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in the airport waiting to go home :(

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    in the airport waiting to go home :(

    I'm posting from my phone so it will be a bit brief but I've just had the most amazing week of my life in America with the man I love very much. I can't believe we finally met and we got on so well as if we'd always been physically together as well as emotionally. I've spent the entire day in tears and leaving to go home is far more difficult than I ever even imagined it would be

    It's sad now, that's true, but think of all the memories you've made and of all the things to come! Now you can set your sight on your next trip knowing how amazing you are together! I'm so happy for you that you had a great trip. We've all got your back! Chin up!


      I know you're feeling down right now and you miss your SO a lot, but things will get better!!
      Just think of all the times you have ahead with him
      When you get home, I would suggest spending a lot of time with family and friends. That will get your mind off things until you get back into your normal routine.
      Best wishes, and just know that this site is always here if you ever need to vent


        Ugh, sorry! Leaving is always awful, so make sure you take care of yourself for a few days, you deserve it. It'll probably take a couple of weeks to get back to normal, but it will pass.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          I know how you feel, and I'm sure everyone else does too. It's always the hardest leaving behind the one you love. Every single time my SO leaves to go back home or I do, I bawl my eyes out for hours. But you just have to think of all the awesomeness you spent together. You made great memories together and you will see him again.
          "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


            I'm really struggling still, so is my SO. We both feel so empty. This is way tougher than I ever imagined it would be, I can't seem to sleep, eat or get involved in anything. How long does this initial sadness last? I've never felt like this even breaking up with someone and I know I'll see him again as we're already planning the next visit but I can't escape the sadness.


              The pain lasts however long it does. People are different, nobody can answer that question besides yourself.

              Do what you have to do distract yourself. Work, be around family and friends.


                Leaving sucks, big time. I know exactly what you're going through, and the truth is that you just have to go along with it. Cry as much as you have too, I'm usually a big mess for a few days after leaving/him leaving, and it's something you have to let yourself do if you need it. Then, try and keep busy and remember all the good times! You can start planning for your next visit perhaps It'll get better, even if it feels like the end of the world right now. Hugs!

                Met online: February 2011
                Met the first time: August 16, 2011


                  Did you have fears before you met him? That you wouldn't click, that something would go wrong .. I am sure everyone did before their first meet ^^ And now think how all those bad thoughts vanished, how lucky you are to have met the person that is right for you and loves you - something that some spend their lives looking for, a lot of people like you and me and people on this forum have already found Think about the fact that this distance is just a temporary obstacle, and compared to your love - something tiny and meaningless. Also, it always makes me feel better after separations, to spend my time thinking and planning the next time we will see each other, it really makes it easier to go through the days when you know when you will see the other one again and how long you will have to wait - counted time lasts fewer <3


                    Originally posted by Tooki View Post
                    The pain lasts however long it does. People are different, nobody can answer that question besides yourself.
                    Seriously. I can't tell you how many people gave me time frames for the pain after Stephen left from his last visit. None of that info was helpful. It took me almost three weeks to feel better. And then the second visit, I wasn't sad at all until a few days after and I found the ticket stub from the movie we saw in my wallet. No one can tell you how or when to be upset. Just remember, it DOES eventually feel normal again. I'm glad to hear you had fun!


                      Just echoing what everyone else has said. It sucks, it'll hurt, and it will take time to get over that hurt and back into your own routine...but once you have and can look forward to the next visit, that hurt is replaced with excitement and pleasure

                      Joey & Scott
                      Met: April 2002
                      Lost Contact: August 2002
                      Reconnected: April 2010
                      Together: May 20th 2010

                      [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


                        thanks everyone, I'm trying to get back in a 'normal' routine but it just seems wrong without him. I really wish I'd taken more photos of the trip too


                          I'm not sure what I'd do without this site as no one in real life seems to understand the emotions. I do feel like I'm coming out of the other side and now just focusing on the bigger picture and August when we'll get to see each other again and longer term of closing the distance.


                            Originally posted by 80anthea View Post
                            thanks everyone, I'm trying to get back in a 'normal' routine but it just seems wrong without him. I really wish I'd taken more photos of the trip too
                            Originally posted by 80anthea View Post
                            I'm not sure what I'd do without this site as no one in real life seems to understand the emotions. I do feel like I'm coming out of the other side and now just focusing on the bigger picture and August when we'll get to see each other again and longer term of closing the distance.
                            I always wish I'd taken more photos, especially of us together, but then again, the ones I have I love He also takes photos so we get to compare shots and since we do a lot of touristy stuff and other things, it's nice to have both mine and his photos, so maybe he took some you can look at!

                            And yes, I have to agree that this site is great. I'm lucky enough to have good friends both in real life and online that are very supportive of our relationship, but I do find this site to be full of people who know because they've been there themselves. Everyone is great, and all have different perspectives!

                            You'll slip into routine before you know it and then you'll be excited because your visit in August isn't that far away!
                            Joey & Scott
                            Met: April 2002
                            Lost Contact: August 2002
                            Reconnected: April 2010
                            Together: May 20th 2010

                            [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin

