in advance,
    - Strings

    Give her some time. I spent 4 months feeling rather apathetic towards my SO. I discovered later, it was my mind refusing to process all the changes that were happening in my life at that time. It can be very lonely, but give her time and space. Don't push her away at all and keep communicating where you can, but try and let her come to you. She will in her own time.
    Also, it's Christmas time. It can be a very busy and often stressful time of year. I don't think she's bored just yet. She's probably just busy.


      I was also going to say that it's typically stressful/busy time of the year. I would wait until after the holidays to see if things don't go back to normal.


        I just talked to her over the phone and asked her what the situation is. I was discreet and she said exactly what you said, she's been really busy lately but she still loves me and plans to spend the rest of her life with me. Thanks for the advice. It's funny how emotional one can get over the smallest things. \V/

