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    Soooooo My SO want to skype sleep for the first time D:'
    What am i suppose to do, obviously we're gonna skype and fall asleep. but i dont pillow talk even in person
    An i dont wanna disappoint him D:'
    lmfao an am i suppose to sleep in clothes for this first time? ohhhh dear

    Me and my SO do it a lot, especially lately. There's not really a ton of pillow talk, I guess we just talk like normal until one of us is really tired, then one or both of us goes to sleep. And I sleep with no clothes on with him too but it's not really anything new with us. However, if that's how your normally sleep, but if you're not comfortable being naked with him yet, you could just keep a sheet covering everything when you're in view, that's what I typically do.
    "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


      I've done it a few times with my SO, and I like it. He usually fell asleep first with his cam on also I like seeing him falling asleep. There were 2 times that we fell asleep almost same time and it was sweet. Sometimes he fell asleep while I was talking to him because hes too tired after work.
      For clothes I wear pyjamas ofcourse lol or a tank top and leggings.


        Wish I could give it a shot! my SO doesn't have the net / skype and the time difference makes it hard! lol

        "Buddha made you for me" - My SO

        1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
        2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
        3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
        4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
        5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
        6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry
        7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
        Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
        UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014


          I really wish me and my SO could do this but sadly it's to hard for us..... For one we have a 8 hour time dif, so makes it almost impossible, but also I find it hard to sleep with any ammount of light, and if I turn the laptop all the way down we cant see anything and it sort of defeats the purpose? But to those who are able to and have a smaller time dif and can sleep wih dim lights are so lucky!
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3


            I'm not sure what "SO" means because I'm new to this website. But my boyfriend and I have skyped every single night for almost a full year. It's like we can't go a day without it now, literally. Just be yourself when falling asleep on Skype, in time it will become a natural thing. As far as snoring, or looking bad in your sleep.... shouldn't matter. I mean gosh, we both figured out that we sound like whales some nights. You shouldn't disappoint him if he wants to Skype sleep you. Just try it, ask him afterwards how it went for him. Good luck
            Us: Saleana & Jason
            Location: S.C, USA & Newcastle, England
            Ages: 18 & 19
            Met Online: June 14, 2010
            His Feelings Started for me: June 14, 2010
            My Feelings Started for him: July 6, 2010
            First "I love you": January 17, 2012
            "Officially together": February 1, 2012
            Met First Time: HOPEFULLY March 14, 2013 (already booked the flight)
            Closing the distance: No Idea


              I skype sleep most nights too - although with 8 hours difference it's more like he goes to sleep when it's evening for me and I just fall asleep listening. We both sleep with the lights off and the screens turned low so it's more just being able to hear him. You'll find a good balance and hopefully find some good comfort in it!


                I always do this with my SO , and just be yourself, wear what you usually wear. It is just fine


                  We did it while we were still LD. He'd already be asleep when I got home from work, usually, and it was so cool to be able to start a Skype call and see him sleeping. He had a desktop so he'd turn off his monitor so it didn't bother him, and he just used a small night light, and would adjust his cam to the brightest setting. He propped the cam on a chair by his bed. It was really reassuring to be able to see him sleeping and hear him breathing and snoring. :P We weren't shy about nudity at all, so we both slept in the buff like we always did. I used a small string of Christmas lights to illuminate my bedroom enough for him to see me well enough, and adjusted my webcam to the brightest setting as well. He would see me in his morning and I'd have just gone to bed maybe an hour before he got up and started getting ready for work. It really helped us feel closer to do this. As far as sleeping in the room with lights on, we both kind of got used to it. But now that we've been living together so long, we both are again used to sleeping with no light in the room. :P Be sure to set it up on your Skype settings that he can start a call with you automatically and have him do the same, so if the call drops or something and you need to restart it, you can do so automatically. It's cool to see others do this same thing. It was several months into our relationship before we started doing it, and we were like, "Why didn't we think of this sooner?" LOL!

