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I feel he's not ready for a committed relationship?

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    I feel he's not ready for a committed relationship?

    I know LDR couples have issues with being committed and all that... but I'm 19, in college and been living on my own for awhile, but he's only 17 and just taking his last year of highschool. I've been in several relationships before and I feel ready to start having a relationship thats taken to the next level. I want us to be trusting and committed to each other and not having jealous feelings or wondering if anything else is going on. I want to think about living together and heck, I'd even be okay my becoming a mom. I know some people will say I'm way to young to say that and yeah I believe you. But everyone matures and advances in their own time.

    In the past two weeks he's been.... odd. He'll open up to me about interests and hobbies and in general his personality but I still don't know a damn thing about him. I feel like he's afraid or unwilling to tell me his concerns and desires. And don't get me wrong, he's told me his sexual desires but no emotional ones. I just.... Grrr he's so young and so unfamiliar with this terrain of dating and I want him to feel safe and be able to open up and that its okay to be vulnerable but I just feel like he's still too young for this.

    He told me that he doesn't think he's ready sex, which only deepened my concerns. It seems that his daydreams and fantasies are playing too much into our real life relationship and his actual desires and goals just aren't there. If we had met via in person I feel that we would have never started dating or at least he would have never been interested in me.

    Should I just wait it out, talk to him, or end things while I can and find someone who is willing to commit and (in a odd way, settle down?)

    He's 17. That's statutory rape in the US...
    People mature at different rates as you said. Most times, boys mature slower. Thank God he's telling you he is not ready for sex, especially since you are ready to be a mom.... Your relationship started in June of this year and you want to settle down with him? ?
    Honey, leave this boy be to grow up. You haven't even met yet?
    Dear Lordy, there is just so much wrong with this relationship it seems.. You want one, he is not ready..its been a month. Slow the heck down.


      It's perfectly 100% reasonable not to be sure about sex at 17 even if you have plenty of sexual desires by then. You said it yourself, he's too young for this in many ways. Most 17 year old kids are no where near being self-sufficient adults capable of mature relationships, let alone parenthood. You're better off letting him grow up at his own pace and find someone who actually wants what you do.

      Married: June 9th, 2015


        Originally posted by JethroBombs View Post
        he's told me his sexual desires
        Originally posted by JethroBombs View Post
        I'd even be okay my becoming a mom.
        18 is the age of consent in Arizona. I would not be discussing sex with someone who is not of age to consent to sex.

        I would not be in a position to be making future plans with someone I began a relationship with on 6/12/16. Trust and commitment take a while to form. They don't happen over night.


          What others have said. Him not being 18 yet is quite bothersome.

          And one more thing, you won't be able to find a guy who's ready to become a "dad" after only a month of dating. The commitment doesn't mean being ready for pretty futuristic things, it's about willing to make things work and trying your best to do so.

          Besides you are 19. No matter what you say, you are still maturing. Enjoy life. Either find someone else or be friends only with this guy and wait till he matures without the active pursuit of anything. But note one thing, moving so fast is immature as well, don't expect other guys to feel the same way or for it to be ok.

