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Grad School

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    Grad School

    So... basically my boyfriend is going off to a PhD grad school next fall, which will take about 5-7 years. I still need work experience before I can apply to my masters programs, and I want to live at home in order to save money first... the programs I'm looking at are pretty expensive. It's looking like I'll be apart from him for about 4 years, about 1,500 miles away... at that point, as long as I get into one of my programs, I should be done with everything and can re-locate to his new state.

    I'm just worried... I really really don't like the situation. We have talked about it, but I think he's starting to get a little irritated with me going over it :/. I guess I just need a little more reassuring than the average person... I think it will be a difficult transition time, but hopefully afterward it will get easier. I'm just not really sure how to cope with it yet. Males seem to have such an easy time just taking off...

    I'm not sure if anyone has grad school distance stories of this kind that are successful? All I'm reading are ones that are pretty depressing...

    I too need to be reassured. I don't have a grad school story per se, but we are in college now. We've been best friends since 1999 and lived 2 blocks away from each other our entire lives. He went away to college, and we've been LD for almost 3 years now. Altogether, we are going to be apart 5 years. So, we're almost there. It seems intimidating, but really it goes quickly. I am graduating in May and I start graduate school in July. I had the option to transfer to his school but it was expensive and I just decided it would be best for me to stay local. But, we are getting by. I should be graduating from grad school in July 2015. My boyfriend will be graduating undergrad in May 2015 so as long as we can get jobs near each other, the distance will be closed.

    Guys tend to handle the distance better...or at least they don't show that it affects them. It's not easy, but with the support of us here, and with patience you can do it. LDR's are hard, but they are so rewarding.

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


      I'm in my second semester of grad school and 3rd year of LDR. It can be done


        I have 1 more year to go in my graduate program. We've been together a little over 4 years now, long distance from the start. Creating a schedule for communication is something I suggest. That has been helping us a lot.


          Hey there! I am yet another person in grad school and LDR. I am almost done and yes it's been a tough two years with my studies since I'm in a pretty intense program, but we've always made time to talk. We typically talk on the phone every night for about a half hour and if not then we'll text or send an email and the other person can get back to it whenever. We went to the same college for undergrad so it took some getting used to for to juggle school and a LDR, but it's all worked out! For me the anticipation of going LDR was actually much worse than the LDR itself.


            Thanks for that last comment about the anticipation part being worse than the distance. I'm in that phase now, less than a month till he leaves. That it gets easier than it is now is reassuring.


              I just left my boyfriend in London for grad school in Canada. Of was the hardest thing EVER and not having him here with me has kind of taken away from the excitement and accomplishment of getting into such a great program.

              I tell myself everyday that it'll work in ou favour. We'll both be in high demand careers and be able to get a visa in his country of maybe move some place else. It's still hard and I don't really have any advice.

              I just wanted to let you know there's someone else out there


                My SO is working on his masters (and has a ft job). He is taking 17 credit hours/semester. The hardest part for me is encouraging and supporting him to do well in school. He is so incredibly busy that there are weeks (if he multiple exams) that we barely talk. I can tell when he is getting down and discouraged, and I have to push him to work thru it.
                There are days I just want to say "hello - i need some us time!". But then I bring myself back to reality. He will graduate in July and we will close the distance. if we can get thru this, we can get thru anything
                everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.

