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    Hey everybody

    So I thought it would be best to post my concerns here since it relates to my schooling.

    Recently i have fallen behind I'm one of my classes at Uni...Unfortunately I'm like right on the edge of failing this if I don't get an B++/A on the next two exams I'm toast....
    My SO is supposed to come visit in May, however things are going to get complicated because if I do fail this class, I can retake it...but the thing is I can only take the 5 week version of the class, and that involves sitting in a lecture 4 days per week for 4 hours a day. With 1 chapter of homework every night....meaning that I would have 0 tome to spend with my SO....

    I'm so stressed out right now because I feel all of this pressure to succeed and I'm worried that if I don't my SO will push his trip back, and then I'll be miserable stuck in this do-over course, wishing he were here, knowing it is all my fault he couldn't come and spend time with me and feeling like I let him down :/

    I have a glimmer of hope that it's possible to pass, but it's calculus....And I'm not doing very well...obviously...

    I just need some advice ...And honestly I'm worried there isn't much advice to be given on the situation :/

    Calculus sucks like that.

    Seek out a tutor & tell your SO about the situation right now. And go to office hours if your professor/TA has them. Yes, on top of the tutor. Let him know you're not blowing him off because you want to - but because you need to pass this course, otherwise you'll have to retake it. While he's there. Ask him to help remind you that you need to study if you've been talking for longer than 10ish minutes.

    ETA: Stop focusing on the fact that your visit could be pushed back until August. If you focus on calc & make that your priority instead of moping about how it could be another 3 months before you see each other, it might help. I can't imagine continuing to stress about it possibly being another 3 months will help anything. (edited again because I haven't had enough coffee yet)
    Last edited by lyonsgirl; February 24, 2014, 07:20 AM.

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post
      Calculus sucks like that.

      Seek out a tutor & tell your SO about the situation right now. And go to office hours if your professor/TA has them. Yes, on top of the tutor. Let him know you're not blowing him off because you want to - but because you need to pass this course, otherwise you'll have to retake it. While he's there. Ask him to help remind you that you need to study if you've been talking for longer than 10ish minutes.

      ETA: Stop focusing on the fact that your visit could be pushed back until August. If you focus on calc & make that your priority instead of moping about how it could be another 3 months before you see each other, it might help. I can't imagine continuing to stress about it possibly being another 3 months will help anything. (edited again because I haven't had enough coffee yet)
      thanks, I appreciate the advice! And you're right....stressing over our visit can't help anything...
      Calculus can just go find a hole to stay in for the rest of my life ha...
      It stinks because I study a lot, but it's like as soon as the exam is in front of me, I blank and it all leaves my brain


        Originally posted by blueorchid1 View Post
        thanks, I appreciate the advice! And you're right....stressing over our visit can't help anything...
        Calculus can just go find a hole to stay in for the rest of my life ha...
        It stinks because I study a lot, but it's like as soon as the exam is in front of me, I blank and it all leaves my brain
        I do understand that problem. I took calc 1 & calc 2 and those were the worst classes of my entire college career. And part of the reason I decided to leave engineering. I do regret not trying harder in those classes, though, I know I could have actually done the work had I sought out a tutor.

        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
        Progress: Complete!

        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
        Progress: Working on it.


          Yeah, I agree. I know I can pass if i seek out a tutor, I just have a problem with admitting I need help...because honestly I feeling like each week goes by and I focus so much on the current topics that that stuff from before just leaves my mind, I feel like a tutor would have to help recover the entire course for me -.-

          I'm currently seeking a degree in Biological science, so calc 1 is just the tip of the iceberg for me.....

          In all actuality, one part of why I'm behind is because I had just gotten back from my first visit with my SO 4 days before classes started...I thought I would have a welcomed distraction, but I ended up tuning out my professor because I was emotionally checked out :/


            I had/have the same problem. If you want to see your SO in May, you need to suck it up and find a tutor.

            2016 Goal: Buy a house.
            Progress: Complete!

            2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
            Progress: Working on it.


              I've taught math(s) classes and I honestly believe the best way to learn calculus or indeed anything mathematical is lots and lots of practise. You can read about it all you want but you have to be doing it regularly for it to sink in.


                Oh man I'm in the exact same position as you xD
                Can I hug you ;-; *sniffle
                We'll get through this


                  A hug is definitely in order. *virtual hug*

                  But first things first. Calm down. Breathe. And focus all your time and energy on your exams because that is your priority right now.

                  Next, breathe again. Then ask for help. It's okay to ask for help so that it's easier to understand the topics on the exam. It's less stress that way because it would make you feel more confident to have someone validate that you're learning correctly compared to studying alone.

                  So take it one step at a time. And think positively about calculus. I find that it's harder to understand the lessons when you think it's hard, and it becomes surprisingly easy when you think that the topics could be interesting.

                  I hope it helps. So a big big hug and you'll get through this!


                    Ah! What a stressful situation. I've never had the privilege (can you see the sarcasm dripping?) of taking calculus; but I have taken multiple economics classes in the past. Just like you, I was not really open to the idea of a tutor, but when the situation got serious I reconsidered.

                    Does your school have a tutor resource program or section on their website? I know that when I chose mine, I was able to look through their qualifications and read reviews by other students. That put me at ease. I only ended up having one session with him, but it really helped smooth out some of the larger ideas that were blocking my general understanding of so many related theories. Start with small manageable pieces that are missing and go from there? I agree with lyonsgirl - talk to your prof or TA and they might be able to point you in the right direction (that's what they're there for!). Has to be more productive than being stressed out about it at the very least.

