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My boyfriend just returned home. Tips on how to be confident please?

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    My boyfriend just returned home. Tips on how to be confident please?

    My boyfriend and I met in September at a wedding. We connected right away and in December he came to live with me for two and a half months. It was amazing and I'm more in love with him than I thought I would be. He returned home less than a week ago and it sucks.

    My biggest issue is a blessing and a curse. I'm 23 and my previous boyfriends treated me like I was disposable. I've never had a boyfriend who actually loved me. Now I can appreciate my current boyfriend's love for how special it is, but this also leaves me feeling defensive, twitchy and suspicous. I always wait for him to tell me he's changed his mind or something similar. This paranoia came up after he left and had been very busy for a few days directly after going home. He was only able to send a couple short messages over the 3 days and by day two I had started to wonder if he wasn't interested anymore. He is a sweetheart who loves me a lot, and easily the one who fell in love first. I trust him but the voice in the back of my head can be so loud, especially at a certain time of the month. He knows about my issue with this and is loving and understanding, but I'm looking for help. i don't want this to push away the person I could spend the rest of my life with. How can I make myself more positive and quiet the voice? Any tips would be appreciated.


    I'm in the exact same boat as you. My boyfriend left a week ago and when he reached home, he was only able to speak for 10 minutes. And as you said, my boyfriend was also very busy the first few days. Communication was practically nonexistant. Slowly but surely it will get better. As this is the second week, I've been able to Facetime with him everyday since last week Thursday and I feel a lot better. Those thoughts of him changing his mind about us or him meeting someone else diminished with the consistent communication. I'm learning that can change a lot. Similarly, this is the first boyfriend that hasn't treated me like garbage.

    You definitely need to keep yourself, school, friends, a hobby...anything to keep you active. Alone time is not your friend. I'm not pushing religion but prayer has helped a lot as well. Once he gets himself together and you guys can start a routine with communication then you'll be alright. Hope this helps!

