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    So I skyped with my SO recently and we talked about our week and that stuff, but at some point in the call I had to go and finish up some errands. So, I told him I needed to go and he was all: "'re just making excuses!" In a joking way of course. But after a while I saw that he wouldn't let me go so I decided that I had to do something before I got in trouble (for not doing what I was told, and that can lead to worse stuff than just having to hang up on Skype). Here's the thing, he recently had to drop out of his accelerated program because his GPA was a little low. He was the valedictorian of his class, never got any B's, so he took it very hard. He's trying to find his way back into the system at the moment. Anyways, I pushed the envelope and hit him with that one. "You have to do your work now, because who failed out of their program?" I meant in an entirely "joke" kind of manner, but he took it hard. I didn't know what I was saying and it just came out. We resolved the problem somewhat, but our Skype call ended on a sour note. He know's I'm truly sorry, but he's still a little upset. I mean who could blame him? He said don't worry about it too much, but I know he's pretty upset now. I'm going to give him a little space. It doesn't help that our one year anniversary is this coming Friday. Help? (I know I'm completely at fault....but something like this has never happened to us before!) Thank you if you got this far, and I would appreciate some feedback.
    Last edited by artgrl808; January 20, 2013, 04:57 PM.

    Sometimes it takes a little longer for things like that to blow over. My SO tends not to get over things until the next day, while I am quick to forgive and move on. Just give him a little bit of time.
    Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
    Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
    Engaged: 09/26/2020


      I've done similar and talked/joked about breaking up. It happens and you then feel terrible, been there! Give him a but of time, if you've apologised there's not much else you can do. If he's still a bit upset maybe write it down?


        Pretty much three months after we went out, we hit the biggest rough patch known to mankind. Every other conversation was an argument. And it got to a point where we almost broke up. Then three months after that, we almost broke up again. And then we did break up a week ago. And now we're back together and there hasn't been a single argument yet. Arguments happen, and it's really up to your personalities on how you resolve it. Giving him space is good, because he'll talk to you when he's ready. He's a man that way. His pride was probably hurt and now he needs to build it up again.

        Don't sweat it. If you've reached a year, chances are that this will blow over. For me, it took half of our relationship to blow over. But yours is a lot steadier than mine. So I really think you're in good standing.

        First met: June 2012
        Became Committed: June 04, 2012
        Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
        Next Visit: October 2013!

        XXX XXX

        Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.


          You just have to give him time to get over having his feelings hurt... if you want you could send him a cute e-card or email saying that you're sorry. That's what I do when things like this happen with my SO.


