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Just want to look forward to the future, about us, our love, our relationship ? :(

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    Just want to look forward to the future, about us, our love, our relationship ? :(

    So I've been with my boyfriend for a year now - we met through a mutual friend (who happened to be both of our best friend), and long distance hasn't been that hard - at least, for the most part, because I know that our love is strong enough.
    I'm spending 2 months of summer with him right now, and it's crashing to me that I'll have to say goodbye to him soon and that stops me from having fun, and making great memories together like we always did.
    Also, since he's Korean, (Koreans have to be in the military for 2 years - mandated), he'll be off to military from next year, and if we're going to end up in the same graduate school in the future in the US (which we promised), we would have to wait 5 years for that to happen.
    I'm worried because that is a long wait, and I know we'll be able to make it, but I need. optimism.
    It'll be great if you could tell me success stories, or whether it'll get better.
    I get so jealous of my friends or people surrounding me who get to see their SO's so often; I know our love is worth the distance, so so worth it, but sometimes, it's so hard stopping yourself from being sad and pointlessly jealous of others.

    Wow, I am already jealous of you. I have never spent two whole months together with my SO, it has just not been possible for us until now. We usually see each other for about one week at a time. I have dated my SO for nearly two years. Depending on his job, we are probably looking at at least 2 more years of long distance. I love him, this is what I want, any time with him is good time.

    Remember that there are several routes to close the distance. Some solutions may present themselves as you go along. The sadness is a mark of the trade, but life is filled with so many good things. I find it easier to talk to others who are or was in long distance relationships, it helps me focus on making this life the best possible. There are also some perks, like I get to travel
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      One of the hardest lessons that I had to learn with having a LDR is how to live in the moment. I am a planner and constantly thinking ahead and that caused all kinds of problems because you literally cannot do that in a LDR. Yes, we have plans for our future and how and when we will close the distance, but in general, when it comes to my relationship, I need to live in today. Why? Because no matter if you're together or apart it isn't healthy. In you're together, you need to focus on spending good times now while you can. You can't sit there dwelling on the fact that you'll have to be apart soon otherwise you won't have any good times while we actually are able to be together! How silly is that!? Every once in a while, yes, of course, you're going to have those moments where you consider the future and get sad because you won't be together again soon, but don't let that be the theme of your time together. On the same note, you have to live in the moment when you are apart too. If you're constantly thinking about when you'll be together again next you aren't really living your life and that isn't healthy (especially if you have years before you close the distance). No one can tell you how to do this for yourself, but with some practice you can actually begin to change the way that you are thinking and to focus on here and now before it's gone.

