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UK to USA & space between visits...

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    UK to USA & space between visits...

    So, as I'm sure some of you know, I was in America very recently (less than 3 weeks ago) but things are bad back in MD for James, and he would really like me to be back there with him to help him through what could potentially be a really hard time.
    He really wants me to come back NOW, ie book a ticket and come back next week - but due to my OWN issues here in the big ol' smoke, that's not possible.

    We are looking at me going back over there at the end of February, beginning of March, but what I want to know is will they find me SUPER sketchy for going back so soon?
    I feel at a bit of a loss right now, because I don't have school here anymore, by the time I leave I won't have a job, I live with my mum... I feel like there is nothing that 'ties' me to the UK - not that I would ever dream about over staying my visa ever, but I have a funny feeling that the border patrol people won't see it like that...
    I have the money to go, and won't be trying to work over there... I mean seriously, I would never do anything that I wasn't allowed to, because the plan is for me to actually move out there one day, you know?!

    I was wondering if you have any tips, or advice on how I can seem more 'tied' to the UK for when I do go back, because I feel like 2 months back in the UK is a questionable amount of time between leaving and coming back :'/
    First met by chance in London 2nd June 2012
    Started LDR 24th July 2012
    James' 1st trip to visit Klaire September 29th-October 31st 2012
    James' 2nd trip to visit Klaire November 17th-November 19th 2012
    Klaires' first trip to visit James November 19th 2012-January 13th 2013

    It depends on how long your last visit was, I think the general rule (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) is that you should stay out for at least the amount of time as your last visit. Meaning if you spent the whole 90 of your allotted VWP days, you shouldn't try coming back for at least 90 days. 3 weeks, then stay out at least 3 weeks, etc.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      I was there for just under 2 months. November 19th-January 13th, so late Feb is looking rather out of the question, then!
      At one point, between his 1st and 2nd visit to me, my boyfriend was only gone for 2 weeks! He did have to spend over an hour in the interview room when coming back, though... I was wondering if it would maybe make a difference if there was something I was actually coming for, like an event, that I could prove? haha!

      It seems super risky though, and I really don't want to spend £600 for them to think me sketch and send me home! haha
      First met by chance in London 2nd June 2012
      Started LDR 24th July 2012
      James' 1st trip to visit Klaire September 29th-October 31st 2012
      James' 2nd trip to visit Klaire November 17th-November 19th 2012
      Klaires' first trip to visit James November 19th 2012-January 13th 2013


        Im not sure that there is a definite answer to the length of time between visits. I read on that you should be out of the country for at least the double amount of time you stayed. So if you stayed for 2 months then you should wait 4 months before going back. I honestly have no idea how much truth is in that. In the last 3.5 years i've been to the the US over 13 times and i've always stayed in the UK for at least double amount of time i stayed. I do always travel with documents tying me to the UK though. Stuff like phone contract/car insurance/property/work contract/payslips/University ID (i actually took a Uni tax certificate thing stating how long i am due to be at uni for and that i was full time). There has been a few times where they stopped me and asked me why i kept visiting and i told them. Never lie to the officer but dont offer information that they didnt ask for.
        Also be a good idea to make sure you have enough money in your accounts to cover your stay. They have never asked for my bank statements but again i take them with me. I really dont like taking chances and it wold suck so bad if i got denied entry. Once denied I heard that you cannot use the VWP again which would make it hard to get back into the states as you'd have to apply for (i think it is but better research it) the B2 visa.

        How long are you planning on staying in the states if you do go back in feb?


          Thank you!
          Yeah, I thought I had read something somewhere about double the time... I was thinking maybe call the embassy, or whoever could help, and asking about that and how much truth there is in it.
          I traveled with a lot of documents in November, and wasn't asked for one thing! Just asked reason for visit/and how I supporting myself during the stay. I replied with 'visiting someone' and 'with my savings' and that was enough for them!
          I would never, ever lie to a border officer, but I'd been told not to use the word 'boyfriend' - so I literally just said 'I'm visiting someone'.

          I also heard that about the visa if you're denied entry... which could be awful :/
          Probably about 3 weeks - I'm seriously wondering if even trying is a good idea, now! haha
          First met by chance in London 2nd June 2012
          Started LDR 24th July 2012
          James' 1st trip to visit Klaire September 29th-October 31st 2012
          James' 2nd trip to visit Klaire November 17th-November 19th 2012
          Klaires' first trip to visit James November 19th 2012-January 13th 2013


            I think ChibiFelicia is right about that timing, actually, I don't think it's a rule though, but a recommendation. I only get to travel to my guy a few times a year, and only a week or two at a time, so timing is never an issue for me and so I wasn't sure about how long you should stay away.

            That is pretty much for US/UK relationships, though the info is great and can help most international couples. You should probably go and check it out, it would answer a lot of the questions the two of you have. One challenge in international LDR's is that you aren't free to travel whenever you want, for any length of time you want, it's easy to forget that since to us, it feels a bit like going home. Too bad border control doesn't feel that way
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Thank you! I will head on over to VisaJourney now, and have a look!

              I am probably going to sound like a child here, but it's just so unfair that the distance and the money are not the only problems we face! haha
              First met by chance in London 2nd June 2012
              Started LDR 24th July 2012
              James' 1st trip to visit Klaire September 29th-October 31st 2012
              James' 2nd trip to visit Klaire November 17th-November 19th 2012
              Klaires' first trip to visit James November 19th 2012-January 13th 2013


                Sorry to say this, but there is absolutely no 'rules' the US immigration officers have to stick to with regard to VWP admittance. They can decide to be nice or nasty at any given moment and it just depends how they feel about you, whether they think you would overstay or not.
                Spending as much time out as you did in is a good one to stick to, however, again, I know someone who re-entered the US only 3 days after leaving from a 10 day stay there so it's obviously not gospel.
                With regard to demonstrating ties to the UK, it wont really sound good that you've left your job recently before attempting to enter the US, they could think that you are planning to stay.

                If I were you, I would wait until March, so you've had almost as much time out as you were in, and look for a job to come back to. If you are refused entry to the US, I believe it makes it highly unlikely you will be granted an ESTA for the VWP, so you will have to apply for a tourist visa (B2) which is extremely hard to be granted.

