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Flying Blind

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    Flying Blind


    I will get right down to it, I need a place to vent these feelings and hopefully get some ideas from others here.

    I met a woman online about a year ago, we got to talking and we ended up becoming good chat buddies. She is from Europe and I am in the US btw. After a few months chatting she gave me her phone number and we started texting and talking on the phone. It was honestly amazing, I had never felt a connection with a woman like this before. Things progressed under the umbrella of friendship until her birthday, I went all out and honestly outdid myself with any other gift I had done before. Around this time I thought it was important to let her know how I felt, turns out she felt the same way.

    We talked everyday for months and were growing quite close, the next step was planning a trip. We had always planned on me going over there as Travel Visas wouldn't be an issue. I finally mapped out the time and asked if that would work, she told me yes of course whenever you can come is great. About a month ago she was given new job opportunities which made june impossible. we arrived at August, and I was disappointed at having to wait longer but I didn't see it as a major issue, I was still going after all. Just recently I have not heard from her as much and our regular chats have become irregular. I understand that this is part of her new job and I knew it would happen, but that was before last night. We were talking last week and she began to break down, she loses everything she loves, her mom was right that it wasn't fair to me to make me wait. What would happen when I left after the trip? Our lives were in different parts of the world. After this conversation I didn't hear from her other than a few emotes here and there in response to my messages.

    So here we arrive at last night, I brought it up again and wanted to know the answer to two questions. Do you love me? and are you willing to make it work? I got a definite yes to the first and a very odd answer to the second. She said the waiting made her sick and that she didn't like waiting. I asked for a yes or no and she said she already gave her answer. I was floored, after almost a year! to have this bomb drop out of almost complete nowhere. I probably protested more than I should have and she became defensive about why I didn't want her coming to me. I realize that this must have been one of those "you have to hear this and trust me daughter" conversations added to the stress of a new job and that drag that everyone feels before summer this time of year. but I am so lost, we ended the conversation with me telling her that I knew she loved me and she knew I loved her and that unless she told me not to I was still coming to her in August. I don't believe there is someone else, I think she is just feeling the weight of the distance.

    The thing that bugs me the most is the fact that she wasn't fully ready to commit to trying to make it work, who knows what is going to happen, but without both feet in the pool how am I supposed to feel comfortable fighting to make this work? Seriously to tell someone you love them, and that there is no one else for you but waiting a few months to take the next step is too much? After a year? I don't know maybe I just have a greater conviction when it comes to this relationship. Thats my story in a nutshell, thank you for reading it Anyone have any advice?

    I had a similar experience, my current SO didn't want to do the long distance thing. He felt it was unfair to us both because he couldn't visit as often as he'd like to for the relationship to work and I couldn't visit him for a number of reasons, mostly money and health issues. I asked him if he wanted to be with me and the answer was yes, but again he didn't like the distance. Things have changed now, but he still HATES the distance...absolutely hates it. He wants things to move along quickly and him be here now (we're applying for visas and such) and that be the end of it and then we can start "the next chapter of our lives" etc.

    I'm telling you this because being in an LDR is hard work. It takes time, energy and sometimes more of you than you want to give in a relationship. She's said that she wants to be with you, that she wants you to visit. But she's said that she's not good with waiting. If you can't get her to answer more clearly other than "I've told you my answer" then you need to make a decision yourself. Do you go and hope being together will help her see more clearly that it is worth it for her? Or do you stay and just chalk it up to experience? The answer to that is for you to make and possibly your partner too.

    I'm not saying that she will change her mind the moment she sees you, she may not and it is about taking a certain amount of risk, as many people here will attest to. LDR's are taking a giant leap of faith and risk and hope that everything goes as planned. Your visit may prompt her to make that leap of faith or they may tell her she can't, that she doesn't want to risk it. And you have to be ready to respect that decision as well. So, you need to talk to her and try and work out what you BOTH want to happen.

    Good Luck and it's a hard place to be...
    Joey & Scott
    Met: April 2002
    Lost Contact: August 2002
    Reconnected: April 2010
    Together: May 20th 2010

    [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


      sorry to hear it, i would ask her to talk once more, asking how you could make the distance easyr.. it is hard on both sides..
      tell her that you think she is wurth it to wait for and you are willing to do so, aks her WHY she wont try if it is because of her mother, if she is afraid for something that kinda qestions, maybe you get a more proper answer
      good luck!


