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New here...Very strange time for me :(

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    New here...Very strange time for me :(

    Let me start off by saying, I debated for awhile to post on a website about what's going on with my relationship. But, I figured the best place to do it is where people understand where I'm coming from. This will also be a kinda long post! Fair warning...

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over 3 years, a year and some change of those have been long distance. I'm 25 and he's 29. We met in Boston in 2010 and kind of dated for a month, then lost touch. Then in 2011, we became friends again, then started dating officially, saying "I love you" within a few weeks of dating.

    A year after we are together and in Boston (2012), he loses his job and moves back home to Albany, NY. We do the long distance thing, I work and he's living at home and trying to make things work. In 2013, I decide to go to school in NYC. I wanted to do something for myself. But, I ended up not really digging the school and had begun the process of applying to transfer to another school.

    We had our ups and downs, I was in an unfamiliar place and trying to call and text him to feel comfortable, which was silly of me because I should just acclimate myself. He visited me in May of this year. There was an instance where I saw texts to another girl, kind of flirty. I brought it up to him and he said "I know exactly what you saw". We talked it out, and to my knowledge, it has resolved itself.

    So now I am at another school in Western Massachusetts. Over the summer, we had a lot of ups and downs, trying to cope with the distance, albeit not too far (about 2.5 hours). He had been struggling to get a job that whole time, taking odd jobs, getting depressed and frustrated from that and living at home again. He finally got a legitimate 9-5 job in June or July something he has never had. Every time I talk to him, he says how stressed he is at work and doesn't know if he's doing the right thing because he's a musician. Those feelings have seeped immensely into our relationship. He works M-F then Tues-Thurs he's busy till about 11 with projects with friends.

    I'm the type of person when in a relationship, I give a lot to my partner. I care about them and want to show it. I'm a blunt person, but sometimes, I walk on eggshells as to not upset them so sometimes I keep my needs to myself. What I have realized is that the longer I did this, the longer my boyfriend got used to me not saying how I really felt sometimes, and it all became very passive between us. We just talked for 2 consecutive days of 2+ hour conversations about our lives and what our relationship is and such, very emotionally draining.

    Then last night, we were supposed to talk to resolve if he was coming up to see me this weekend. It came down to him not having enough money for gas and eating out and such because he's putting a lot down for an apartment to finally move out of his parents house. I got frustrated because the week before he kept telling me he would, then went back on what he said. I expressed my frustration about that to him, and we kind of talked about that for awhile. It then came out with him saying he doesn't know if he can give me what I want, if he'll make me happy. He kept saying "I don't know" and there was a lot of silence, and I said "What do you know, tell me what you really want to say" and he said something along the lines of "I can't do this anymore, this relationship is stressing me out. I don't know if I can be in one right now". I ended up crying heavily, so did he. We were both so sad, and I kept saying I don't want to do this, I can;t imagine not talking to you, and he said he couldn't either.

    He said he still wanted to be in my life, how can someone say that so soon?? I ended with 'I love you' because I wanted to hear him say it, but he didn't. He said he couldn't yet, and that his love might have changed, that that this was a whole 'nother topic. He said we would talk in a few days, then texted me this morning saying "good morning". I've been so lost, especially starting at another school and feeling lost within myself already.

    I guess, I'm kind of asking what everyone thinks this really means, but I also just want peoples support and to know that this has happened to others. Thanks for reading my novel <3
    Last edited by coolhead; October 28, 2014, 11:44 PM.

    I think you need to focus on you right now. Given how soon it is, hearing from him will only make it worse. He chose to end it so don't make it easy for him to reach you. Give yourself time to heal emotionally. Throw yourself into making friends and getting your head around your new school. A distraction from him will be good.


      As sad as it is to read, he has ended it in the 'nicest' way that he can.

      I'd give him a few days/weeks to settle, and then talk again about whether he is sure that this is the path he wants to take, if it is, then you'll just have to move on

      It might be that with everything else it all seems a bit too much and he doesn't really feel this way, but right now it is the only thing he can 'remove' to make the other stuff easier - Trust me I know what that feels like and it is a horrible feeling/decision to even contemplate. But sometimes to hold ourselves together there are some horrible life choices that have to be made.


        Thanks for your input. He texted me again today and said "Hey, how was your day yesterday?" and then texted me again and told me he was going to seriously pursue this bartending gig for his friend. I'm so confused as to how to process these texts


          Hello and welcome,I hope you enjoy it here.


            Originally posted by coolhead View Post
            Thanks for your input. He texted me again today and said "Hey, how was your day yesterday?" and then texted me again and told me he was going to seriously pursue this bartending gig for his friend. I'm so confused as to how to process these texts
            He's doing you a favor hun... It hurts but in time you will feel better and later thank him. Listen to what he's telling you carefully. You have mentioned more than once his inability to keep a job and how he feels stressed by finally having one; it is clear that you are concerned about this as you should be. He is confused about his direction in life, while you seem to be more settled. He knows he is not living up to your expectations/standards so he's being selfless and letting you go. Thank him and move on.
            Met Online : July 2013
            Met in person : April - May 2014 (3 wks)
            2nd visit : June - August 2014 (2 months)
            3rd visit : December - Jan (2wks)
            Proposal : December 2014
            Closed distance : February 2015
            Married : April 5, 2015


              Like everyone has said, it's time to move on. I would politely ask him to stop texting you - it's only really stringing along the feelings and while cutting contact cold turkey seems scary, it's for the best.
              In all the world there is no heart for me like yours.
              In all the world there is no love for you like mine.
              -- Maya Angelou


                Originally posted by rhabdoviridae View Post
                Like everyone has said, it's time to move on. I would politely ask him to stop texting you - it's only really stringing along the feelings and while cutting contact cold turkey seems scary, it's for the best.

                Unfortunately, the breakup is too new to for him to start just sending texts like you are nothing more and have never been anything but friends. In time, it may be possible. However, right now you need to be able to process the situation and focus on getting your mind and emotions back in a good place.
                To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

