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My Story

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    My Story

    I recently met a young French backpacker who was in Australia on a 12 months working visa.
    It was like love at first site, we walked passed each other at the supermarket & he said Hello to me. I had my son with me & made my son put my moblie number on his car window.
    It was a windy day so i drove back pass to see if the note had stayed on window but it had blown off so we went back & my son replaced it again on the window.
    A couple hours later I got a text message from Matt the guy i had passed at Coles. He told me he was picking cherries close to where i live.
    We started talking through text messages, I notice that his english was a bit odd and didnt think nothing of it.
    We planned to meet each other at a local pub which is only 5 houses away from mine. A quick escape if this guy turned out to be a creep.
    I had Matt waiting a good hour with his friends before i got down there with my mates. They were sitting in the beer garden outside & i was able to see Matt & his friends from over the fence.
    When i seen Matt's smile I reckon i melted there on the spot. I was so nervous to meet him. I go in and introduce myself & notice that they spoke a different language. They were from France. I was very intrigued because my Grandmother on my Mother's side is French. Matt & I hit if off instantly.
    Over the next couple of months Matt & I spent a lot of time together. Matt meet my 4 children & really hit it off with my Son.
    Matt even lived with us for a month so he got to know me & my children really well. Everyone noticed that Matt was falling in love with me.
    But knowing his time was only short in Australia i didnt want to get myself to attached to him. Well i did,,I am totally in love with this Man.
    Sadly Matt's time here in Australia ended & he had to go back to France on the 14th of March 2013.
    Its just been a little over two weeks since he has gone & ive been so sad & miss him so much.
    He rings from France every couple of days so at least I can still hear his voice. Not beening able to see him face is killing me.
    Matt is planning to come back to Australia when I plan to visit him in France in sep this year. It seems so easy but im afraid it wont be as easy as i think.
    I dont know the channels we will have to go through for Matt to stay in Australia. But as the saying goes if theres a will theres a way.
    Ive just had a lot of mixed feelings over the last weeks. I know Matt loves me very much but i am so scared that he will change his mind,,so much can happen in the next 6 months.
    I gotta learn to relax & let nature takes it course. If we really love each other we can over see any distance & anything,,i just gotta keep telling myself that.
    Thanks 4 listening.

    Welcome to LFAD

    and you're another aussie! where in aus are you from?

    I read through your story, and i kind of wondered.. you walked past him in coles.. how did you know which car was his? was just a random thought i had whilst reading!
    Met Online: February 2009
    Feelings grew: January 2011
    First met in person: 4 April - 16 April 2011
    Officially together since: 4th of April 2011
    Second visit: 29 June - 1 August 2011
    Third visit: 28 September - 15 October 2011
    Fourth visit: 19 January - 25 February 2012
    Fifth visit: 24 March - 12 April 2012
    Sixth visit: 2 June - 7 July 2012
    Engaged: 1st of July 2012
    Seventh visit: 27 August - 23 September
    Visa lodged: 5th of November 2012
    Eighth visit: 8 December 2012 - 12 January 2013
    Visa granted: 8th of May 2013
    Hawaii: 19 May - 2 June 2013
    Closed the distance: 16th of July 2013

    Married my Englishman on the 4th of October 2013


      Hi Jazi, Yes another Aussie. I'm from Benalla, Victoria. Ha theres a little more to the story lol,,I was walking out of coles as he was walking in with his friends. The car park is directly across & they were 3 strangers i never seen before & they were in a hippy kind of van with NSW plates so I took a good guess.


        Benalla is a small town. And seeing these 3 hippy looking dudes walk towards me i knew they were out of towners.


          ah, It makes sense now! thanks for answering my random question
          Met Online: February 2009
          Feelings grew: January 2011
          First met in person: 4 April - 16 April 2011
          Officially together since: 4th of April 2011
          Second visit: 29 June - 1 August 2011
          Third visit: 28 September - 15 October 2011
          Fourth visit: 19 January - 25 February 2012
          Fifth visit: 24 March - 12 April 2012
          Sixth visit: 2 June - 7 July 2012
          Engaged: 1st of July 2012
          Seventh visit: 27 August - 23 September
          Visa lodged: 5th of November 2012
          Eighth visit: 8 December 2012 - 12 January 2013
          Visa granted: 8th of May 2013
          Hawaii: 19 May - 2 June 2013
          Closed the distance: 16th of July 2013

          Married my Englishman on the 4th of October 2013


            Hey As long as your feelings are mutual and you are willing to fight for it, I believe anything is possible I imagine how much you must miss him, going from seeing eachother every day to talking on the phone only .. Why dont you try video conversations on skype?? SO and I cant go a day without seeing eachother's face, when you miss him, being able to see his smile, hear his comforting words and see the love in the eyes.. Makes it a lot more bearable Good luck!


              Hi and welcome!

              As others have said, as long as the feelings you both have are reciprocated then there shouldn't be a problem. As for the channels to get Matt to Aus on a perm basis, I'd advice you both to look into visas and such. If he overstays on a visitor visa it could result in a lot of trouble. It's one of the reason why Scott has never overstayed despite being desperate to!

              Good Luck and you're in the right place for support!
              Joey & Scott
              Met: April 2002
              Lost Contact: August 2002
              Reconnected: April 2010
              Together: May 20th 2010

              [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin

