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How the hell do I make it till July?! D:

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    How the hell do I make it till July?! D:

    Well first of all, My name is Rebecka.

    Here's some back story on my relationship for you. I met Errol when I was a freshman in high school and he was a senior. We dated for a couple months and everyone kinda frowned upon the whole thing. Well after a while the pressure was too much, and we called it quits. Well about 3 years later, right after I graduated high school Errol came back into my life through facebook. We talked as friends for awhile but I have always had a special place for him in my heart. He was very special to me. It seemed like we never stopped talking and both of us were ecstatic to have each other back. So on August 28th, we decided to par take in an LDR. It's been pretty good. We talk on AIM, and Skype. We also write each other letters. He is a wonderful person and I love everything about him. But I won't seem him until July which is when I'll be able to visit him in Switzerland. How am I supposed to make it until July?! It's going to drive me crazy. Someone help D:

    I don't have much advice as I'm about as new to this as you are(I have a month on you, that's all xD)

    But I just wanted to say you and I are in very similar boats. We went LD near the end of August, and won't see each other again until July. I have a little counter at the bottom right of my screen that tells me how many days until I see him. (306 as of the last seven minutes :3) And so, if you ever need a shoulder, I'm here. Or if you want to rant about how much it sucks to think about how far away July is.

    The best advice I have is to stay busy. Get active in your community, start a new exercise program(I took up biking xD), try to do something new as often as you can. I message him everyday, and we talk on skype very frequently, but I'm also always doing SOMETHING. If you're having fun, the time will begin to fly, and before you know it you and I will be shouting that July is only a month away!


      Haha i try my best to stay busy, i workout every mon, wed, and fri, but it's still hard. I try to think about it as i'm one day closer to seeing them than i am from the day i last saw him, which is seriously like 2 or 3 years ago D: It's just hard, knowing how far away he is. But thanks for the advice and if i ever need to rant i'll keep you in mind!


        Just like MaggieS said, stay busy. Take classes, start a new hobby, learn something. There's all kinds of things that you can do to keep yourself busy. Take it one day at a time too. It's hard being so far away from the person you want to be with, but there's nothing you can do about it right. Surround yourself with people you love. Before you know it, you'll be on your way to seeing your SO. July seems far away now, but trust me, it'll be here before you know it.
        One other thing that I do is that I take it in chunks. September to July is a long time. September to November isn't quite as long. When November comes along, celebrate something with your SO. Teach him about Thanksgiving. If you can make it to Thanksgiving, you can make it to New Years. If you can make it to New Years, you can make it to St. Patrick's Day. I find that setting little dates like that makes the time go by faster and makes it a little bit easier. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask.
        "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

        "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

        Met: August 22, 2010
        Made it official: September 17, 2010
        Got engaged: January 15, 2012
        Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
        Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
        Got married: November 21, 2012
        Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
        Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


          That is such an awesome way to think about it!!! Thank you thank you!!!!

