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Feeling absolutely Useless ..

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    Feeling absolutely Useless ..

    Ok, So I feel like a bag of shit ....

    My Boyfriend is having such a hard time at the moment.

    it’s technically his fault he decided to go mudding the other evening in his dodge truck and flooded the engine and now it’s going to cost anything from around $4,000 - $5,000 to fix it Annd his truck is his life!

    But somehow I feel like shit about it too, theres nothing I can do to help apart from sitting skyping with him and hearing him rant but even after he spent 20 mins after that there was nothing to talk about last night, He seemed so pissed of and upset and i didnt know what to say without sounding like i was nagging at him for being a dummy.

    I said to him that i wished there was more i could do too and he told me;
    ‘Knowing you’re my Girlfriend is enough’ but somehow I don’t feel like it is.

    This is where the 4 thousand or so between us suck!!! BIG TIME!!!

    Girl I feel you! It feels like crrraaapp to be so far away and just speaking through the mouthpiece doesn't seem to do anything that changes anything at all. Hang on there!! Just keep supporting him by listening to his rants or offering some form of lighthearted advice (if he asks) and doing small things to show him you care, like little care-notes / text at the least expected time of the day, telling him a joke or two, sharing with him funny random occurrences that happened to you... anything to give him a break from the stress hes facing. try not to get too worked up with the distance; what's important is him and his state of mind atm.

    All that suppressing of your own feelings is gonna make you feel down too... try your best to keep yourself busy with things you like to do. youll still feel bad occassionally when your mind strays to him, but it wont be as crazy as being at home and not doing anything else besides just thinking about him. You can probably get him to repay that later on when you guys meet again ... I guess hehe I haven't gotten there yet to share! Mine went through a tough period of being overworked and falling seriously ill. Sigh it was an awful time then .

    Anyway Good luck! I do hope he manages to sort this problem soon or have some solution to tackle the situation.
    Last edited by Mayokohi; March 30, 2013, 08:26 AM.


      Thank god someone knows what i mean .. It just sucks! and the thing is i always worry about everyone else apart from myself! So today ive been walking around work like i got the whole world on my shoulders because im worrying about hos shit his feeling!

      I hope your SO is better!

      And BTW we havent met yet! were been dating for the last 4 years .. its my first trip over there in June


        Yep, been there But consider that even if you were there with him, what could you really do, but listen, anyway? You could hug him, but that's really about it. My guy has a horribly stressful job, there are days where he works 20 hours, forgets to eat, can't get any housework done, can't make it to the shops before they close, etc., and I sit here and feel horrible because I wish with everything I have that I could be there to take care of those things for him, and make his life a little less stressful. Since I can't, I do what I can, and just talk to him. I let him rant and rave to someone who understands, and on those days, I try keeping the conversations light and do what I can to make him laugh. I know it's not much, but I do my best. For me, this is the hardest part of being LD.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Been there, am there right now. My SO is going through some problems and I just feel like being over 4800 miles away doesn't help. I can't be there to hug him and stuff, but I can be there to listen to him whenever he needs me to. As others have said, just be the ear to hear and he'll appreciate that. Made me smile seeing your stats coz I'm also in the UK and my SO was in Kansas for the majority of our time together, he only recently moved down to Florida to be with his family.

          Good Luck!
          Joey & Scott
          Met: April 2002
          Lost Contact: August 2002
          Reconnected: April 2010
          Together: May 20th 2010

          [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin

