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Surprise visit or not?

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    Surprise visit or not?

    So I have an issue...
    Me and my boyfriend (I'm 26 and he's 30) have been together since early March, he was staying in my country due to work until October, but now he's halfway across the world. We're both really committed to our relationship, we've seen each other three times (about once a month) since he left, and talking on the phone and skype etc. every day. I just got back from a trip to his home country where we spent an amazing week, I met his family and everything went perfectly well. Now we're planning on meeting up in late Feb, I'll be flying to where he is for a couple of weeks. He keeps calling me every day telling me he's been looking at flights for me and how he can't wait for me to get there.
    But the thing is, I have already booked my flights, got the time off work and have everything sorted for the stay (which turned out to be almost a month, yeey!) And my flight is for Feb 14th, Valentines day. I'll arrive at 10 pm, he's staying minutes away from the airport, so I'm thinking of booking a table in a restaurant nearby, saying I've sent him a package for Valentines day and he needs to go there to pick it up. (I've sent him packages like that once before, he works on a yacht, so can't sent it to there). I think he'd really love the surprise, but I'm getting anxious, so I need your thoughts on this!! Do I tell him or just go on with the surprise?? Thank you!!!

    Make sure to get his friends involved so he doesn't plan something for that night. Surprise visits are awesome!!


      I agree whole-heartedly with lucybelle. Get his friends or family involved so he's definitely free that night. Surprise visits are my favorite kinds. I've done it twice to my SO, the first time I gave him hints and he figured it out so wasn't too surprised when he saw me, but the 2nd time I got a "What are you doing here...?????"

      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
      Progress: Complete!

      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
      Progress: Working on it.


        Love the idea


          Awesome, will do!
          The good thing is that Valentines day is on a Thursday next year, and I know he never does anything on weekdays anyways because he's tied up by work. But he's off in the evenings so I need to lure him out someway.
          Cheers for the support, been reading a few negative outcomes of surprises and am getting all paranoid, but I really think he would love it, and since we're planning on meeting up around that time anyway.
          Last edited by Sophie1986; December 28, 2012, 11:34 AM.


            I think you should tell him that you're arriving the day after so the entire visit isn't a complete surprise! And yes get friends/family involved. Sounds fun!


              I'm on board with the do it!! If it had been possible to do something like that with my SO I would have loved to!

              Met online: 1/30/11
              Met in person: 5/30/12
              Second visit: 9/12/12
              Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                Yeey! So I'll do it, I'll figure something out! As long as I can keep my big mouth shut, I'm so bad at keeping stuff like this to myself
                Keep the ideas flowing!! And btw, how do I look fresh after 20 hours of flying, set of change and make up in the hand luggage?

                Thank you guys, really appreciate your help!!
                Last edited by Sophie1986; December 28, 2012, 02:37 PM.


                  Originally posted by Sophie1986 View Post
                  Yeey!And btw, how do I look fresh after 20 hours of flying, set of change and make up in the hand luggage?
                  Bigger airports sometimes have showers, even if they're not the freshest. I would atleast try and wash my face, would atleast feel a little fresher Other than that I guess you can only try and sleep as much as possible and travel in really light clothes.
                  Love the idea, might go for it sometime after the summer (maybe around our anniversery?...) I'm sure it'll be a hit!
                  We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                    a suprise visit is such a sweet gesture.. I'd totally go for it!

                    Mhnm, I think I read some tips somewhere about that.
                    Key is to wear minimal make up.... so there is not much to smudge all over your face I think it is best to put on make up afterwards.
                    If you dont want to shower at the airport, you can always use the bathroom to was your face and freshen up a little
                    You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness


                      I'm surprising mine this weekend. It's hard to keep my mouth shut! LOL


                        Maybe have one of his family members "take him out" to eat at the restaurant you want to take him too and once he's seated at the table have that family member "go to the washroom" and instead of that family member coming back you come out . I love surprise visits I did something similar when I was with my ex had his brother pick me up from the airport and I told him I was visiting family that day so I wouldn't be texting much. It was amazing to surprise him. Good luck with your surprise

                        Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                          A surprise visit is great. And getting his friends or family involved to help works. My SO did a surprise visit once. I wasn't expecting him until the next day. Was a complete mess, sloppy but! It was so worth it, I got extra time with him, and I would recommend it to anyone thinking of doing it. Its a memory you can look back on.
                          I love you Nathan <3
                          5/25/09 <3


                            The surprise is a great idea! I have a bit of experience in trying to look presentable in an airport, haha and the key for me is cleansing face wipes. They smell good and you can at least get your face looking clean and sometimes I'll take a second to run one over my arms or anywhere just to feel a bit more fresh. If possible it's nice to leave an outfit in your suitcase in a really accessible place so you can change quickly and not have to wear your traveling clothes. Good luck

