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Passport Application finally ready!

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    Passport Application finally ready!

    So, I've been trying to send the damn thing since September without any luck, first there was the issue of not having an original copy of my birth certificate, or so I thought. Then, I got the photos done and they were wrong, then I had some BS about the form being pre printed and because I'd corrected in pen a mistake THEY had made, I couldn't have it sent, and needed a new form, then the next two sets of photos I got done weren't right either. So tonight I managed to get some sorted and they are PERFECT. Okay so passport pictures aren't very strong on the pretty scale but this is as damn good as I am going to get, and there is -nothing- they can throw back at me this time, they are the right size, the right shape, the right light, there's nothing covering my eyes or any of my face, I'm not smiling and I'm having them countersigned on Monday before I make my next attempt to send the thing off. I will get my passport!

    and then in March I will jump on a plane to see my wonderful boyfriend.

    Aww yay!! That's frustrating how long it's taken to get everything sorted. I remember when I got my passport for the first time.. my mom and I drove all the way down to the passport office place, and I forgot my birth certificate at home! (I wasn't sure whether or not I needed it and I know I should've made sure I had it just in case but I forgot.. and we drove down to hand them in in person because I had heard that by doing that you could get your passport sooner than mailing them or something, and also then they can see that all the correct documents are there ) So we had to go the next week, and we finally got it all sorted.. and in a couple weeks or so I had the passport in my hands.. and it definitely feels awesome having it and knowing you can finally book a flight to see your boyfriend!! I hope this time everything is right, it should be, and that soon you can have your passport in your hands and that you can fly to your boyfriend and have an amazing time together!!


      Thank you for your reply! yeah it is annoying..I can't believe how picky they are! I mean I know its all for safety and all that, but does it really matter if a centimeter of my hair isn't showing or most of the things they pick you for, its still clearly me in the picture! :P
      I'm meeting up with my countersignature person tomorrow, so he's going to sign them again and I'm going to go and try to send it off again...I think I really will just cry at the desk if they refuse this time :P

