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Brussels border control

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    Brussels border control

    I have been landing in the Netherlands for my last four trips and it has gotten more and more stressful each time. The last time the border control agent almost did not let me in and started asking me questions about my finances even though Schengen does not require this for stays of less than 3 months and I always leave within the allowed time period and wait till over 3 months before returning. I am looking to landing in Brussels instead this next time, but I am finding the flights harder to book.

    I would love to hear from anyone that has direct experience with landing there from a country outside of the Schengen territory. I really just want to hear how the border control reacted to your specific situations.

    I don't wish to be rude, but please only those who landed there or have a close personal relationship with someone who has in the last few years. This is not intended to be political about Schengen or EU either, I just want to help to decide where to land in June.
    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
    Benjamin Franklin

    I have mostly landed in France and Spain and haven't ever had a problem. I have found it rare that they look at all my previous stamps and ask me about them. They usually see that the passport is American, flip through a couple of pages, stamp the next blank page, and grumpily wave me through. One time in France, they asked me a few questions about what I was there to do.

    Was it just the one time you got questioned so intensely? I think you just got unlucky with your border agent probably. I would personally just fly into whichever airport is easiest. You could run into mean, grumpy border agents in any country so I think it's more just luck of the draw.


      Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
      Was it just the one time you got questioned so intensely? I think you just got unlucky with your border agent probably. I would personally just fly into whichever airport is easiest. You could run into mean, grumpy border agents in any country so I think it's more just luck of the draw.
      I agree. Once flying into Dublin I got a friendly agent who teased me. The second time, during my stay for two months, I got someone who was gruff and snarly and asking me how I plan to fund my trip, what happens if I run out of money while I'm there, am I "really" going to be staying that long in Dublin, what do I plan to do there, etc. It was anxiety-provoking and nerve-inducing but he let me through. I think sometimes, especially for longer trips, you simply get unlucky and find someone who's bored or unhappy and wants to pester you a bit and you make it easy because of frequent trips or a longer stay. I have also gone into France (though by train) where I thought they could care less about me and England, where I got someone who asked me a ton of questions about a 3 week visit and only ushered me through when she asked, about my ex, "is he your friend or your boyfriend?" because I started nervously going on and on about the whole story, LOL.


        The stamps in this passport are only a few years old. The first time I landed in Amsterdam it was for one week and they were quite friendly, no other stamps not even a question. The second time I landed in Amsterdam and it was for 89 days, the border control agent asked me for how long and I told him, I showed him my return flight and he asked why so long and I said I was staying with a friend, he had an instant attitude but stamped it and off I went. I went to Dublin for 2 weeks in between the next return and got a friendly, welcome to Dublin and a smile. The last time I went I landed in Rotterdam and got stopped in my tracks by the border control agent. He asked me for how long I am staying , I told him 88 days. He did not even care to see the return ticket and started to ask me why I am coming to the Netherlands so often and for so long. I told him the truth, no way around it at that point. He wanted to know if my SO could suppport me while I was there and if I had enough finances to pay for myself and told me he did not have to let me in. I was almost in tears when I said, I am staying with him and I have income of my own to spend. I asked why this is an issue because I was following Schengen rules to the letter and asked if he needed to speak to my SO. His fellow agent was next to him stepped in and in Dutch he said some stuff and then the agent got a pissed look on his face and stamped it and let me in. I told my SO's parent's about it and they suggested I try Belgium instead because I had not landed there before and so it would be a different stamp and maybe less likely to ruffle any feather's. The NL is said to be very strict in it's implementation of the rules and since it is up to the individual agent to make the call, I was wondering about the overall mentality of the Belgium border control and hoped to get some insight from those that had landed there with a non Schengen passport.
        "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
        Benjamin Franklin


          Well, I guess I didn't realize you ONLY wanted people who have landed in Belgium, I thought you meant any Schengen country.

          I have landed in Brussels with my brother who is also a USC and we had zero problems with the border agents.


            Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
            Well, I guess I didn't realize you ONLY wanted people who have landed in Belgium, I thought you meant any Schengen country.

            I have landed in Brussels with my brother who is also a USC and we had zero problems with the border agents.
            No problem, I just have the option of Amsterdam, Rotterdam or Brussels at this point. The other countries are not a viable option for me. Did they ask any questions at all?
            "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
            Benjamin Franklin


              Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
              No problem, I just have the option of Amsterdam, Rotterdam or Brussels at this point. The other countries are not a viable option for me. Did they ask any questions at all?
              Hmm it was awhile ago so I'm trying to remember. Honestly, I can't remember specifics. Probably just why are you traveling and how long are you staying for.


                My SO has flown directly to Amsterdam and one time lay-over in Iceland, and has had no problems at all. Rotterdam is a tiny airport and if there's nobody there you're also more likely to get questioned because they have ample time. Same goes for Brussels, it is a LOT smaller than Amsterdam. I've never had any of my friends have a problem with Amsterdam either, so I agree with the others that you probably just got unlucky! I'm a Dutch citizen though so I can't help you with any other perspectives...


                  Originally posted by MissButterfly View Post
                  My SO has flown directly to Amsterdam and one time lay-over in Iceland, and has had no problems at all. Rotterdam is a tiny airport and if there's nobody there you're also more likely to get questioned because they have ample time. Same goes for Brussels, it is a LOT smaller than Amsterdam. I've never had any of my friends have a problem with Amsterdam either, so I agree with the others that you probably just got unlucky! I'm a Dutch citizen though so I can't help you with any other perspectives...
                  I was thinking the same thing of Rotterdam. It was so great in ever other way. It is very much closer to my SO and there was no wait tilme for anything. I was not aware of the size of Brussels and that does alarm me a bit. I will take that into consideration. Thanks.
                  "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                  Benjamin Franklin

