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    I just got a SMALL tattoo, now he wants to end the relationship.
    I love him so much, but does he really love me?
    We're suppose to meet in 23days, but he says he doesn't want any more romanticness or anything and he doesn't wanna be together because i'm not perfect anymore and he is no longer physically attracted to me. It's really crazy and i'm really confused...
    Us: Saleana & Jason
    Location: S.C, USA & Newcastle, England
    Ages: 18 & 19
    Met Online: June 14, 2010
    His Feelings Started for me: June 14, 2010
    My Feelings Started for him: July 6, 2010
    First "I love you": January 17, 2012
    "Officially together": February 1, 2012
    Met First Time: HOPEFULLY March 14, 2013 (already booked the flight)
    Closing the distance: No Idea

    He doesn't love you anymore because you got a tattoo?? That is shockingly shallow!

    "Buddha made you for me" - My SO

    1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
    2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
    3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
    4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
    5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
    6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry
    7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
    Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
    UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014


      Agreed. And its your body, if you want a tatoo that's your call.


        well he still loves me even though i got a tattoo, but doesn't want to be with someone or mary someone who has "marked there body"
        Us: Saleana & Jason
        Location: S.C, USA & Newcastle, England
        Ages: 18 & 19
        Met Online: June 14, 2010
        His Feelings Started for me: June 14, 2010
        My Feelings Started for him: July 6, 2010
        First "I love you": January 17, 2012
        "Officially together": February 1, 2012
        Met First Time: HOPEFULLY March 14, 2013 (already booked the flight)
        Closing the distance: No Idea


          I'm going to be perfectly honest. You've only been in the relationship for 19 days...if he doesn't want someone because they have a tattoo then he certainly has a right to that. That being said, you've only been together 19 days...if you two have such drastic views about things in life...tattoos for example and you have one and he no longer wants to be with you because of that then don't be with him. You can't force him to stay with you and if he did he might secretly harbor these feelings that he doesn't think you're perfect and isn't attracted to you because of this tattoo which, might cause more issues down the road.

          Your relationship is very new. It will hurt for a bit to not be with each other but, its going to certainly be better than finding out he feels this way several months or years down the road.

          That being said you two can still be friends I'm sure.

          Met Online: 02/2012
          Started talking privately: 09/20/2012
          First Met in person: 09/22/2012
          Started Dating: 10/30/2012
          Closed the Distance 4/24/2013


            we've been in a relationship for a year and 19 days, but actually to be honest- longer then that, we just use feb 1st as "our date"
            Us: Saleana & Jason
            Location: S.C, USA & Newcastle, England
            Ages: 18 & 19
            Met Online: June 14, 2010
            His Feelings Started for me: June 14, 2010
            My Feelings Started for him: July 6, 2010
            First "I love you": January 17, 2012
            "Officially together": February 1, 2012
            Met First Time: HOPEFULLY March 14, 2013 (already booked the flight)
            Closing the distance: No Idea


              Do you know why he feels this way about tattoos? Maybe it's part of his religious beliefs. I have to admit though, if he loves you the way he should love you, he will get over the tattoo. I know my SO wouldn't like it if I got my belly button pierced, but I also know that if I did, he would still love me (and eventually get over it).

              2016 Goal: Buy a house.
              Progress: Complete!

              2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
              Progress: Working on it.


                It's not through his religious beliefs, he just doesn't like tattoos And that's what i thought....
                Us: Saleana & Jason
                Location: S.C, USA & Newcastle, England
                Ages: 18 & 19
                Met Online: June 14, 2010
                His Feelings Started for me: June 14, 2010
                My Feelings Started for him: July 6, 2010
                First "I love you": January 17, 2012
                "Officially together": February 1, 2012
                Met First Time: HOPEFULLY March 14, 2013 (already booked the flight)
                Closing the distance: No Idea


                  You've been together for, as you previously said, over a year now. Although I still stand by what I previously said... don't you think this is something you may have considered talking to him before you did it?

                  2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                  Progress: Complete!

                  2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                  Progress: Working on it.


