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No way to communicate

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    No way to communicate

    I'm in college and my boyfriend is still a junior in high school. Age doesn't matter and neither does what grade we're in. We've been together 13 months and have had a long distance relationship for 9. The thing that sucks the most is that his mom constantly takes his phone. The time varies from a day to a few weeks. During that time we have no way to talk and sometimes it really starts to take a toll on me. I'll be happy for a bit but then I get a massive wave of sadness. Its had an efdect on my eating and activities and I really dont know how to just step back and say it'll be alright. He' been my best friend for almost 2 years and he's the person I talk to the most. Any ideas on how to help with the overwhelming sadness?

    Hi audrinamarie,

    -Yes it's true that age doesn't matter. My boyfriend just got out of high school, and I've graduated from college three years ago so I can relate with you! (but we only have a two-year age gap)

    -Most of us people who are in an LDR really goes through a wave of depression sometimes when we miss our SO. I myself had that when my SO started working full-time after being a bum for a long time. I lost ten pounds in two weeks, so what I did was get together with my long lost friends every night and schedule a date with my peers. I am also thinking of getting another part-time job aside from my current full-time job so I can earn more money for both of us. It helps me forget about the sadness of our situation and focus on the brighter things (such as if earn more from this part-time job, i'll be able to buy a ticket to fly to Arizona and be with him!).

    -Aside from getting busy, try reading more about people who are in LDRs too. This is what helped me a lot to cope. I've read a lot of stories here in LFAD about people who are in LDRs for a long time and I thought that I want to have a relationship that lasts like those. The people here have become my source of inspiration for my own relationship.

    We can do this! Just keep the faith


      I'm in this situation too! (Well sort of) I'm a senior in high school & my boyfriend is a freshman in college. My mother takes my phone away from time to time (like your boyfriend). So to get around it I email him a daily update. Who says you can only email someone with your phone? Anyways, my boyfriend loves the daily contact even though we don't get to talk in real time (on Skype) until the weekend. I know it's hard, but maybe you could give this a shot? Best of luck!!


        Can't he use school computers, if not at home, to email you? If not then how about writing to each other, maybe once a week to recap your week, or if thats too expensive then every other week, so it's still regular contact and something you can look forward to and have in his own handwriting.

