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Advice on how to deal with in a new LDR

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    Advice on how to deal with in a new LDR

    Me and my boyfriend met in university, started seeing each other/dating since october and we are now officially in a relationship. We used to see each other every day as he lived almost next door to me but over Christmas I decided to drop out of university (didn't enjoy the course I was studying at all) so am now living back at home for the meantime and we are now just under two hours away from each other so now are having to go long(ish) distance. I saw him for NY and we had such an amazing time, we make each other so happy and I've never felt this way about anyone before and I know he feels the same about me back. When I told him I was dropping out he was so lovely and supportive and we've agreed to see each other every 2-3 weeks which obviously isn't a long time but for me being at home doing nothing I know the days will drag and I'll feel lonely and be missing him a lot. I was hoping if anyone has any advice on how to make this long distance work and how I can keep myself distracted from being sad about not seeing him so hopefully the weeks I'm not with him go quick! We really like each other and I have high hopes about it working out between us, two hours isn't a lot it's only a train/car journey away but I guess I just need a little reassurance right now. Is anyone else going through a similar situation with their boyfriend/girlfriend being at a different uni etc? Any advice I'll be grateful for as this is a totally new experience for me!

    Hello! So the first thing I would say is you need to have SOMETHING to do. I don't care if that's a job, school, yard work, basket weaving, or something else, but you cannot just sit home all day. Why? The biggest piece of advice that almost anyone in a LDR will give you is: stay busy. You cannot spend the however long time it is until you see him next watching tv all day and twiddling your thumbs.

    Now, with that being said, remember to keep this in perspective. You are two hours away. Yeah, that sucks. I don't think there is anyone who will tell you otherwise. But also remember that there are plenty of people who don't see their SO for months at a time and you get to see yours every two weeks! Long distance is hard at any distance, but there are plenty of us who make even worse situations work because we love them. If you care enough about the person and you would do anything to stay with them, then it'll work. If not? Then I'd say cut your losses and move on.


      There's really not much I can add to the previous poster's reply.
      Everyone is going to tell you:
      1)stay busy and
      2) communication is everything

      You need to stay busy, hobbies, work, SOMETHING, anything.
      Constant or steady communication will make it a little easier.
      Nothing will make the loneliness completely disappear...but it should make it a little easier.

      You ask how to make an ldr work. That is a tough question to answer, for every relationship is different. I find the best advice is to simply have a relationship with two people who simply refuse give up no matter how many hardships obstruct their path.

      -wish you the best
      Last edited by Unconditional; January 3, 2015, 03:24 PM. Reason: redundancy
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."