                    I'm absoloutely astounded. Have you talked about tattoos before? If its something you've discussed and knew he an aversion to then I can see where he's coming from. It seems like he's got a different impression in his mind about what it looks like and is repulsed by the mere thought of it. If it really is small and inconspicuous and if he does love you as he says he does, its something he'll have to learn to deal with.

                    The not being perfect comment irks me, thats the kind of ideology they had in the Dark Ages! For someone who truly loves you he needs to look beyond any superficial "imperfections" to what really counts.
                    “The ties that binds us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some bonds defy distance and time and logic; Because some ties are simply… meant to be.” - Grey’s Anatomy

                    >Little Box<


                      I say give him some time to cool off. Sounds like an angry reaction to me.

                      And I wouldn't advise that you beg him to stay with you, but that's probably an angry reaction from me. I find it quite upsetting that he doesn't respect your decision to do whatever you want with YOUR body. Obviously you wanted to get a tattoo, and he doesn't get to tell you what to do to yourself and he has a hell of a nerve to tell you that you're no longer "perfect" physically. He needs to get over himself.
                      I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                        Originally posted by kayla_622 View Post
                        I'm going to be perfectly honest. You've only been in the relationship for 19 days...if he doesn't want someone because they have a tattoo then he certainly has a right to that. That being said, you've only been together 19 days...if you two have such drastic views about things in life...tattoos for example and you have one and he no longer wants to be with you because of that then don't be with him. You can't force him to stay with you and if he did he might secretly harbor these feelings that he doesn't think you're perfect and isn't attracted to you because of this tattoo which, might cause more issues down the road.

                        Your relationship is very new. It will hurt for a bit to not be with each other but, its going to certainly be better than finding out he feels this way several months or years down the road.

                        That being said you two can still be friends I'm sure.
                        Tbh I think they've been together since February last year

                        It may be the shock of an unpleasant surprise. My SO would be negatively shocked if I did that too.
                        But if he really means what he said and follows through with it, then it is rather shallow of him. Also, what he said that you were 'perfect' and now you're not anymore. That's not a very realistic view of you, certainly not after a year. It's a hard burden to carry if you have to be 'perfect' for him.

                        I'd say go and meet him. It's possible that he just overreacted and he comes to accept it when he meets you in person. But I would touch upon the subject of how important looks is for him. If he has a set image you have to fit into in order to find you attractive... at the very least you need to know that and then decide if you can accept it.
                        Last edited by Malaga; February 19, 2013, 08:06 AM.

                        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                          If you've been together for over a year I would think that by now you would know that he doesn't like tattoos. Like lyonsgirl said "don't you think this is something you may have considered talking to him before you did it?" I got a tattoo a couple months ago. It was probably two weeks into my relationship with my SO and I asked him what he thought about it before I did it. I wasn't looking for his approval but, I certainly didn't want to get one and find out that he didn't like tattoos on me or something.

                          Met Online: 02/2012
                          Started talking privately: 09/20/2012
                          First Met in person: 09/22/2012
                          Started Dating: 10/30/2012
                          Closed the Distance 4/24/2013


                            I think this is certainly an over-reaction. Its a small tattoo, even if you dislike tattoos, they're very common these days and no one would even look twice. It's not like you've gone and got something extreme like a skull tattoo all over your face!!
                            Perhaps you should ask him if the the tattoo is the real issue or is he just getting a bit nervous and 'cold-feet' as you are due to meet soon??


                              Do you honestly want to be with someone who can't be attracted to you anymore over a small tattoo? It makes me think his standards are impossibly high, and he's going to have trouble finding anyone he thinks is perfect. I do think you should have let him know just out of courtesy, since it seems to be a pretty normal thing to be like "Hey, guess what? I'm getting a tattoo tomorrow!". If I were you, I'd do some serious thinking about this, what'll happen if you want to dye your hair purple and get it cut short, or pierce something? Will he decide to stop loving you then, too? Real love isn't defined by a tattoo, and someone who truly loves you won't just suddenly stop like that.
                              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

