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    So I have a question, if your significant other is only home for 5 days at the holidays (after about 5 months of beings apart) what is the appropriate time to expect him/her to spend with you!? And should you expect a date or is that asking too much?

    Keeping in mind they have only 5 days for family and friends as well 😫


      I think the answer will be different for everyone. I think given your age, my answer will be better by how my daughter and her (ex)SO would see each other when he was home on leave. She would get him at the airport and then bring him to his mothers house. He'd spend the first night with family. They would spend a lot of their time together when she wasn't at work. He would have at least 1 night where he was out with just his friends. She would usually go to the family dinners, etc through the time he was there. She would bring him back to the airport after his visit.
      To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

      ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


        I think a date is a reasonable thing to expect after 5 months apart.

        Are you able to do things together? Can you both visit his family so you get more time together?

