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Broken & Stuck On Him. Please Read.

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    Broken & Stuck On Him. Please Read.

    Please take the time to read. I'm very...I'm at a loss on what to do with myself...It would mean a lot to talk to people who maybe understand how I feel.
    So, my now ex, and I broke up last year in November due to...numerous things. Distance was getting the best of me, he was acting different, and the final straw was him lying to me about something. It was a major lie too-not going to go into the specifics of things. But, my heart was broken between all of that-all I could wonder was what had happened to us. It absolutely killed me to end things. I don't think I've ever cried as much over anyone as I did over him. I don't think he did either. We both knew we needed a break though. I figured that if things were really meant to work out, we'd get back together-we just needed time to figure things out.
    After I broke it off, we continued talking, which I was and wasn't expecting. We've hardly gone more than a day without talking in the four years that I've known Aaron, and he's been my best friend since I met him. To this day, he's the first person I want to talk to when things are shitty, when I'm upset, or when I need anything. He's always been the one that's been there, and quite honestly, I can't imagine my life without him. It doesn't make sense, and he makes No he's not perfect, but neither am I, and we help balance each other out. Even after we broke up, I still loved him-no less, despite what he'd done to me. But anyways, he kept telling me he loved me too.
    And then he started telling me to just get over him and move on. But he'd go back to telling me he loved me and wanted to be with me.
    Then, I started to think.
    What if he decided he didn't want to be with me anymore...what if he gave up and we never got back together. After he lied to me, I started to have doubts about everything he'd said. Then, with his wish-washy feelings, I began to realize I had to start being realistic and prepare myself in case one day he decided he didn't want to ever be with me again. Just seeing myself and the mess I was when I'd ended things (with the intention of getting back together down the road) I knew I wouldn't be okay if things were completely over. Which, it was foolish of me to think that everything would work out the way I wanted, but I knew if we really cared we'd both work things out somehow.
    But then I made the mistake of trying to date someone after he told me to get over him and said he didn't think we should talk to each other anymore. Partially because I was still upset over him hurting me, and part of me wanted him to feel as bad as I had. But also partially because I had to try- and see if I was actually capable of moving on. And I told him that I was dating someone-we were broken up, and he knew that, and he'd told me to get over him. But he got angry. More angry when he found out I'd kissed the guy I tried dating. It ended up turning into an argument that nearly destroyed our friendship.
    I ended up breaking things off with the guy I was dating because I found myself unable to return the same feelings he had for me, and saw no point in trying to continue our relationship when all I could think about was Aaron. I think part of it too, was I felt guilty that I was dating him-like I was betraying Aaron, even though we weren't together. Mind you, Aaron and I dated LD for about 3 years.
    Somehow, Aaron and I managed to patch things up. But nothing has been the same ever since then. He would talk to me normally for awhile. Then out of nowhere he'd bring up my dating another guy and how he couldn't handle knowing that and didn't think of me the same way...all this other crap. Pretty much he made me feel like shit about myself for hurting him, despite the many times I tried to even put into words my feelings for him and explain to him why I had dated that guy. It was on and off between us being okay to fighting constantly-even though we weren't together. He's held that against me ever since then. Though, when he hurt me, I still forgave him, even though he didn't deserve it.
    Things grew continually worse. He started saying that we weren't right for each other and that he thought it was better if we stopped talking. He still wasn't dating anyone, but evidently couldn't get over the fact that I have a lot of guy friends-who are only friends, if I may point out- and that I'd dated someone else. Every little thing I said seemed to be the wrong thing, and through it all, I still found myself loving him, more heartbroken over the fact that he was trying to end things with us. So I tried dating again, because Aaron and I weren't getting anywhere. I didn't tell him this time, and the fighting continued. Dating didn't work. It hasn't ever since him. I dated two other after, and all I can think about when I'm supposed to be someone's girlfriend is how he compares to Aaron. I still find myself wanting to talk to him and be with him, even though he...doesn't seem to care anymore.
    Finally, a few months ago, Aaron told me we couldn't do what we were anymore. Things weren't working, we were different (even though we're not) he can't get over this and that...I tried and tried to convince him otherwise, and it hasn't really worked since then. When I thought I'd made progress things were okay for awhile then he officially pretty much stopped talking to me. Asked me to "please stop". I have never been so heartbroken in my life. And it's my fault. I made things the way they are now, with my hopes that we'd get back together-but still trying to see if I could get over him and be okay if that didn't happen. And I can't. But now I'm at the reality where he doesn't want me anymore, and I want him....and I can't have him :'c I can't even tell you all the times I lay in bed at night trying to talk to him and get no response, or just cry because I miss him. Nothing is the same without him in my life. No matter what I do...I've become so discouraged about dating people because no one makes me feel the way he does. I've dated people who were probably better for me than him, and still ended up breaking up with them because I couldn't do it. Even during times where he wasn't talking to me much. I feel like even if I stopped talking to him for a long time, all I would do is miss him and want him more. We never met, which we were planning on doing this past summer, but we'd broken up last November so it never happened. And I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting...what happened. Because I know that things would have been completely different had we been with each other. And he does too. We had a long talk about everything when he was trying to say we couldn't be together-before he stopped responding to me, and said he didn't want to regret anything either. At least for me, I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting never meeting him and seeing if things would have worked out. Because I don't know-I could be missing out on...this person that I could have a great life with, all because of my stupid mistakes. But with him not wanting to be with me...I feel like going through life, I can be with other people, but never feel the same that I did about him, and always in the back of my mind be thinking of him and wanting him. I don't want to have that guilt, that I have every time I'm with someone if I ever get married some day and it's not to him, which we had also discussed. Neither of us imagined things would turn out the way they did, and I dare say neither of us want them to turn out the way they have. But I don't think either of us know how to fix how we both feel. I just don't know what to do with myself.
    He's changed me, in so many ways, and made me into a person that I actually like. He's given me so much and become such a big part of me, that I can't let him go. And I don't want to. Because I know that will kill me. It's already killing me now. All the people around me, my closest friends have all noticed a change in my attitude and personality recently as well, which makes me wonder even if I'm depressed. There's times when I'm fine, then...everything just comes rushing back to me and I feel like I've been hit with a ton of bricks and that...everything is just terrible. I don't know what to do. I don't.

