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LDR not willing to recommit to an LDR - TOO HURT by the distance

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    LDR not willing to recommit to an LDR - TOO HURT by the distance

    My SO and I met in France. Then, I had to leave to another country. We started talking everyday and started a wonderful, loving LDR.

    After 5 months, we closed the distance when I went to France, but I could only stay for the summer.

    Then we broke up right before I left because he said it was too hard and painful to imagine me being away from him again (I had to leave for my country, the US). I was heartbroken.

    Now, we are at a distance, not in a relationship, yet we continue to talk everyday and flirt a lot. It's like we are still in an LDR except at the same time we are not in a relationship at all, and we are both really cautious...
    I think he is really afraid to be hurt again by committing to (or admitting to) LOVE given that the distance may not ever permanently close. And his lack of commitment hurts me. We have both tried seeing other people to get over each other, but it hasn't helped. Neither of us can completely let the other go.

    How to proceed?

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