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lots of secrets for them.......

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    lots of secrets for them.......

    Me and my LDR have been dating for 16 motnhs now close to 17. there is a big age difference between us. He is 28 and im 18. We have wanted to meet for a very long time. i invited him to my prom and he said yes, he almost cried when i asked him. but two days before he was supposed to come down he said he hadnt saved enough money but his sister lent him some and in the end he missed his flight. that weekend was the worst weekend of my life so far, cus i got in a bad car accident the day he was supposed to arrive. then he said he was going to come down 2 weeks after summer classes in college were over but then he said his car was making a wierd noise and he wasnt sure it would make it, i told him not to come down but then my emotions got the best of me and i started crying on the phone and he set his mind to coming down here. We met for the first time on August 18. he stayed for 5 days and they were the best days of my life c: he said it was my turn and he would pay my plane ticket and im like sure but i pay half c: Unfortunately it had to end, the night before he left i cried and i felt so horrible because i knew i was being selfish. i kept telling him to stay although i knew he had his family over there and his job and school. then he left and ever since i have been telling him i miss him and i want to be with him. yesterday on the phone he told me his parents were planning to get a camper in the next year or so and they were going to leave the house to him, and he said he wants me to move in with him!!! and i told him i would love to live with him. here's the catch though...i recently told my mom i had a bf and she didnt seemed faced by how old he was. idk if she has told my dad yet, but the only people who know are most of my friends and 4 of my family members one which lives in colorado. so my mom is skeptcal about long distance relationships says love from afar is love for dumbasses....she doesnt know how long we have been together for this long. i still probably need to tell my dad but idk how. i just want my family to know so i dont have to hide it anymore. and i dont hide it because im ashamed im just not the tyoe of person who likes to tell private stuff to the rest of the fmaily so...1)how should i tell him 2)when would be an ideal time to tell them about moving all the way to south carolina from texas? 3) is it a good idea to move in with my LDR?

    If you think you're mature enough to move half way across the country and manage a house, being upfront to your parents should be easy. Are you going to college in SC? Is your SO financially stable enough to support you if you don't get a job soon? I'd just be like "I've actually been dating someone from SC for a year and the opportunity arose for me to go and try living with him." I can't imagine it going well though to be honest. The ideal time would be as soon as possible so you can try to gain some respect and trust back. Personally, I think it's too soon. You've had one visit and haven't even been to SC. Good luck though.


      Hi! Welcome to the forums; I live in Houston as well.

      I personally wouldn't make such a life changing decision based off of being with someone in person for 5 days. Maybe this summer or coming winter break you can go spend a month or two with him and see how you like South Carolina, and more importantly how well you two interact together for long periods of time. As far as telling your parents, that one might be tough. Considering that you live under their roof, you're restricted to their rules. It may be a little bit difficult to convince them to let you go stay out there for a few months, especially seeing as it doesn't seem to me that they have ever spoken to your boyfriend. It might be good to introduce him to your mother and father so that they can get a feel of who he is and eventually warm up to the idea of you two being together.


        i wish i could stay over there for a month or two but i have a job as well and its not possible right now...maybe i'll be financially stable by the same time next parents are all for letting me go out into the world and trying to fend for myself. i told him id pay for his ticket to come here and go back for him to meet my parents and he said he's ready to meet them


          i belvieve i am mature enough....ive always been mature for my age....i guess thats why me and my ldr click so much because we an discuss things like adults and not an adult to a kid, we are very alike mentally...i would have a job if i moved there because my job i can do it from anywhere. and yes i would be attending college over there. and i plan to visit south carolina and meet his parents as well. and thanks c:


            I'm sorry if what I am about to say comes off as rude, just to let you know that is not my intention. I'm just a little confused. You say that you are mature for your age, and you can discuss things like adults, and not as a child? This doesn't make much sense to me when you talk about not knowing how to tell your dad about your relationship and what your plans are. Of course I can understand it is difficult, but it just seems simple to me, that if you consider yourself able to discuss things as an adult, you should be able to talk to your parents properly? I personally don't have a super close relationship with my parents, but I am fairly open with them, and I have discussed with them my future plans, even when I was fearful they would not approve, but that was a risk I took for my relationship. Furthermore, it's important that first you have him meet your family, and going to SC to meet his and seeing where you could potentially be living would be a good idea. This is what I did this summer with my boyfriend. I went to Texas to see what living there would be like, and spend a few weeks with just him & me and see how it would be like if I lived there. But first and foremost, telling your parents right away would be the best place to start. Just sit them down, and explain to them as an adult what you and your boyfriend are planning. Good luck to you, and best wishes
            started dating: 12/08/12
            "i love you": 04/12/13
            el paso: 07/24/13 - 08/05/13
            montreal: 12/13/13 - 01/03/14
            el paso: 01/05/14 - 01/19/14
            montreal: 05/30/14 - 07/27/14
            el paso: 07/27/14 - 08/18/14
            el paso: 12/27/14 - 01/16/15
            el paso: 06/02/15 - 08/17/15
            san antonio: 02/04/16 - 02/08/16
            san antonio/el paso: 06/03/16 - 06/21/16


              i understand what you are saying and i dont think its rude it makes perfect sense. the problem is not that i cant talk to them im just the type of person that if i want you to know something i'll tell you and if i dont i wont and that includes my parents. im very private about my stuff most of the time with people who are close to me. ive already told both of them about it and they seemed pretty ok with it. and i will be going to south carolina next summer after college is out and i wish i could spend weeks over there but i cant or maybe i will be able to who knows? how long did you spend here in texas?

