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I have just had the craziest idea! :D

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    I have just had the craziest idea! :D

    So my boyfriend left on Tuesday and went back to Sydney. I'm missing him like crazy but we're going to see each other again in March when I go over there on a working holiday visa...except. I just had an idea, and I have to tell someone! hehe

    So I'm planning on moving to Brisbane in March 13, but I thought, whats in a few weeks? so I'm thinking I might move it forward a little and fly to Sydney to be with him on Valentine's day, then flying to Brisbane the day after to my cousin's place. Only it'll be a complete surprise and he'll think I'm still coming in March, so he'll get a text valentine's day morning like 'I'm at the airport, come get me ' and so on.....hehehee! It'll take some serious planning and luck moneywise...but I really want to make this happen..

    We'll see, of course I've only just had the idea and how awesome would that be?! But it is just an idea right now and nothing is definite yet so I will look into it first and see how it would work etc. But for now the idea of it just excited me so much I had to post :P

    Good luck with your idea.


      Surprise trips are a nice idea in theory, but that's an awfully long and expensive trip to gamble on. Anything could happen, he may be busy and not get your text for a long time, he could have had something else planned, making picking you up unrealistic, car problems, phone problems, etc. If it were me I'd at least tell his family or something, so someone knows I'm coming and can try to help it go smoothly. Good luck.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I agree with Moon. I've done surprise trips to my SO before but I've clued his family in on the surprise and they've actually helped me out with it. I bought him a plane ticket home for his birthday and then met him at the airport. My plane was delayed and so I let his mom know and she stalled them at the airport. (Otherwise it would have been a disaster!) So have an accomplice or two, it will make it a lot less stressful on you.

        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
        Progress: Complete!

        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
        Progress: Working on it.


          Oh its okay, I totally agree I was just excited by the idea at the time but I know it could very easily go wrong and its a big trip to take a chance on. I'm just so excited to see him, heh. I think I'll end up sticking to the original plan though, or maybe I'll go over there earlier and tell him I'm there when I get there, then if he's free I can go see him then

