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technically staying illegally in his dorm...

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    technically staying illegally in his dorm...

    so. long story short. I met my boyfriend while studying abroad in Tasmania a year and a half ago. he and I lived across the hall from each other in the dorm, which was stupidly cliche and grossly adorable. I've graduated now and I'm going back to Tasmania for about ten months on a work holiday visa. the thing is... he still lives in that dorm. I'll be arriving September 12th, and he is going to be in the dorm until the end of the school year, which is early November. the next school year we'll be getting an apartment together, but when I arrive we'll have those two months where I'm planning on just staying in his dorm room. technically this is illegal, since guests are only supposed to stay for three nights or something... but he has his own room with a double bed and I already know a lot of people in the dorm since I have lived there before! it would just be so much simpler (and cheaper!) to live there for those two months since that's not enough time to bother getting a lease on another place and we'll be moving back home with his parents for the holidays after the year ends.

    there will be several complications, such as not having a key into the building, potentially getting caught by administration... but the fact that I was enrolled at that school and that I know people that would cover my back is making me not too worried. I can always say that I'm just visiting, it's not like they'll KNOW that I'm living there for two months. (and this is all if administration even notices that I'm there in the first place!)

    ANYWAY. I'm also worried about how this might play into things at customs when I'm entering Australia. if they ask if I have a contact in the country I'll give them my boyfriend's information, but the only permanent address he has is his home address. the thing that's concerning me is that his home address is in a town called Launceston, whereas I'm flying into Hobart where the school is. is it possible they'll ask me why I'm flying into Hobart instead of Launceston? would it be enough if I just say I'm staying with friends in Hobart (after I explain that I've been there before)? should I tell them I'm staying with him in his dorm for a few days (rather than months...) before we go back to his house in Launceston? I don't know HOW the border people would find out or why they would care that much, but... wah. technically it is illegal. I don't want to get kicked out. :/

    has anyone else ever done this? what were some problems you ran into? do you think I'm dumb to be doing this?
    Last edited by one-more-reason; August 23, 2012, 10:38 AM.

    As far as customs is concerned I don't think you'll have a problem, you just say that the address that you'll be spending most of you time at is his home home address but as he's still studying your going to go stay at his dorm for a visit before you go. I really don't think they'll care.

    I once got asked in China where'd I'd be staying for my time there and I just said I don't know probably at X. That went down fine. So with two addresses and multiple contacts I think you'll be fine, just don't worry yourself into becoming shifty at the gates!

    Also I don't think your dumb for doing it, as long as he's paying rent and you don't trash the place then some rules can be bent a bit to fit real life, but then again I'm not a big rule fan!


      not a big fan of rules myself, but i would have a backup plan just in case anyone gets suspicous of you


        I don't how the rules are on at the residence hall he's staying at, but I know when I was a resident assistant (sometimes called a CA, RA, or something similar) we were given very strict rules about students who have people living with them. If the rules are similar, he could face a fine or even getting kicked out of the residence hall for the remainder of the semester. I would recommend having him read the housing rules. He should have gotten them when he checked in at the beginning of the semester. It'll say what the rules are as far as guests. However having said all that, there are always loopholes. If you have different people that are willing to check you in, you might be able to get around the rules that way. Just have him read the rules because it would really suck if he got kicked out.
        "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

        "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

        Met: August 22, 2010
        Made it official: September 17, 2010
        Got engaged: January 15, 2012
        Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
        Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
        Got married: November 21, 2012
        Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
        Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


          Well it's not "illegal" jaja Go ahead and get away with it as long as possible. I'd give you 3 weeks tops before you get found out. That is, unless you never leave the room.


            You'll be fine with Customs. Hobart is a much more convenient place to fly into than Launceston, so the fact that his parents live there won't be a problem. And also, are you flying directly to Hobart from the US, or do you have a stopover first?


              I fly from Australia to ASIA at least once a year, And the customs documents just asks you to fill in the place where you wish to stay in AUS. it doesnt have to be where you stay permanently for the rest of your stay here. it just asks an address fr safety procedures. and while being here most people travel all around AUS, so it wont be a issue to the customs at all.
              however about living in the same dorm, i guess they have their own rules in there, hopefully you will be fine, but i suggest you discuss with him what you both could do if you are caught. but i guess it wont be that much of a issue.
              all the best


                My SO was visiting, just on a holiday last January. I was living in dorms (sort of an apartment? 2 flatmates) and we had what were apparently very strict rules about people not staying with us for more than 3 days. But they had a form that one could fill out if they were going to stay longer, and as long as your roommates and the floor CA's didn't mind that it was ok.
                I ended up asked the CA's and they were like 'do your roommates care? No? Then...we don't care either, don't even bother with the form.' And my SO lived with us there for a month!

                I also put my SO's home address in Wales down as my 'address' while visiting the area, even though we moved around quite a bit. They just was some sort of address that could be used to reach you if need be, you don't have to be there the entire time...