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I know how much this kind of thing hurts, especially since it sounds like he's your first real love.

    Blaming yourself isn't going to help, or make anything better. I know it's hard not to.. I have the same tendency, to look back over time together and analyze every mistake, and think "what if I'd done it this way instead" etc.

    But here's the thing.. all of this with Aaron, is something you can learn from.
    If you date other guys and only think of him, it could just be that you're not ready yet. And there's nothing wrong with that. Take some time to intentionally be single. Try new hobbies, hang out with friends just as friends, and don't even try to force the dating thing.

    The thing is, when you meet the right guy, the way you are and the way you choose to act won't be "mistakes." They'll click with how your partner works, too. (Not to say there won't ever be stupid things you'll wish you did differently, but you'll figure out how it works for you and for him.)

    Honestly, it sounds a little like this guy wouldn't be the right fit, and it seems like he has realized t, but didn't know how to deal with that, and hence more fights, etc.

    As much as it sucks, I think his suggestion of not talking is the only real option. That's the only way you're both going to get some space to have perspective on it, to start moving on. It doesn't mean you can't ever be friends, it just means you can't be friends right now, while it's fresh. I'd suggest not contacting him (especially since you're not getting responses anyway) and stay strong. It WILL get better, and there WILL be guys who are a better fit, even if it's hard to think so right now.

    Good luck!


      I've always been the type of person to blame myself for everything :P I suppose that's just in my nature...but a lot of problems we have had really were my fault. Not to say he never caused problems, but when things were fine, they were amazing. And he is my first "real love". But we've known each other for such a long time, all the way from 8th grade through high school, and we dated for a large portion of that as well. Now we've got college things to deal with, work, life haha. And things are by far different now from when they first began because people change, but...I don't know if it's because I'm so used to him? Because really he's one of the only people I dated throughout high school, minus like one or two guys. And after dating him, there was an instance when I felt like I "loved" someone. But it wasn't the I know how I feel when I'm really in love...and I haven't felt it. The thing that gets me's been over a year that we haven't been together-so it's by no means "fresh". I mean, we haven't been together and even tried to work on just being friends for awhile...and I am still crying over this guy, and no one else. And it sucks so much because...there's plenty of things to distract me from it, but any time something reminds me of him, or at night when I have time to think...that's all I think about. And it drives me crazy because I don't want to not know if things had been different if we were in person? Like I think that's the biggest thing for me. I'm so stuck on the what if's and what I know it's like being with him, without even being in person, that all I want is to be with him in person. I can't even look at other guys the same way because I might think they're amazing...for all of a month or two, then I get bored or I just don't...THAT feeling isn't there. The one he gave me. Which is ridiculous because I've been with guys-which I hate to say it-better than him, stereotypically what I want and fairytale like, and everyone around me loves them,'s not there. I've taken so much from our relationship and applied it towards everything I look for in relationships now, but I CAN'T DO THEM. It's so frustrating lol Maybe I'm just better off alone-except for the fact that I crave attention haha. Ugh. Idk. I want to...respect what he wants? Because I just want him to be happy. But I wish I could be making him happy instead of hurting him or him hurting me. He is what makes me happy. Now he went and stole all my happiness and I'm just one big blob of blah. :P It wouldn't even be so bad if he would just be honest with me and say that we've grown apart without saying he wants me or loves me. Because that makes it worse. Or he'll go through all the trouble of telling me that he doesn't want to be together and then tell me he misses me. I don't think he knows what he wants half of the time.


        There are, possably, other guys (or girls) who can make you feel THAT special feeling, or very good but different feelings. Forcing yourself to date is probably not a good idea. Just go on your life without him, get a new hobby, work on your self asteem. Write a letter to yourself about how you feel, that you can read many years from now. There is so much life to come for you. If you are touching upon depression, get help. I know when you are in the middle of it feels like loosing yourself, but these are only the birth pains of your life to come, you will find yourself little by little and suddenly you will look at him and be genuinely surprised that you were in love with him.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          You say you've been broken up for a year, so it's not fresh, but how long since he stopped talking to you?
          I hate to say it, but a lot of people (including me!) can't move on very well if there's any contact. At least, until I'm over it. It sounds like you might be the same way. I think not talking to him at all will be good in the long run, even though it doesn't seem like it and it's hard to imagine things without him.


            It's really a long story! Let the past gone, Time would be the best medicine to cure everything! Look forward ,don't go back again!