        My ex had the same hesitations about the distance, this coming after a year of being together and 6 months away from meeting for the first time. I think its the prospects of finally meeting for the first time and then going through the whole waiting ordeal again that seems daunting. You need to gauge how willing she is to make this work (although I have a feeling you already have your answer with her saying she doesn't like waiting). LDRs take a lot of patience and communication especially about future plans. Perhaps talking about how you intend on closing the distance would put her at ease so that she has a framework in mind and it doesn't seem like waiting around for nothing. Either way, give her a chance and talk about how you can work on your relationship together. If she simply refuses to acknowledge her hesitations or talk about possible fixes then you'll know its time to move on. Whatever happens you'll have learned a lot from the relationship. Good luck (:
        “The ties that binds us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some bonds defy distance and time and logic; Because some ties are simply… meant to be.” - Grey’s Anatomy

        >Little Box<


          I really need to find the time for us both to skype about it, so far both times this has happened in text, I think verbally talking about it is the way to go. I still don't know what i am feeling, shock? depressed? angry? Maybe all of them, I realized early on that a LDR was going to be difficult but I made my decision early as well, I think the floor falling out from under me comes her lack of feeling this way. I also don't want it to seem like I keep dragging the conversation out while not wanting it to go away either. Part of me feels like she ended it on a positive note just to have the conversation end last night, that I would visit and it would move from there.

          Not to mention I have just sent another awesome gift package and arranged for food delivery on our anniversary next week sigh* I was so excited when I sent it, little did I know
          Last edited by Bradman1299; April 25, 2013, 12:21 PM.


            Also keep in mind, you could go and visit her and that brings her courage up a little more too. My SO always had his times where he didn't think that he could do it and either he would decide to visit me or I'd go over there and he'd feel so much better. After you get to spend time together, it always seems to spark something especially if the trip was a great one. Hopefully just talk to her and she'll change her mind. Keep your head up! LDR's are REALLY hard, especially long ones. I'm rooting for you both!
            "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


              I agree that you need to have another conversation about this on skype. Trying to talk these really serious things out over text just doesn't cut it.
              I wonder if she is just nervous and uncomfortable with the whole idea of the relationship because you haven't met in person yet. Some people can easily accept a relationship with someone they've gotten to know through the internet. And for other people, that can be really tough. Maybe it was something she accepted in the beginning but then once the prospect of a visit came up, she freaked out a bit.

              Talk to her again and I hope that she gives you a clearer answer. If you both decide to move forward, I think an in-person visit would really help her become clear on her feelings.


                Try talking to her on Skype about it again. Things are better when discussed when you can talk. I think she is just feeling the distance. I think we've all been there, where we feel so down and we get discouraged and question if its worth it. Once you meet, I am sure she will feel better because she has gotten to really spend time with you. Being together irl is so much different than texting or even Skyping. Good luck! I am sure you will be okay!

                "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                  I really appreciate all of your positive thoughts, while each relationship is different, I am happy to have found somewhere to talk about this stuff


                    Originally posted by Bradman1299 View Post
                    I really appreciate all of your positive thoughts, while each relationship is different, I am happy to have found somewhere to talk about this stuff
                    Happy to help! <3
                    "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


                      I agree with mllebamako, she might be a little freaked out because you meeting is a huge change in your relationship and will make it more real. I would make sure she still wants you visiting and go from there. Might there be any underlying prejudices somewhere too?
                      In any case, for me it took quite a while and a lot of thinking to commit fully to my LDR, and Im hardly the only one.
                      We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                        I agree , I would definitely want another conversation on Skype. If there is still a good chance it will work out I would make that trip. This might be something you need to do, even if it does not work out. You might never forgive yourself for not doing everything you can do to give it it's best chance. At the very least it should provide you with some kind of closure to move forward.
                        "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                        Benjamin Franklin


                          Like others even i wud advice u to video chat with her on skype... LDRs are tough and they can be really frustating at times cuz u are not able to express urself openly... but technology has improved and u shud take benefits of it.. so skype with her and try understanding her situation as well as tell her ur feelings and also tell her that u are willing to make things work out between u both.... say it time and again.... try convincing her... i thinnk she's a bit disheartened and so she;s scared so encourage her and i hope she'll overcome her doubts about this relationship....


                            I think every LDR has it's doubts. It's not an easy decision to make to commit to someone that you can't see often. My SO and I had a conversation similar to yours last summer. The difference is, at that point we'd been together, flying to see each other, for 18 months. But we knew that neither of us would be able to afford to visit this full year. And we sat down, and we came to the conclusion of it having to be all in or all out.

                            I think that's the situation you're coming up to. After meeting, it's more difficult to just go along with good intentions, but not full commitment. Meeting makes it real in a way you don't realise it'll make it until you've done it. In the nicest way possible, if she's not prepared to commit, and make it work, you both need to go your separate ways. I'm actually a little worried on your behalf, because if she's completely made up her mind, meeting is only going to make this all much harder. However, if she's not completely 100% sure she doesn't want it to work out, meeting might work in your favour.

                            I know you want answers now, but I think pressuring her about it now might be counter-productive to what you want. I agree that you need to gauge exactly HOW made up her mind is to help decide whether or not this trip is worthwhile, but if it's not, I wouldn't push it. I'd wait til you met to make the point that your relationship needs to be committed or it needs to end. Firstly because although mostly when people meet, it goes well, there are people who find that the chemistry isn't there. And trying to break up with someone you've just met in person for the first time... I think that's more hassle than you want. Secondly, because she may not realise how much she does want to be with you until she's spent time with you in person.

                            Take your time with this, because some people are ready to jump in head first, and some need to test the water before they know it's safe. Good luck.

