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Hi! I´m beggining :(

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    Hi! I´m beggining :(

    Hi to everyone! My name is Miriam, I’m from Spain, so firstly sorry for my English! My boyfriend is from NY. We met almost four months ago and we decided keep our relationship in the distance. He showed me this website because he thought it will help us in our relationship now.
    We met each other in Spain while he was studying abroad the last semester. He didn’t know Spanish, neither I English. He is six years younger than me. And we were separated only since two weeks ago, to me it was the worst time in my life.

    All this things, the distance and the years differences, make me doubt about this relation, he never showed me any weakness with this and I felt insecure. But I really love him and I want this work!
    When I started to read all your comments I felt better because all my fears and weakness were writing here from another people who were suffering the same. I feel weird because I have a longer distance relationship and also because I’m in a relationship with someone six years older than me… Is this so crazy or w can do this will work?

    Welcome to lfad!
    This isn't as crazy as you think we are all in the same boat here and this is a great community to help you over the hard times and enjoy the good times of a long distance relationship with you!


      Bienvenida, Miriam!


        Here's my success story for you: met my SO in Costa Rica. I moved back to the USA after a month. Years later he moved in with me to the USA. Then I came to CR. Now we're both living in CR together for a year and a half, and planning our wedding.

        IT CAN BE DONE!

        Buena suerte!


          Hola Spanishgirl. Bienvenido y animo! Mi pareja vive en Colombia y hemos estado en una relación 19 meses sin conocernos en persona! Es muy muy duro se pero lo que tienes que hacer es luchar para la relación, No se si tienes mucho tiempo para conectarte con él pero tienes que dedicar el tiempo a acompañarse por internet. Eso hacemos mi pareja y yo. Nos dormimos juntos, nos estudiamos juntos y nos acompañamos cuando podemos. Ahora es dificil porque ella esta pasando las vacaciones con su familia y no se puede conectar.
          Te deseo mucha suerte y si quieres hablar aqui estoy. xx


            Originally posted by Spanishgirl View Post
            Hi to everyone! My name is Miriam, I’m from Spain, so firstly sorry for my English! My boyfriend is from NY. We met almost four months ago and we decided keep our relationship in the distance. He showed me this website because he thought it will help us in our relationship now.
            We met each other in Spain while he was studying abroad the last semester. He didn’t know Spanish, neither I English. He is six years younger than me. And we were separated only since two weeks ago, to me it was the worst time in my life.

            All this things, the distance and the years differences, make me doubt about this relation, he never showed me any weakness with this and I felt insecure. But I really love him and I want this work!
            When I started to read all your comments I felt better because all my fears and weakness were writing here from another people who were suffering the same. I feel weird because I have a longer distance relationship and also because I’m in a relationship with someone six years older than me… Is this so crazy or w can do this will work?
            GRACIAS A TODOS!
            Hola Spanishgirl!

            Mucho gusto en conocerte Mi novio es de Noruega y creeme que no es fácil. La mayor en la relación soy yo; le llevo 1 año y 9 meses. Algo que noté en tu post (en negro) es que primero dijiste que él era menor y después mayor, jaja, cuál de los dos es? Nuevamente, no es algo fácil pero de verdad sí vale la pena y si estan dispuestos a sobrellevar los obstáculos de la distancia y la edad. Aunque al final de todo, la diferencia de edades no es tan grande so no creo que debería de haber problemas. Como quiera, espero que todo te vaya bien y cualquier cosa aquí estamos!
            ”Distance means so little when someone means so much.”

