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I'm scared and confused, is this real?

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    I'm scared and confused, is this real?

    So me and my man actually ashamedly met on Omegle. We've been together for awhile now, and we're starting to fall in love. We started falling for each other so quickly it doesn't seem real. He lives in England and I live in the U.S. and we can't meet in person until I turn 18 and move in with my sister to go to college. I don't know what to do. I want to wait for him, but can I do that?

    We trust each other with everything, and it's shocking because I rarely trust anyone. It's like this perfect man has chosen me, and he's 4,000 miles away. It's expensive to visit and the only inexpensive way to live here is to marry an American. While I know he's not just in it for the residency, I feel like everything will just fall apart. Yet, I've already fallen for him. I'm just worried and I want this to work out. I need advice, how do I cope with not seeing the love of my life for so long?

    It is possible don't worry. You just have to hang in there. Long distance is sucky, but it makes the end result so much more worth it. The things we value the most are the things we've worked the hardest for Just be patient and have hope. In the mean time there are loads of things you can do to together until you meet. LFAD has a whole list of over 100 things for long distance couples to do. Have you checked it out yet?


      Oh my, guess what? My SO and I also met in Omegle, and I also feel ashamed of that sometimes.

      But yeah, I know how you exactly feel. Living thousands of miles away from someone you instantly loved but you can't see yet is difficult. Hang in there, and be OPTIMISTIC. Being positive is the key. Fight your own demons (your scared feelings and negative thoughts) and try your best to make the relationship work. If your SO is willing to fight for the relationship then there's nothing to worry about. Just continue doing what you are doing right now and enjoy every time you have with him online right now. And when the time is right, things will fall into place.

      While waiting for that day, read LFAD's list of things you can do with your SO. I highly recommend Skeeping (Skype sleeping), my SO and I always do this. And watching movies together. Just make sure to always have TIME for each other!


        My GF and I are an Omegle couple as well and we met in person when she was 17.

        It can be done


          No one should feel ashamed of how they met their partner......I met mine whilst he was in prison and I don't feel ashamed. It can work if you both want it too......Like the others have said, find things that you and your SO can do together to keep the communication link open....time does move its butt so have faith that it will work out.....

          Started Writing - February 2010
          First Visit - September 2010
          Second Visit - June 2011
          Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
          Our Wedding Day - April 2012
          Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
          NOA1 - July 2012
          NOA2 - December 2012
          Fourth Visit - December 2012
          Closing The Distance - Watch this space


            I'm going to be honest with you - I think you should stay as relaxed as possible about this until you get an opportunity to meet. The way we behave online doesn't always translate into reality, and by rushing into being in love and officially together, when you know you can't meet yet... you're going to cause yourself more stress than you need to.

            I actually understand where you're coming from, I couldn't meet my SO for years - but we were friends for a long long time first, and didn't become official until we knew reality was a reflection of our relationship online. I definitely think that you can start to fall in love online, but I would always tell someone not to put all their eggs in one basket before they've met - I mean, you've already referenced marriage in terms of thinking of closing the distance. Take it as it comes, enjoy the experience of having someone who makes you feel special, but take it all with a little pinch of salt.

            You said "I want to wait for him, but can I do that?" - it depends. You said you can't meet until you're 18, how far off is that?

            If it's years before you can meet, it's possible, but you're still young. My SO and I made a point of not crossing the 'we're boyfriend/girlfriend totally exclusive' line until we met, and for the most part, I think it's made us stronger as a couple. It meant that when we met, we started completely on the same page, everything out in the open. There was no awkwardness or expectations, it made it all go very naturally. It gave us opportunities to date other people and see what we wanted in a partner. Yeah, it wasn't the easiest - I didn't particularly WANT him to see other girls... but it meant we didn't miss out on growing up.

            On the other hand, if it's a year or less... it's definitely do-able. If you want to commit to each other, it's possible. Again, it's hard, LDRs always are, but you'll see that the time goes quicker than you expect it to. And LFAD is a great community to help you feel your way through this experience.


              You have some good advice so far.
              From my own experience, I'd suggest that you should maybe just take it as it is for now. Don't worry about the future, and just get to know each other. I also agree that meeting in person is different, 85% of communication is through body language, so being online is tougher, and takes more time to really sink into each other.

              If this person makes you happy, then I'm sure it will be fine if you stick with it.


                There's nothing to be ashamed of in terms of how you met. Like Oldblighty I too met my bf while he was in prison through a penpal website. At first I was a bit embarrassed but then I thought at the end of the day who cares how two people met, if they love eachother what else matters? I'm sure if you had to chose between finding your soulmate through unconventional means (eg online) or meeting someone that is only in your life temporarily through "normal" means, people would choose their soulmate each and every time. If someone judges you on how you met, they aren't worth the energy it takes to worry

                As others have said just take each day as it comes and what is meant to be will happen

                *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

                We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!


                  I was going to reply to this when it was first posted but I was in a bad mood and decided not to give you my sass. xD

                  Anyway, first off, yes, it is absolutely real and absolutely okay-- I was going to point out that there are multiple users on this website who met their SOs on Omegle and other chatting websites, and a whole lot more (myself included) who met their SOs somewhere on the web. You don't have to be ashamed here; we all understand what you are going through and that's exactly what we're here for.

                  I don't know how old you are right now, so it's difficult to say what kind of future you're looking at. If you're like 14, that means 4 years of waiting before you have the money/time/ability to go see your SO or for your SO to see you. It's difficult to have an LDR in your early teens for that reason, and if that is the case, you might be best staying as friends or being in an open relationship so as not to limit yourself during a period where you cannot do much for your relationship. That is not to say it cannot be done-- there are many examples of couples who met very early in their lives and lived long-distance for many years before ever meeting or making their relationship official, and you can absolutely do that if you want to.

                  If you are older, like close to 18, it will be a lot easier to enter this relationship because you have many more opportunities coming up to acquire money to put towards your relationship and travel. If you think you can deal with the amount of time you need to wait (however long that is), go ahead and move on with your relationship. It will be very rewarding in a number of ways. You will build lots of trust and many emotional bonds that will be the basis of your relationship in years to come. Yes, there is always the possibility that it will fall apart at some point, but this is no different from a close-distance relationship.
                  Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                  Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                  Engaged: 09/26/2020


                    Thanks for your input guys. You've really opened my eyes.
                    Last edited by ImInLoveWithAnEnglishman; March 6, 2013, 09:51 PM.

