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Rough weeks suck :(

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    Rough weeks suck :(

    Hey guys,

    My SO and I hardly ever argue, but this week we have just been fighting about everything!
    I don't know why exactly, but we have both been very irritable the past few days and are constantly snapping at each other
    I guess we're just going through a little rough patch right now..which is normal for couples, right??
    Has anyone else on here had rough weeks with their SO's?
    Thanks for the support!

    I think that when my SO is very tired or not feeling well he gets a bit grumpy. There is also the point of frustration for both of us. Add all this together along with the normal trials and tribulations of day to day life and it is a recipe for little tiffs. We have never had a real "fight" but just little disagreements.

    Are the things you are fighting for big or little things? Are you actually upset about the topics or just lashing out over the stresses I mentioned? If you figure out what is behind the fights themselves then maybe you can understand why they are happening.
    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
    Benjamin Franklin


      There are times when things just doesn't go your way or your SO's way. It really happens. When I was still in a 6-year relationship with my ex SO, we would fight about ANYTHING for a month (sometimes even where we're going out to eat will be a big argument), but there are months when you're all back to your honeymoon stage and all cuddly.

      It's just a matter of sticking with each other through thick and thin. But first ask him if he's dealing with something really difficult right now (job problems, school?). If not, then it's probably just a phase. Try to be as patient as you can.


        It is normal to have a rough week now and then yes. I there a reason why you are both so irritated? I feel like sometimes one is in a bad mood and snappy but then the other can compensate for it but when both are it is an explosive combination
        If there are reasons that concern your relationship though, then it's worth thinking about it as the problems won't vanish and will come up again and again.


          Oh they just come and go, nothing to worry about. Me and him have many arguments but after we've let it out we get all loving and cuddly again. It's so silly to see ourselves like that over and over again but it feels amazing.

          Sometimes when our patience are tackled by everything, we need to snap. If we don't it may build resentment inside us. Letting it out is better than building resentment inside. Most of the times all the other is looking for is a listener. When they whine and become demanding whether your guy or girl, it's their inner child saying 'pay attention to me! D: Love meee!' haha so during those times, talking back or both of you snapping together is never the solution.

          Give him his space or give him all your love. One is bound to work :3

          You'll get through, don't worry <3
          All relationships go through shit.
          Real relationships get through shit.


            It's totally normal to have rough weeks. Both for you and your SO. And as others have said, we've been there. I remember one visit when everything I said pissed off Scott and I was all worried because he was pissed off, but when we went to bed we both decided we were both tired and emotional because the visit was coming to an end and went to bed as friends. The next day was better and since then we've had periods of the same thing. It's hard when there's distance involved because it's not as easy to talk it out, if that's what you need to do, even through text or messengers. I shall give you a and tell you that next week will be better! Good Luck!
            Joey & Scott
            Met: April 2002
            Lost Contact: August 2002
            Reconnected: April 2010
            Together: May 20th 2010

            [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


              Thank you all for the great advice!
              I talked with my SO and we discussed why we were having all these little arguments. We were both just stressed out with life and we missed each other a lot, so it built a lot of tensions.
              I feel so much better now that we talked it through, and we're finally back to normal now!

              Thanks again for all the support!

