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San Diego - Barcelona, Long Distance Realtionship Problems...

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    San Diego - Barcelona, Long Distance Realtionship Problems...

    (I edited the post to shorten the whole story...)

    Hello everyone, I'm completely new to the site so I'm still getting use to everything but I joined mostly because it seems like a great place where there is a lot of people all that have gone through a long distance relationship or still is and currently my situation isn't working out so well so I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help me out here either by someone to talk to or actual help or anything at all.

    So my ex-girlfriend, Paz lives in Barcelona, Spain and we recently broke up about a month or two ago. We both have dealt with many problems in our relationship before, but we always got over it eventually or we would talk about our problems and work them out together. About 2 months before she decided to break up with me she was acting very strange, not communicating as much, didn't seem very interested in the relationship, and not talking by Skype as much as we use to. By the way we haven't seen each other in three years and this was the first summer of us seeing each other again so I had already bought tickets and the apartment. After our break up, we became friends for a couple weeks but as we were doing that It was becoming impossible to bare that she didn't love me or didn't want to be with me so I would constantly bring up going out again and our mistakes. She finally had enough of me and broke everything off she didn't want to hear from me so she blocked me on everything, we stopped being friends and one of the worst things she did was say how I should cancel the plane tickets because shes going to go to Italy this summer instead of being there for me.

    I thought the longer story of us would be better to tell but it looks like people weren't really replying to that so I shorten it... I just feel absolutely horrible and I feel like this break up was my fault, due to me asking more of her and pushing her farther and farther away from me, It's just such a hard feeling that after years of dreaming about seeing each other and then finally knowing its going to happen and then within a couple months later having to destroy all of the dreams we had of being together for the first time is really making me depressed, I really do love her, and I feel like things could be better if we simply talked about them and she stopped ignoring me.

    Thanks for reading this and thanks for helping I really do appreciate it,
    Last edited by Deleted; February 28, 2013, 10:53 AM. Reason: Too Long

    Can I ask you something? The last time you saw her was 28th June 2010? How long for? Then up until recently you were going to see her? 3 yrs is a long time without seeing someone regardless if you Skype, text etc., people & feelings do change. I don't know what your situation is as to why you didn't see each other in those 3 yrs but it should of been sooner, then maybe things would of been different as you would of spent time together physically, mentally & emotionally. The saying out of sight & out of mind comes to mind here & as much as I feel your pain I think you have to realistically look at the reason, situation, the mistakes etc., as to why it didn't work? Was the effort only one sided? Maybe you're living in feelings of 3yrs ago?


      We stayed with each other for 3 months during the summer living together. Then about a couple months ago I bought the tickets and apartment in Barcelona. The real reason why we didn't see each other before that was because simply we were too young, we didn't have money to spend like that and we both had a lot of things going on as well as her mom hating me which I really don't know why she does but she doesn't want Paz to be with me. I honestly feel like I started to ruin the relationship, I started pushing her too much, asking too much and idk I dont think I was giving enough either. I just idk we've gone through so many problems together and talked in through so many times that I don't see why this time is different. Living in feelings of 3yrs ago hmm I honestly dont know I mean I still love her and my idea of her has changed of course I definitely had mixed emotions about her when we had our first break ups but now all I feel is just love for her and I just want for us to be together again, I don't feel any hate or any other emotion for her.

