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I'm not happy anymore with my life and find it harder to stay away from him...

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    I'm not happy anymore with my life and find it harder to stay away from him...

    I'm in college and have 2 more semesters left. I got my AA 7/15, and will be getting my AS in vet tech in 12/16. So soon but yet so far away...

    Met my SO 9/14 and started our relationship in Dec of that year and because of the career that he's in we're actually able to see each other quite frequently. We met on an app (non dating) with no intentions of going anywhere, but we developed feelings for each other as would anyone else that talked to someone everyday since day one. We were always there for each other through good and bad times. Currently going through a slight rough patch. :/ I think because I'm on and have nothing better to do than bug him for not texting me. continue on, I'm really happy with him still, but the thing that is truly bothering me is that I don't really want to do this whole school thing anymore, I just wanna drop out and move to be with him already and I think that's the hardest part on me. We always planned on me moving to be with him once I graduated. I've been having a mental breakdown because I don't know what I want to do... I really want to take a semester off, but then again I want to graduate on time. Spoke to my mom and she told me to take a smaller class load, instead of 6 take 4 now and 2 during the summer, but I'd like to have the summer off... Then I honestly think that this was the best choice I could've probably made with the help of a dear classmate who has gone through so much more in life and has been on earth longer...she's my school take all my classes online and get a part time job at the clinic I currently volunteer at. She can Skype me into the lectures at school and all that. Now, if the job part falls through no big deal I'll continue volunteering there and find a job elsewhere, but I really think that is what is going to make me happy for now and to see a therapist. However, if I just continue on with the volunteer thing I can visit him whenever I wanted to which would just make me the happiest girl in the world!

    I think this was really just a post for me to post my feelings...

    Am I right in thinking school would be over by December this year? If yes, then don't give up. A year is no time at all in LDR, and the you will have closing the distance in sight. It will give you something to focus on and the time will go faster. It will be better for you in the long run to finish school and get as many qualifications as possible.

    I know how hard it is, all of us in here do, but a year is really no time at all. But try and focus on the positive things in your relationship. You are in the same country so moving will be relatively straight forward, you see each other frequently which is fantastic, a lot of us in here can't do that. Hard work and a bit of missining him now will be so worth it in the long run. The time will pass anyway, look at the bigger picture and do what's best for the long term.


      Thanks for that encouragement...i do graduate in December of this year but school is just so hard on takes a toll on my mental health. I just wish I was with him already.


        The end is in sight for you. Try to keep that in the forefront of your mind and not the fact that you still have a while to go. School is stressful for everyone, but if you keep plugging along you'll be done before you know it. Every semester I have thoughts that I can't go on any longer with how stressful school is, but here I am looking at my last semester of my bachelor's. It's crazy, but it goes so fast, especially when you only have two more semesters to go! Don't give up now! You have an end in sight for both graduation and the distance. You can do this. Try to think of it more positively.


          I know how you feel. This is also my last year at university and my SO and I want to try to close the distance at the beginning of next year, if possible. It seems so close yet so far, but it's only one more year. You guys see each other quite often. If your course is something you enjoy, try to hang in there one more year. You've come so far. It can only have a positive impact on your future together.


            Thanks guys I'm also conflicted with whether or not this is the right career path for me. :/ It's a set in stone program so it's not like I can take classes during the summer and just get it over with. I can take classes during the summer to lighten the class load but I want my summer free so I can visit him I guess.


              I completely understand how you feel as I was in an almost identical situation. The difference between our stories was that for me, school helped keep me busy. I'd say my SO and I saw each other fairly often, basically as often as our school holidays came up....minus our freshman year which was absolutely the most difficult year in our relationship and the one that almost broke us apart...but there were so many times when I either wanted to give up completely or give up and just move together....don't give up. Like the others have said, a year really is no time at all. It sounds like a lot now, but keep your goals in mind, in terms of completing school and closing the distance. Your schooling will give you a future together. My SO and I closed the distance right after he finished school (his program was 5 years, mine was the typical 4). Been married since .


                I know exactly how you feel. I graduate in July 2017. The only thing that keeps me going here, because by no means is university easy, is my SO's face. I focus on him, remind myself despite my dislike of the degree, I'm here to try and make things easier on us both. I'm pretty much in the same situation, I got no advice, other than try and stick with it. It sucks now, but you won't always be studying at uni.


                  Same here! And it goes both for my bf and me. I had to really convince him last year to stay at school and finish his degree, and now he graduates in May 2016 As for me- I'll be done in June 2017, so still has a long way.

                  What keeps me in, is the fact that I'll have way better chances of landing a job with this degree! Think about the future- there might be a time when there will be a great job opportunity, but you won't get it cuz you are missing degree. Or you will have to do part-time degree and job at the same time.
                  It's just so much more convenient to deal with it now, get the degree and be set for the nearest future and close the distance when you are all done with school...

