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Resuming LDR after lovely, long visit

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    Resuming LDR after lovely, long visit

    Hi, guys. I know I disappeared for a while - I lost my forum password.
    Anyway, about a month ago, I got back from a wonderful, three week visit to the States to see my beau, which we spent driving all around the South and generally having a wonderful time. It was actually only supposed to be a two and a half week visit, but we were both so unhappy to be parting that I actually walked off my first scheduled flight back, after boarding! I paid $1700 to book another flight, for an extra two and a half days with him, and I consider it a bargain.

    The problem I'm facing now is that I won't see him in person again until he visits me for Christmas, in four months, and the last month since returning has felt longer than the last three before my visit combined. Our LDR is as strong and functional as ever, but I am having difficulty settling back into my life without him, without actively missing him every night when I lay down to sleep. He is having the same trouble. We are both very busy people, but it isn't keeping us from missing each other constantly. Does anyone have any tips or advice for getting back into that groove where every day doesn't drag for missing the other person?


    Hey! I'm also seeing my SO again right after christmas, so we have the same time frame

    I wish I had some magic tip on how to make the time fly, but I'm struggling with the same thing.. I'm keeping myself busy with school and friends, but it's like missing someone like that is a full time job, it's always on my mind.

    But, I have a calender on my fridge where I scratch off every day that passes and it's very nice actually seeing how time is actually going by (and not standing still, as it feels like in my mind).
    I also make an effort not to talk too often on the phone (we do talk on mail/facebook everyday though), we call on average 2 times a week and that way we always have a ton off stuff to talk about and it's something to look forward to. I hate the thought of "quiet" phone calls were you don't know what to say because you talked about everything already, I'll rather have fewer but longer phone conversations (and lots of new stuff to talk about)


      I found for me, I just eventually moved on from it. I would say it took me about 3 weeks to be functional again. I would say that you should just cry it out of you. Talk to somebody about it as well, because that helped me out a lot.

      And I'm waiting about 9 months (in total) till I see my girl again. So you can do 4 months


        yes you're right about talking to others , it's been only one week for me since she went back and i'm still feeling so lost and i don't know what to do , i miss her so much , but you know, i try to make special things for her as a poem , letters to send and stuff to keep me busy of thinking , anyway , i'm sure i'll feel good after a certain time especially that if i knew that i will only wait for 6 months to see her again besides me !!


          Yeah, I knew there probably wasn't really an answer to it.
          Thanks, anyway, guys.



            The first few weeks after a visit is awful. The feeling of being so lost and alone and missing them is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. It only really got better for me when we had organised the next visit and everything was confirmed. At least then you have something to look forward to, even though the months seem to drag on.

