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Any advice on this?..<:/

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    Any advice on this?..<:/

    Me and my boyfriend will have been together for 2 years in March the 20th.(met online) He's 22 and lives i Mexico, and I'm soon-to-be 18 and lives in Denmark. We've done everything that is to do as a long-distance couple, and we've always loved each other more than anything!..

    but lately, things have been a little weird.. last week when we were on webcam, and nothing was wrong..then he suddenly asked if I really loved him? of course I said yes, I mean why would he ask?.. he said because he doesn't know for how much longer he can keep this relationship up because of the distance.. He loves me, but it's just so difficult!..

    I understood him, yet I was completely nervous and shocked. we were both crying in the conversation as I tried to explain that things aren't so bad as they seem. since I finally got a job, I can get a full-time job untill August if I want to, plus I'll get a good amount of money for my 18th birthday in April.

    we kept having our emotional conversation, untill he couldn't handle the moment and said he needed to be alone (like away from the camera) after about 5 min or more, his littlesister came to me and told me he asked her to talk with me instead. I asked if she could get him back, but she said he was crying in his room, and she had never seen him like this before. She told me he said that he needed a week to think this through.. and she kept the conversation going about how she also thinks this is best for us. I was certain that he was going to leave me, but she said that's not true, and told me to trust her. yet I didn't believe her words. we spoke a little more, but not much. She promised she would tell me the next day when me and him will speak. I agreed. I asked if he said anything else?.. she says yes...that he loves me Very much!..

    This whole week have been a nightmare for me!.. but the worst part is over.. me and him were going to have our conversation today, and I still was almost certain he'd leave me.. untill I got a message from him a while before our agreement.

    The text said: "Hello Amanda, I hope you are ok. I am fine too. Don't worry for me. It's just I need to be alone some time for forget about my problem, it isn't your fault. It was me..... I am not sure if call you today. I feel some confused
    and you shouldn't to be sad about that."

    (he's not very good with the spelling..and he isn't the "smiley" texter) well I'm happy that he didn't end it, but what does this text mean?.. what is he confused about? and what is the problem?.. I wanna give him the time he needs, but I'm just so curious and confused myself!<:s

    I've always known that he works Very hard for his parents, but with a low payment. and they go nuts if he gets bad grades in school!.. and trust me, he is Not the cheater-type!...he's the shy-nerd type.
    after all I'm his 3th girlfriend and he's a virgin(me as well). Just giving out information here.

    Any advice on this is much appreciated.<3

    I don't think planning to leave for a week is a good idea.
    I've tried that before but It isn't useful.

    I think your SO is just depressed, maybe try to send him a gift?

    Tell him also that you've done so many things, that its just a challenge for you both.
    You both will gonna surpass it soon, just stay strong.
    After all that we've been through, It all comes down to me and you.
    I guess it's meant to be, Forever you and me, After all.

