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Should you even bother to tell anybody?

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    I cop a bit of flak because of our age gap moreso than the distance relationship. I just shrug it off. We've been together for quite some time now and if it were a fly by night thing it would've ended long ago.

    My family are fine with it. His family are fine with it and my close friends are OK with it too.


      I still find it interesting (well more like ignorant) though given this day and age of technology, that people still find it a difficult concept of people meeting online and having long distance relationships. It is so common these days. I have a friend who met his current wife who is french online, and another friend who met her husband online as well and he was in North Carolina. Both couples have now been married for over 10 years. I just don't get why people act like it isn't a real relationship just because of distance. Honestly, I think the odds of a lasting relationship is in our favor given that most people usually meet at clubs/bars etc and hop into bed before they even know each other. Trepis and I got to know each other over a span of several years without ever having sex! He knows things about me that no other person knows to include my ex of 20 years. I feel tremendously fortunate to have developed this relationship the way we did and wouldn't trade it for anything. Of course I can't wait to close the distance so I can properly ravage him in person instead of on skype, hehe.


        I know it's easier said than done, but really, ignore ignorant people that say such stupid stuff about long distance. I always tell them immediately, and most people react surprised, and ask why I would choose to do something this hard. I just tell them that I have found the most amazing guy on earth, he just happens to live quite far away. Few weeks ago I overheard some people talking at the busstop, and one of them shouted out that long distance never works anyway, and isn't to be seen as a normal relationship. I just felt the urge to shout back, I'm very proud that I can make it work


          I personally don't really care what people think. Luckily, for the most part my friends and family are very supportive, and like my SO a lot. But there are others who do make those annoying comments. Do I like hearing these comments? No. Do I spend anytime worrying about them? No. My SO treats me so much better than any guy I've met close to home. And that to me is worth a lot more than being really close in distance. I would love it if we weren't nearly 4,000 miles apart, but we are, and our relationship is worth dealing with the distance and time difference. Sometimes hearing those negative comments can make you insecure, but you have to do your best to ignore them and have confidence in your relationship.


            When I started my relationship with my husband, I told my friends and family. They didn't believe me until he came over to visit me. At first, my family was weary of him, but now, they try their best to support my relationship with him. I lost only one friend, but that was because we were growing apart and started to form different views on things. When I tell people that I am in a long distance relationship, at first they act surprised and ask the usual questions. Only a few are ignorant. Most are just curious.


              While we were LD we were in an open relationship, so when people asked if I had a boyfriend, I'd say I had a latin lover. They usually didn't ask questions after that.

